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  • everyone Jennifer Tarle speech with your pronunciation question people we have a long one

  • today six words we have down from a higher to the lower point done finished

  • dawn day break gown a long dress gun a firearm and gone no longer present so

  • we're really going to focus today on the endings of these words that's really

  • going to help you the most Spelling's get a little confusing because the words

  • are spelled not as they are pronounced so we have down and gown

  • done and gun dawn and gone now I make it some people saying oh I pronounce this

  • differently but again we are going for clarity here so there are variations I'm

  • going to just teach you one way alright so if we're down and gown we are going

  • to use that ow vowel to do that you're going to open wide ow and then pucker ow so

  • it's a oval mouth and your tongue is nice and long and then you're going to

  • move to a pucker and as you move to the pucker your tongue is going to move up

  • doesn't touch anything then you're going to end with the nnn sound you do this

  • touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and the air

  • moves out of your nose next for done and gun

  • we have these short uh sound your mouth is relatively closed yes it is slightly

  • open and your tongue is just relaxed in your mouth uh that vowel is nice and short

  • and then again move to the n nnnn gun done last we have these short

  • in dawn and gone and to do this open your mouth and a wide oval shape do not round

  • your lips and the tip of your tongue will be low in the mouth and the back of

  • your tongue will be pulled up a bit and then move to that n on on yes this is the

  • word on like you put something on top all right so let's get these

  • words a try down gown done gun dawn gone and I'm

  • gonna try them a little faster down gown done dun dawn

  • gone so give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you

  • found this helpful we'd love a like a share and give us a sentence because too

  • many words to think of one today if you're looking for more help check us

  • out on Tarle speech and all of our products on Google Play and iTunes

  • thanks so much everyone have a great day

everyone Jennifer Tarle speech with your pronunciation question people we have a long one


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B1 中級

如何給 "DOWN, GOWN, DONE, GUN, DAWN, GONE "發音 - 英語發音課程。 (How to Pronounce DOWN, GOWN, DONE, GUN, DAWN, GONE - English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 33 5
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日