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Wait, guys.
Welcome back to Tokyo.
Tuesday interview are a regular viewer.
Welcome back.
It's good to be back into the swing of Tokyo.
Tuesday's today I want to take you somewhere.
Then I discovered recently and I thought that you might really enjoy, especially if you're a camera lover.
You know what?
Since I've been traveling a lot with my buddy Victor lately, let's give him a call and see if he wants to come along.
How do you want to come to a museum with me?
Yes, it's a camera museum.
Uh, yeah.
You sounds so motivated.
Can you meet me and she not going just a little bit?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Let me get my okay.
I will see you in a short bit.
All right.
I'm gonna go meet Victor, and I will see you guys at the museum in just a second.
This is the place I want to take you today.
This is the use.
A Nikon Ernie I Teoh appreciates.
It is.
It is, But I actually I say Okay, museum.
I got special permission.
Just way.
Usually you can't recording here.
It's actually right behind me.
All right, so this is what I wanted to show you right here.
Even know what this is in God.
Glass something actually, a little thing, right.
OK, but actually cut this into glass for other things.
Like astronomy and fabrication medicine.
They do it all the way.
One of the gentleman from Connie, Let's go with me from Nikon was telling me that this thing weighs, like, 800 kilograms, and actually, they encourage you to touch it as well.
Okay, that friends Lucas, but professional photographers who won't use anything but home because of their class.
This is a whole camera section over there with, like, lens fragile glass.
If you don't mind, I kind of want Check that right.
These right here.
This is kind of the old style where they would just kind of make the block and then smash it apart.
And this one here, Well, you can tell from the difference in organization, but thats one here is under the newer process.
It's all kind of explained, right?
You know, it's funny.
I never really put any thought into actually how the glasses made for photography lenses.
I did.
I have a little bit of an idea Put this down for a second.
All right?
I love I love that framing high.
I want to show this place to you guys, but I also kind of don't want to just, like, walk around like a museum stuff with them.
Not personally, really museum guy.
But I thought we could do something fun, which is we split up for a couple of minutes, take a look around the museum, and they just introduced our favorite point to each other.
Good man's perfect.
What do you guys think?
I can't even have been asking.
OK, all right, so I'm doing pretty good.
I'm gonna go see Victor student you have you figured out what you want to show me?
I think so, Yeah.
There's some interesting stuff out here.
Yeah, I should probably get you to show me your discovery over here.
Is that set up?
Okay, look.
So the thing I found here is actually something they don't really tell people much about, and it's I'm really hard according to, like, space stuff, astronomy and stuff like that.
So look up here, actually have, like, a replica public, and he's getting satellite, okay?
And that's pretty awesome.
Was that no idea.
Then you've got this stuff like this either.
Okay, but it turns out they do like a lot of stuff.
Like I'm talking like, obviously tell us.
Yes, everything.
I wouldn't be surprised if, like, parts of our phone.
Like, I think every kid wanted to be an astronaut when they were space camp.
Did you go, E I diagram?
Was there anything else, sir?
Can I selfishly jump over and Sure, Yes.
You show me, like, a little bit unfair because I got Let's go check it out.
All right, aside from the fact that each one of these lenses is massive and amazing and I want them and the fact that each one is actually pointed towards something cool in the museum later, later, later, later today.
There's something better I want to show you.
Over here.
Over here, Over here.
So this entire section here has night cons like camera history.
Yeah, Yeah, which you can see is quite long.
But there's one specific camera that I'm really interested in.
And that is this one right here, which is actually from my birth year 1984 0 nice.
Is that a beautiful camera?
Made of gold.
Knowing actually isn't medical.
It's not even that I want a gold camera.
Can't want that.
The leather looks really help.
Like I was looking for a film camera to and actually happened right here.
We get them to Okay, let me let me look at you.
So what makes seven to a special?
Um, basically, just want to get into film.
And these air One of the ones that's been highly recommended, so but it will give a shot, right?
I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but one of the reasons that I'm actually into cameras and photography is because my first camera, which was actually my dad's first camera ever, really was a Nikon Nikon me got re agreed.
That is insane amount of cameras and lenses.
Men over here, like the collection of lenses over here, is like almost as exciting as like these.
Aw, this is just like that.
I love the way the light reflects off them all in different colors because of the coatings.
How much would you pay for a lens collection like this?
I don't really know if I need all of them.
As you can tell, I live inside of the world of auto focus.
So there is that.
I could literally hang out here all day, but we're kind of running at a time gift shop.
So, do you usually get stuff from the gift shop?
Not normally, but when it's camera related.
Thanks for putting pressure on the man.
I'm kind of partial to pins just cause Well, because pins How about you?
I'm actually a little bit more parking to Ki Jana.
Those are pretty nice as well.
Do we get it from this machine?
And on, then we give it to you.
Thank you.
Englishmen you.
I was going to do the D five pin.
So on, then.
I'm just gonna go ahead and hit purchase.
I think I can use my past.
No, I'm gonna go for this puppy right here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Why did you get a sense stuff?
Well, this one year, it's the biggest camera, like, literally the biggest.
Why'd you get that one?
Oh, it's like it was made in 1959.
This year's the 60th anniversary.
So Okay, that's cool.
To sense obviously I know what?
Your favorite part.
You know, My favorite part.
You know it just for fun.
I kind of want to know what your favorite part was.
And as I was looking at this, I got an idea.
It would actually kind of fun.
I'm gonna pick.
Someone would have random and send this off to them.
So let me know what was your favorite partner?
Even what you would like to see more of here or what?
You would check out if you have it.
And I'm rambling now.
So it was.
Oh, you like you've got I think I think I made Victor feeling.
He's got to give his away now too.
So, yeah, we're take a second comment and we're to give this away.
It's really nice.
I'll tell you, if you actually I'll, like, get you another one.
If you actually wanted one to keep Well, that because you've already like, Okay, it looks like I'm getting Victor another one.
Anyway, guys, I I hope that you enjoy this.
I was great.
Thank you for inviting me out.
It's We've been spending a lot of time to get the lately.
It just felt anyway.
You guys know that I will be hanging with you in the comments down below.
Victor, you are invited as well.
I wish we had more time.
Yeah, it's closed.
Thank you, guys for joining.
And I will see you again.