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  • -All right, Baby Carrot.

  • You ready to learn your kitchen sounds?

  • -Am I ever? I can't wait to learn my kitchen sounds.

  • I can't wait. I'm a baby,

  • and everything is so new and exciting!

  • -Ooh-ooh! Can I help? I know a song for this!

  • -I love songs. They're so much easier to digest.

  • I'm a baby!

  • -I'm guessing I'll regret this but... okay.

  • Hit it, Orange!

  • Wait, why is there a sock in here?

  • -Really? Socks make that noise?

  • -What are you-- what is this? What are you doing?

  • -This doesn't make any sense.

  • -You realize you're teaching Baby Carrot

  • incorrect things, right?

  • -You're confusing the baby.

  • -Dude, a sock would not just go around saying, "I'm a sock."

  • Wow, he really does do that.

  • -[vocalizes]

  • Uh-oh, hand. -What?

  • [screaming]

  • Captioned by

  • -[Orange laughs] Knife!

-All right, Baby Carrot.


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A2 初級

惱人的橙色 - 襪子(什麼是狐狸說? Ylvis模仿)。 (Annoying Orange - The Sock (What Does The Fox Say? Ylvis Parody))

  • 858 32
    Laura Wei 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日