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字幕列表 影片播放

  • and we are live according hello hello from the the fire pit here yes east of

    我們根據你好生活你好 從火坑到這里以東

  • Toronto and Scarborough oh man what's of nature paradise I'm sure

    多倫多和士嘉堡 我敢肯定什麼是自然天堂

  • you'll have seen our tiny house in the woods video by now it is our final night

    你會看到我們的小房子在 伍茲視頻,現在是我們的最後一晚

  • here so we thought we would shoot a little Q&A and I know we're dressed a

    在這裡,所以我們認為我們會拍攝一個 小小的問答,我知道我們穿著

  • bit ridiculous right now I'm basically trying to cover every sort of my boxer

    現在有點荒謬,我基本上 試圖掩蓋我所有的拳擊手

  • mosquito where it's mosquito where I also have a jacket in case they come

    蚊子在哪裡我的蚊子在哪裡 也要穿夾克

  • I'll get like a fishing shared a breathable fishing shirt and I've got a

    我會像釣魚一樣分享 透氣的釣魚衫,我有一件

  • cabin sleepwear and we've got a lovely fire going we have our graham crackers

    機艙睡衣,我們有一個可愛的 大火,我們有我們的全麥餅乾

  • marshmallows chocolate so I'm still have half of that kit left yes so yeah we

    棉花糖巧克力所以我還有 那個工具包的一半還剩,是的,我們

  • asked you guys over Instagram to submit your questions we've selected the most

    問你們在Instagram上提交 您選擇的問題最多

  • popular ones and we will be answering them all the juicy gossip oh all right

    受歡迎的,我們將回答 他們都多汁的八卦哦,好吧

  • well let's just dive right into it yeah and we gotta get them right so number

    好吧,讓我們直接深入其中吧 我們一定要弄好它們,所以編號

  • one how do you make money Oh shall I stir it yeah go ahead okay so

    一你怎麼賺錢 哦,我攪拌一下,好吧,所以

  • honestly we've been doing this travel thing probably for about seven years now

    老實說,我們一直在做這次旅行 現在大概七年了

  • and over those seven years we have earned money in very different ways

    在那七年中 賺錢的方式大不相同

  • first off like our first year of travel we had saved up money teaching English

    就像我們旅行的第一年一樣 我們省了教英語的錢

  • in Korea so yeah we had those savings we weren't too stressed and we were also

    在韓國,所以我們有這些積蓄, 不太壓力,我們也

  • trying to get our blogs going our websites going so they would start

    試圖讓我們的博客走下去 網站運行,以便他們開始

  • earning money later on we also started doing some freelance writing I was

    後來賺錢我們也開始 做一些我的自由作家

  • writing for travel and escape we were both writing for Expedia so we started

    為旅行和逃亡而寫作 都為Expedia寫作,所以我們開始了

  • off actually more with our websites yeah we did start recording video when we

    我們的網站實際上關閉了更多 我們確實開始錄製視頻

  • were still living in Korea and our first trip but it was at a very how could I

    仍然住在韓國,我們的第一個 旅行,但那是在非常的時候我怎麼能

  • say amateur level had no idea what we were doing we were editing a Windows

    說業餘水平不知道我們做什麼 在做我們在編輯Windows

  • Movie Maker yeah we were using cameras that didn't have good audio quality back

    電影製作人,我們正在使用相機 音質不佳

  • then external mic not even we worried we

    然後 外接麥克風,甚至我們都不擔心

  • weren't even at the camcorder stage no no yeah video was more of a hobby yes it

    甚至不在攝錄機舞台上 沒錯,視頻更像是一種愛好,是的

  • wasn't making us any money so we were just doing it for fun and honestly at

    沒有賺到我們任何錢,所以我們 只是為了好玩而誠實

  • the beginning it was like awkward skits that we were filming in your apartment

    一開始就像尷尬的小品 我們在你的公寓裡拍攝

  • it wasn't even travel-related those have all been made private don't under them

    甚至與旅行無關 所有都設為私有不要放在他們之下

  • please so yeah it's only in the past I don't know three or four years that

    請,是的,這只是過去的我 不知道三四年

  • YouTube has kind of become yeah our main thing like we really enjoy making videos

    YouTube已經成為我們的主力 就像我們非常喜歡製作視頻一樣

  • it also brings in money through YouTube Adsense sometimes we team up with um

    它也通過YouTube賺錢 Adsense有時我們會與um合作

  • tourism boards to make videos with them and like we also sell a lot of footage

    旅遊局與​​他們一起製作視頻 就像我們也賣很多鏡頭

  • behind the scenes so like will sell our video footage for documentaries or music

    在幕後,所以像將出售我們的 紀錄片或音樂錄像帶

  • videos just random stuff yeah we've sold our photography so really it's like we

    視頻只是隨機的東西,是的,我們已經賣了 我們的攝影真的就像我們

  • make money lots of different ways like we have multiple income stream multiple

    通過許多不同的方式賺錢 我們有多個收入流

  • income streams yeah maybe half of that super smore here

    收入來源 是的,也許這裡有一半超級超級

  • we go how about that you get you wanted to you

    我們去 你得到你想要的怎麼樣

  • want to have the first one so I'll keep going okay I'll keep explaining sure

    想擁有第一個,所以我會繼續 一切順利,我會繼續說明

  • so yeah multiple income streams is really the key that allows us to do this

    所以是多種收入來源 確實是使我們能夠做到這一點的關鍵

  • full-time we have our personal blogs oh yeah those make money - yeah we have our

    全職我們有我們的個人博客哦 是的,那些人賺錢-是的,我們有我們的

  • we have three YouTube channels we have the English Channel the Spanish Channel

    我們有三個YouTube頻道 英吉利海峽西班牙頻道

  • I have an older channel in the past we had some more websites which allowed us

    我過去有一個較舊的頻道 還有更多的網站使我們

  • to earn money through advertising and display ads then it's it's occasionally

    通過廣告賺錢和 展示廣告,那麼偶爾

  • working with brands tourism boards freelance writing and that's what allows

    與品牌旅遊局合作 自由寫作,這是允許的

  • us to keep going if we were if we had all all of our our eggs in one basket it

    如果我們有的話,我們要繼續前進 我們所有的雞蛋都放在一個籃子裡

  • would be very very difficult to make all of this because one thing we've learned

    很難使所有 之所以這樣,是因為我們學到了一件事

  • is that these income streams are very very volatile especially during a

    是這些收入來源非常 非常不穩定,尤其是在

  • pandemic guy yeah so the key really I think to doing well in this

    大流行的傢伙,所以關鍵是我 認為在這方面做得好

  • in this industry is to it's to come at it from multiple income sources and to

    在這個行業中 它來自多種收入來源

  • always be creating new new ones something succeed some things fail but

    一直在創造新的 有些成功,有些失敗,但是

  • it's and I think it's good to experiment right not everything you try is going to

    是的,我認為進行實驗很好 對,不是您嘗試的所有內容都會

  • work out the way you hoped yeah but you always learn lessons from that that you

    算出你希望的方式,但是你 總是從中吸取教訓

  • can take into your next project massively you learn more from your

    可以參加下一個項目 大量的你從中學到更多

  • failures a lot of times than you do from your success good point

    失敗的次數比起 你的成功要點

  • you really there's a lot of life lessons to be learned when something does it

    你真的有很多人生的教訓 做某事時要學習

  • work yeah absolutely so that is the long answer for how we make money how we

    是的,絕對是這樣,這是漫長的 我們如何賺錢的答案

  • afford to travel and stay on the road on that point I should also mention the

    負擔得起旅行並留在路上 那一點我也應該提到

  • reason we're able to be gone so much of the year is because we're not paying for

    我們之所以能夠離開如此之多的原因 那一年是因為我們不付錢

  • an apartment back home we don't have a car like we're not paying for car

    回到家的公寓,我們沒有 就像我們不付錢買車

  • insurance like we don't have a mobile plan cable none of those expenses so

    就像我們沒有手機一樣的保險 計劃電纜這些費用都沒有,所以

  • what we would be spending in like normal life being in one place yeah we just

    我們會像平常一樣花什麼 生活在一個地方,是的,我們只是

  • spend it on accommodations and travel around the rail that's one of the bigger

    花在住宿和旅行上 在更大的鐵軌周圍

  • myths is that travel has to be expensive and it doesn't like that we know people

    神話是旅行必須昂貴 而且不喜歡我們認識人

  • that have you know that they've become nomadic we're not we're no longer

    你知道他們已經成為 游牧,我們不是,我們不再

  • nomadic ourselves but some of our friends who are nomadic spend less money

    游牧自己,但我們中的一些 游牧的朋友花更少的錢

  • on the road than they do living at home and usually that usually it depends on

    比他們在家中在路上 通常這通常取決於

  • where you come from and that's at you in Europe in North America yeah like Canada

    你來自哪裡,那就是你 北美的歐洲像加拿大一樣

  • US Australia certain parts of maybe northern Western Europe and if you're

    美國澳大利亞的某些地區 西歐北部,如果您

  • basing yourself in a country like Thailand or somewhere like that you can

    在一個像 泰國或類似的地方

  • you can easily be nomadic and be spending less money yeah yeah all right

    您可以輕鬆地游牧並成為 花更少的錢,是的,好的

  • that was question number one yeah marshmallow or a s'more number two

    那是第一個問題 棉花糖或第二個

  • somewhere number two I should never choose just in time for question number

    第二個我永遠都不要 及時選擇問題編號

  • two so as we prepare s'more number two the question is do you see yourself

    第二,所以我們準備第二個 問題是你看到自己了嗎

  • doing this type of work for the rest of your life or do you have other plans for

    在剩下的時間裡做這種工作 你的生活還是你有其他計劃

  • the future well can I start with this shirt

    未來我可以從這個開始 襯衫

  • I need to swallow the chocolate first oh my that is so sugary wait a sec I'm glad

    我要先吞下巧克力哦 我那太甜蜜了,等等,我很高興

  • you bought what also water want to keep that in the middle oh I'm gonna need

    你買了水也想保留的東西 在中間,我需要

  • some too not your mine Oh cheap chocolate um I think travel is

    有些也不是你的 哦,便宜的巧克力,我認為旅行是

  • always going to be a part of our lives just because it's our passion yeah we

    永遠會成為我們生活的一部分 只是因為這是我們的激情,是的,我們

  • really enjoy it we love discovering new places and experiencing new cultures new

    非常喜歡,我們喜歡發現新事物 地方和體驗新文化

  • languages new food so that's always going to be in the picture video we also

    語言新食物,所以總是 也會出現在圖片視頻中

  • have a lot of fun editing video like even if we weren't making money with it

    剪輯視頻時非常有趣 即使我們沒有賺錢

  • it's kind of like a hobby we enjoy doing it I could say out of the three things

    這有點像我們喜歡做的愛好 我可以從三件事中說出

  • that we do writing photography video videos my favorite yeah and that's

    我們寫攝影視頻 視頻是我最喜歡的,那是

  • probably for you too yeah yeah and that's why we do spend most of our time

    可能也是為了您,是的, 這就是為什麼我們會花費大部分時間

  • creating videos so I will say that travel and making videos will always be

    創建視頻,所以我會說 旅行和製作視頻將永遠是

  • a part of our lives in some capacity but long-term yes we do have other plans the

    以某種身份成為我們生活的一部分,但 長期是的,我們還有其他計劃

  • work we have other exciting projects yeah announce it at the moment but

    我們還有其他令人興奮的項目 是的,目前宣布

  • because there's a pandemic and everything has kind of been put on hold

    因為有一場大流行 一切都被擱置了

  • but yeah there's some projects that we've been dreaming up and kind of

    但是是的,有些項目 我們一直在做夢,

  • working on behind the scenes for a few years that may be what people to tell

    在幕後工作一些 人們可能會說的幾年

  • you about next year yeah I really hope so so like we want to be able to

    關於明年,是的,我真的希望 所以就像我們希望能夠

  • announce something when it's actually been started that's what we'll say about

    宣布某事時 這就是我們要說的

  • that yeah but in terms of this being our career yeah we we feel like well right

    是的,但是就我們而言 是的,我們感覺很好

  • we feel extremely fortunate to be able to do this as our jobs because we used

    我們感到非常幸運 做到這一點作為我們的工作,因為我們曾經

  • to do this as a hobby like yeah I used to save up all my money I earned

    像我以前那樣業餘愛好 存我所有的錢

  • overseas teaching English in Korea and I would go travel until I ran out and I

    我和我在韓國的海外英語教學 會去旅行,直到我耗盡

  • did that a few times so I mean travels truly was our passion we met each other

    做了幾次所以我的意思是旅行 真的是我們彼此相遇的激情

  • through our travel blogs yeah and um this one mine yeah and yeah so that's uh

    通過我們的旅行博客嗯和嗯 這個是我的,是的,那是呃

  • that's what I've got to say well before I eat this all right question number

    這就是我之前必須說的 我吃這個好問題號

  • three would you ever live in a different country where'd you like answer that one

    三個你會住在不同的地方 您想在哪裡回答那個國家

  • sure well we have yeah we used to live in South Korea for a while um absolutely

    當然好,我們曾經生活過 在韓國絕對有一段時間

  • I'm to me one of the greatest lessons are

    我是 對我來說,最偉大的教訓之一是

  • not lessons experiences you can have in your life it's to go from the country

    不是您可以擁有的經驗教訓 你的生活是從鄉下去的

  • you're from and spend spend time somewhere that's especially if it's

    你來自,花時間 特別是在某個地方

  • somewhere quite different from where you came from yeah yeah I mean it's um a

    與你完全不同的地方 來自,是的,我是說

  • great opportunity you'll learn more about yourself you'll learn more about

    很好的機會,您將學到更多 關於你自己,你將學到更多關於

  • other cultures languages different a great way to get different work

    其他文化的語言不同 獲得不同工作的好方法

  • experience and network and I will say like during the years that we were

    經驗和網絡,我會說 就像我們過去的歲月

  • nomadic we did do longer stints in certain cities where we got a taste of

    游牧,我們確實在 某些我們品嚐過的城市

  • what it's like to live there Chiang Mai bean was like my and Berlin would be

    住在清邁的感覺 豆就像我和柏林一樣

  • examples of things we were like oh we like it here let's stick around for a

    像我們一樣的事例哦 喜歡這裡,讓我們堅持

  • while and kind of you're like a local I remember we spent quite a bit of time in

    一會兒,你就像一個本地人 記得我們花了很多時間

  • Hong Kong and back now our travel preferences have changed a little bit

    香港,現在回到我們的旅行 偏好有所改變

  • yeah we started to prefer smaller places we still still like going to cities but

    是的,我們開始偏愛較小的地方 我們仍然喜歡去城市,但是

  • we were really into big cities for a while mm-hmm and we were really enamored

    我們真的很喜歡進入大城市 而mm-hmm,我們真的很著迷

  • by Hong Kong like five or six years ago actually before we decided to go back to

    像五六年前的香港 實際上,在我們決定回去之前

  • school in Canada we we explored a considered explore doing the same degree

    在加拿大的一所學校,我們探索了 考慮探索程度相同

  • program in Hong Kong would have been a lot more expensive the cost was what

    在香港的課程本來是 成本要高得多

  • ended up yeah the deciding factor yeah yeah it would have been more than double

    最終是決定因素 是的,這將是原來的兩倍多

  • or triple we would have had to pay international student fees and things

    或三倍,我們將不得不支付 國際學生學雜費

  • like that I believe and that was the that was the deal breaker another

    就像我相信的那樣 那是破壞交易的另一個

  • marshmallow number four do you have a five-year plan or do you live day by day

    棉花糖四號,你有一個 五年計劃還是您日復一日地生活

  • week by week month by month Wow well I could totally I could totally see

    每週一個月一個月哇 好吧,我完全可以完全看到

  • why people would think we might live day by day when you watched our videos on

    人們為什麼會認為我們可能過日子 在您觀看我們的視頻的當天

  • our Channel it probably just seems like I'm just gallivanting and winging it but

    我們的頻道似乎 我只是在揮舞著翅膀

  • we do have we definitely do have long term business and personal goals

    我們確實有我們確實有很長一段時間 長期業務和個人目標

  • absolutely yeah I would say definitely yeah we do have long-range plans like

    是的,我肯定會說 是的,我們確實有長期計劃

  • five-year plans we also have one year plans and we also have like monthly

    五年計劃,我們也有一年 計劃,我們也喜歡每月

  • plans too yeah honestly I feel like having goals keep

    計劃也是,老實說,我覺得 保持目標

  • be motivated right it's like okay this is what I want to accomplish let's start

    受到激勵,就像這樣 是我想要完成的,讓我們開始

  • working towards it so yeah I'm definitely the kind of person who likes

    為此而努力,是的,我 絕對是喜歡的人

  • sets goals makes lists I don't keeps track of things and yeah I like progress

    設定目標制定我不遵守的清單 跟踪事物,是的,我喜歡進步

  • there's definitely there's definitely was definitely pending goals although I

    肯定有肯定有 雖然我絕對是未完成的目標

  • would say four or five years ago we were winging it a bit more for sure when we

    會說四五年前 可以肯定,當我們

  • were backpacking yeah I'd say here one and two we were winging

    在背包裡 我要說的是我們正在飛的一兩個

  • him yeah and that was totally fun yeah yeah totally fun like where do you want

    他是的,那真的很有趣 是的,非常有趣,就像你想要在哪裡

  • to go next we're in Malacca what should we do

    下一個 我們在馬六甲該怎麼辦

  • should we hop on a ferry hop on a train I told her I remember that situation

    我們應該在火車上搭渡嗎 我告訴她我記得那種情況

  • we're like are we going to Indonesia are we gonna take a flight to Cambodia are

    我們就像我們要去印尼 我們要乘飛機去柬埔寨

  • we gonna continue on to Singapore look we we changed our mind by like three

    我們將繼續前往新加坡 我們改變了主意,就像三個

  • times a day but we also had fewer responsibilities right you'll also

    一天幾次,但我們也少了 責任,你也會

  • probably probably notice too that if you hadn't have been following our channel

    也許也可能注意到,如果您 沒一直在關注我們的頻道

  • for several years we don't we don't gallivant around the world the way we

    幾年來我們不 世界各地的我們

  • used to like we tend to focus more on on a particular region or country and go a

    過去喜歡我們傾向於專注於 特定地區或國家,然後去

  • little bit more in depth yeah in the past we were just here and there

    更深入一點 過去我們只是在這里和那裡

  • is like zigzagging all over the globe yeah and yeah we prefer to go a little

    就像在世界各地曲折 是的,我們喜歡走一點

  • more in-depth now and it's a travel a bit slower yeah okay let's see you next

    現在更深入,這是一次旅行 慢一點,好吧,下個見

  • question do you want to have kids someday yes yes yes we do want to have

    你想生孩子嗎 有一天,是的,是的,我們確實希望擁有

  • kids I'd like to I think sometimes Sam wants three yeah yeah I mean I'm not

    我想的孩子,我想有時候山姆 要三個,是的,我不是

  • popping one out this year or in the immediate future I'm actually going to

    今年或在 我即將去的不久的將來

  • be an aunt in a matter of days maybe by the time this video goes up already be

    在幾天之內成為一個阿姨,也許 該視頻播放的時間已經是

  • an aunt yeah that's not so true that's so true

    是的阿姨不是那麼真實 如此真實

  • auntie auntie you can do it I think it said both ways to be honest yeah so I'm

    阿姨阿姨你能做到的 說兩種方式都是誠實的是的,所以我

  • really excited for that maybe that'll give me

    真的為此感到興奮 給我嗎

  • some some practice right yeah babe but nothing in the immediate future yeah

    一些練習對吧,寶貝,但是 在不久的將來沒事耶

  • well it's uh it's it's it's a long-term plan yeah we have a few more ducks we

    嗯,這是長期的 計劃是的,我們還有一些鴨子

  • want to get an order before we start making babies let's see number six was

    想在開始之前得到訂單 養嬰兒讓我們看看第六

  • it love at first sight for her definitely just like here's my Romeo no

    對她一見鍾情 絕對就像這是我的羅密歐

  • um I will say Sam and I hit it off right away

    嗯,我會說山姆,我打對了 遠

  • um before we actually met in person right we knew each other online because

    在我們真正見面之前 對,我們在網上認識彼此,因為

  • we were both bloggers we were kind of like in the same circle we had lots of

    我們都是博主,我們都是 就像在同一個圈子裡,我們有很多

  • mutual friends so yeah we had chatted we had Skyped and we got along really well

    共同的朋友,是的,我們聊天了 有Skyped,我們相處得很好

  • so it was like yeah let's meet up and so let's go hang out it wasn't a date it

    所以就像是,讓我們見面等等 我們出去逛逛吧,這不是約會

  • was just like let's meet up with a fellow traveler and like swamp yeah

    就像讓我們見面 同行的旅行者,喜歡沼澤

  • that's so true I remember even on that the second time we met up we met up with

    真的如此,我記得即使在那 我們第二次見面

  • with mark Wiens - yeah yeah hanging out having Korean food

    馬克·維恩斯(Mark Wiens)-是的,經常出去玩 吃韓國菜

  • that was a way back when we got along great right away we had we were we were

    那是我們相處的時光 偉大的馬上我們曾經是我們曾經

  • in creating the same thing or GT English we both wanted to travel it was just

    在創建相同的東西或GT English 我們倆都想旅行

  • like art I mean not only did we did we like each other but but our goals

    像藝術,我的意思是我們不僅做了 彼此喜歡,但我們的目標

  • aligned yeah and that was a big I think that was a big reason why why we ended

    對齊,是的,我認為這是很大的 這就是為什麼我們結束的一個重要原因

  • up getting yeah I think we started dating like a month after meeting person

    越來越好,我想我們開始了 相約一個月後約會

  • yeah yeah oh the chocolate chocolate that was more without chocolate also is

    是的,哦,巧克力,巧克力 沒有巧克力也更多

  • it gooey enough no this one actually needs to be cooked more maybe let's cook

    它夠了沒有這個實際上 需要煮更多,也許我們做飯

  • it a bit longer which gives me time to look up the next question seven most

    時間更長一點,這讓我有時間 查找最多七個下一個問題

  • embarrassing travel moments in public oh man we have a lot you have more yeah

    在公共場合尷尬的旅行時刻哦 男人,我們有很多,你有更多,是的

  • probably that's probably true which story do you want to tell home I thought

    可能那是真的 你想講故事我想

  • we could tell the Hong Kong why don't you why don't you start off by calling

    我們可以告訴香港為什麼不 你為什麼不開始打電話

  • I'm sure we've shared the story before I feel like we have basically Sam and I

    我確定我們之前已經分享了這個故事 感覺我們基本上都有山姆和我

  • were in Hong Kong for the first time and we were supposed to go have lunch

    第一次來香港 我們應該去吃午飯

  • with someone from the PR team from discover Hong Kong the tourism to work

    與來自公關團隊的人 發現香港旅遊業

  • because they were going to give us some passes for some activities that we were

    因為他們要給我們一些 通過了一些我們曾經從事的活動

  • planning to film for them and they gave us an address a time and an address

    打算為他們拍攝,他們給了 我們一個時間和一個地址

  • let's meet here for dim sum and we thought cool I looked at the address

    讓我們在這裡見面,我們 以為很酷,我看著地址

  • this was a neighborhood that we had been in before where they have a lot of

    這是我們曾經去過的一個社區 在他們有很多之前

  • little like you know casual hole-in-the-wall dim sum places so like

    有點像你知道隨便 牆上的點心地方像

  • we didn't really dress up but especially you like Sam wasn't for cash so I think

    我們並沒有真正打扮,但特別是 你喜歡山姆不是為了賺錢,所以我想

  • that the key point was that the only places we had ever had dim sum before

    關鍵是唯一 我們以前吃過點心的地方

  • we're super casual so we just assumed dim sum meant a real casual meow so we

    我們超級休閒所以我們只是假設 點心意味著真正的休閒喵,所以我們

  • hopped in a taxi yeah we weren't running late but like it was raining so we were

    跳上出租車是的,我們沒有跑 晚了,但是就像下雨了,所以我們

  • going to arrive just in time like there wasn't any time to dilly-dally or

    會像那兒一樣準時到達 沒時間來dilly-dally或

  • anything yeah and as we start getting closer to the place and we start like

    是的,隨著我們開始 靠近這個地方,我們開始像

  • going towards the building we realize like whoa we are in a really fancy part

    走向我們意識到的建築物 就像哇,我們真的很喜歡

  • of Hong Kong like were in the tallest building right now we're eating at a

    最高的香港 現在在大樓裡

  • restaurant that's I don't know like it was 50 stories up it was so fancy that

    我不知道的餐廳 有50個故事,真是太奇妙了

  • there was a gold-plated dim sum yeah there were gold flakes and our dim

    有一個鍍金的點心 是的,有金片和我們昏暗的

  • sum and like the higher we went up in the building the more people were like

    總和,就像我們上升到更高 越來越多的人喜歡

  • dressed up walking around in suits I'm dressed in flip-flops

    穿著西裝走來走去 穿著人字拖

  • I have casual shorts yeah and I'm wearing a stretched t-shirt yes yes and

    我有休閒短褲,是的 是的,穿著伸展的T卹

  • where most people are wearing like not just smart business but designer

    大多數人不喜歡的地方 只是聰明的生意,但設計師

  • designer elegant business suits yeah and we get to the top of this restaurant and

    設計師優雅的商務套裝 我們到達這家餐廳的頂部,

  • the what you call the matrix the maitre d like their jihad wrong

    您稱矩陣為maitre d喜歡他們的聖戰是錯誤的

  • yeah oh my gosh like what is this guy doing but we had an appointment we had

    是的,我的天哪,這傢伙是什麼 在做,但我們有一個約會

  • someone to meet so we had to go in so they pull Sam aside with like a little

    有人見面,所以我們不得不進去 他們把山姆拉到一邊

  • bag and they like sir there's a dress code here can you please go into the

    袋,他們喜歡先生,有一件衣服 這裡的代碼可以請你進入

  • bathroom and change yeah they were nice enough to still allow us to eat there

    洗手間,改變是的,他們很好 足以讓我們在那裡吃飯

  • yeah I had to go in and change and the funniest part is that I was uh I was

    是的,我不得不去改變 最有趣的部分是我當時

  • given clothes that were ply for so uh probably for a guy that was a boat maybe

    給了一些適合穿的衣服 可能是對於一個船上的傢伙來說

  • you know at least six to seven inches smaller than me and several waist sizes

    你知道至少六到七英寸 比我小,腰圍幾號

  • smaller than me you say that so I come walking out of the bathroom my pants

    比我小,你這麼說,我來 從浴室走出我的褲子

  • almost look like shorts above his ankle ha I couldn't do up the belt buckle

    看起來就像腳踝上方的短褲 我無法扣好皮帶扣

  • obviously since we're on this dress shirt that I was able to just hover over

    顯然,因為我們穿著這件衣服 我剛剛能夠懸停的襯衫

  • the pants and I sat and had a meal and maybe one of the fanciest restaurants in

    褲子,我坐著吃飯 也許是美國最豪華的餐廳之一

  • Hong Kong yeah wearing that I I was trying so hard to keep a straight face

    是的,香港 努力保持臉直

  • but it was just such a funny sight and you know so I'm you know in all fairness

    但這真是一個有趣的景象 你知道所以我公平地說

  • the person who met us plate handled it so so well yeah

    遇見我們盤子的人處理了它 很好啊

  • they didn't make a didn't even make a remark like it would have been nice if

    他們沒有做甚至沒有做 評論說,如果這會很好

  • she said something like I know she didn't say anything played it cool

    她說我知道她 沒說什麼很酷

  • totally ignored the fact that Sam was very much underdressed and yeah that was

    完全忽略了山姆是 非常得體,是的

  • a learning lesson because now I actually look up look up places when I know I'm

    一個學習課程,因為現在我實際上 當我知道我在

  • supposed to meet someone for a business meeting indeed oh man okay yeah so next

    應該會見某人做生意 確實見面哦,伙計,好吧,接下來

  • question is best birthday spent traveling that's a very good question

    問題是生日最好度過 旅行是一個很好的問題

  • and the thing is we have been abroad a lot we have been but I usually don't

    事情是我們去過國外 我們去過很多,但我通常不

  • make a big deal out of my birthday so like we'll go out for food and like I'll

    從我的生日中賺了很多錢 就像我們出去吃飯一樣

  • have a nice meal and I'm happy but like we normally don't plan anything epic

    吃一頓美餐,我很高興,但是喜歡 我們通常不會計劃任何史詩般的活動

  • like young go stay in a fan the hotel or like book any like special

    像年輕人一樣呆在風扇裡 酒店或喜歡預訂任何特別的

  • activities it's just a North another day in our lives food I've had really good

    活動又是北方的一天 在我們的生活中,我過得非常好

  • Korean food in Paris for my birthday and I'm usually in Fredericton visiting

    我在巴黎過生日的韓國美食和 我通常在弗雷德里克頓訪問

  • Sam's parents for my birthday these days every July so we'll go out for food

    這些天山姆的父母過生日 每年七月,我們出去吃飯

  • together there I just got a question 9 how many countries have you been to you

    在一起,我只是有一個問題9 您去過多少個國家

  • know what's embarrassing is I don't think we know the exact number

    知道讓我尷尬的是 認為我們知道確切的數字

  • well somewhere between 60 and 70 isn't it I counted last year and I think we

    不在60到70之間 我去年數過,我想我們

  • were at like 72 or 73 and I don't think it's gone up much since then we we

    大約是72歲或73歲,我不認為 從那以後我們就漲了很多

  • tacked on most of those countries in our first few years of traveling yeah

    在我們這些國家的大多數國家 是旅行的頭幾年

  • probably the first two years when I ran around Southeast Asia and then we ran

    大概是我跑步的前兩年 圍繞東南亞,然後我們跑了

  • around Europe by train yeah yeah but I mean I I mean I think we're gonna

    乘火車環遊歐洲,是的,但我 意思是說我想我們會

  • naturally hit a hundred someday but it's not a personal goal like we're not

    自然有一天打一百,但是 不是我們不是的個人目標

  • racing towards it no to be honest I'd rather spend like three months in India

    朝著它狂奔我不願意 寧願在印度呆上三個月

  • traveling all the different states and regions then I would necessarily go into

    旅行所有不同的州和 地區,那麼我必然會進入

  • like 15 countries and Europe over a summer yeah I mean sometimes I'd rather

    例如15個國家和歐洲 夏天,是的,我的意思是有時候我寧願

  • go deeper in a place we're also country repeaters like yeah really like a place

    深入我們也是鄉村的地方 像這樣的中繼器,真的很喜歡一個地方

  • we'll keep going back and back and back again to see more of the country yeah so

    我們將繼續前進和後退 再次看到這個國家更多

  • we're often not visiting new places just because we want to go deeper in a place

    我們經常不只是去新地方 因為我們想深入一個地方

  • that we really enjoy but for anyone who does want to hit a hundred countries

    我們真的很享受,但對於那些誰 確實想打一百個國家

  • that's cool that's really cool yeah and also if you want to have a tip to do it

    真的很酷,是的, 另外,如果您想給小費

  • faster you can really rack up the countries in Europe more than any other

    更快地真正架起來 歐洲國家比任何其他國家都多

  • part of the world yeah the Guv all despicable the city states and yes tons

    是世界的一部分 卑鄙的城市國家和是噸

  • of opportunity I cried total so this this question could be interpreted two

    的機會我總哭了 這個問題可以解釋為兩個

  • different ways it says what's the one thing you miss most about normal life

    它說的是什麼不同的方式 你最想念的關於正常生活的事情

  • and I don't know if they mean like normal versus pandemic life or normal

    我不知道他們的意思是 正常與大流行或正常生活

  • versus travel life and being on the road all here

    與旅行生活和旅途中 全部在這裡

  • so how do you want to answer it well interest let's listen water yeah yeah

    所以你想如何很好地回答 興趣,讓我們來聽水是的,是的

  • let's answer it from the pandemic perspective so the biggest change for us

    讓我們從大流行中回答 觀點,所以對我們來說最大的變化

  • has been obviously being grounded not being able to travel to have our income

    顯然已經被擱淺了 能夠旅行以賺取我們的收入

  • down considerably which is this is the truth and the other change is to stop

    下降很大,這是 真理,另一個變化是停止

  • being able to make plans but the biggest change I think has just been just sort

    能夠制定計劃,但最大的 我認為變化僅僅是

  • of being able to embrace the uncertainty I think we've we've had our moments

    能夠承受不確定性 我認為我們已經度過了自己的時刻

  • where we felt annoyed or anxious about what's going on but then we've also had

    我們感到煩惱或焦慮的地方 發生了什麼事,但後來我們也有

  • moments where we've just felt a lot of gratitude like yeah we're in a safe

    剛才我們感到很多的時刻 像這樣的感激,我們在一個安全的地方

  • place we have a we're still able to do our work from the basement we've been

    有一個我們仍然可以做的地方 我們從地下室開始的工作

  • able to get caught up on a lot of things we've been able to focus a bit more on

    能夠抓住很多事情 我們已經能夠更加專注於

  • our health doing healthy juicing going for daily

    我們的健康 做日常健康的榨汁

  • exercise so there we have been trying to make the most of it

    運動,所以我們一直在努力 充分利用它

  • but it's it's we've definitely never faced anything like this before and I'm

    但這是我們絕對沒有 以前遇到過這樣的事情,我

  • sure it's like that for almost all everyone who's watching this ok next

    確保幾乎所有情況都是這樣 接下來每個人都在看這個

  • question when do you think you'll feel safe to resume travel so that's a great

    問您何時會感覺到 可以繼續旅行,所以很棒

  • question to be honest it's been more than three and a half months at this

    說實話的問題更多 超過三個半月

  • point since we started our little quarantine at home with my family yeah

    自從我們開始我們的小點 和我的家人在家隔離

  • so we do feel safe to slowly start getting out there we are obviously

    所以我們確實可以安全地開始 到達那裡,我們顯然是

  • starting first domestically and really and really so we're not venturing very

    首先從國內開始 真的,所以我們不是很冒險

  • far and we're purposely seeking out destinations where it's just the two of

    遠,我們有意尋找 只是其中兩個的目的地

  • us right we're still continuing our isolation here in these tiny houses and

    我們對,我們仍在繼續我們的 在這些小房子裡隔離

  • for our activities we're going hiking enjoying the outdoors we're cooking for

    為了我們的活動,我們要去遠足 享受我們正在做飯的戶外活動

  • ourselves so we're kind of like limiting our contact and interactions with other

    自己,所以我們有點像限制 我們與其他人的接觸和互動

  • people to like prevent the spread we're we're choosing to do nature escapes just

    人們喜歡阻止我們蔓延 我們選擇做自然逃生

  • as you mentioned yeah and we'll start from there and see what

    正如你提到的 我們將從那裡開始,看看

  • happens as things open up I mean obviously different countries different

    我的意思是事情隨著事情的發展而發生 顯然不同的國家不同

  • regions within countries are experiencing the lockdown in a different

    國家內部的地區是 經歷了不同的鎖定

  • manner and so we're just monitoring things

    方式,所以我們只是監視 東西

  • and I think if we do do travel this year there's a very high chance it's gonna be

    我想如果我們今年去旅行 很有可能

  • mostly domestic yes mostly covering parts of Canada yeah and that's actually

    大部分是國內,是,主要是覆蓋 是加拿大的部分地區,實際上

  • quite exciting honest yes like I'm super pumped about seeing more of Canada just

    非常令人興奮的誠實,就像我超級 渴望看到更多的加拿大

  • because yeah I haven't travelled in Canada a lot and we have such beautiful

    因為是的,我沒去過 加拿大很多,我們有這麼美麗

  • landscapes that yeah I would love to get out there and see more of my own country

    是的,我很想去的風景 在那裡看到我自己國家的更多地方

  • right and also some interesting cities to visit too so I mean yeah well we'll

    對,還有一些有趣的城市 也去拜訪,所以我是說我們會

  • just play it by ear yeah but most likely are our next big trip aside from these

    只是通過耳朵播放是的,但是最有可能 除了這些,我們的下一個大旅行

  • little weekend getaways would be somewhere in Canada yeah so I think that

    週末的小假期 是在加拿大的某個地方,所以我認為

  • is all the questions for today we're actually at the 30 minute mark so I

    是今天所有的問題 實際上是在30分鐘標記處,所以我

  • think that's a pretty good link I don't know if the video would be exactly 30

    認為這是一個很好的鏈接,我不是 知道視頻是否恰好是30

  • minutes I might cut it up on the screen we're seeing 30 minutes yeah so thank

    分鐘,我可能會在屏幕上剪掉它 我們正在看30分鐘,是的,謝謝

  • you for sending in your questions if you have any additional ones I would suggest

    如果您有任何疑問,請發送給您 還有其他我建議的

  • you leave them in the comments below yeah well do this that way yeah we can

    您將它們留在下面的評論中 是的,這樣做很好,我們可以

  • do it again issues the most frequently asked once so whatever whatever

    再做一次最頻繁地發布 問一次,無論如何

  • questions you ask will go through and that'll be for the part two of this yeah

    您提出的問題將會解決, 那將是這個的第二部分

  • you know what you can do up vote the questions you want answered so if you

    你知道你可以做什麼投票 您想回答的問題,如果您

  • see them in the already in the comments thumbs up it needs to be answered well

    看到他們已經在評論中 豎起大拇指需要很好地回答

  • guys thanks so much for watching and we hope that you are able to travel again

    大家非常感謝您的收看,我們 希望你能再次旅行

  • soon too like we are consider these types of getaways you know something

    很快,就像我們正在考慮這些 你知道的度假類型

  • nearby something out in nature I think that's a good way to start so yeah and

    我認為自然界附近的東西 這是開始的好方法,是的,

  • we're gonna keep enjoying our s'mores we are thanks guys ciao

    我們將繼續享受我們的smores 謝謝你們ciao

  • you

and we are live according hello hello from the the fire pit here yes east of

我們根據你好生活你好 從火坑到這里以東


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