字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 One thing I can say about you right now, is that you are going to die, and yes this is scary, 我目前只能正確預測你一件事:「你一定會死」 聽起來很可怕,對吧 that is why today i am going to use scientific principles to help you understand and cope with the inevitable 所以今天這個主題,就是要教你用科學原理 ending of your life. 理解並消化「生命無常」 Grade 7 was the first i ever processed the concept of dying. I remember freezing in my tracks and thinking, 我在國一那年,第一次認真想過「死亡」,當時我腦筋一片空白, wait so, this is all just going to end? Mommy! 心想:不會吧…我會就這麼死掉!?媽呀! I eventually agreed with my own brain to suppres this fear and just go through the motions of life. 最後我和自己的大腦打勾勾,壓下恐懼成功挺過來 I put excessive energy into schoolwork, got pimples, started date girls, realizing I only wanted to to them 我開始超認真念書、長青春痘、把妹,突然發現我只想跟她們聊 about the Lizzie McGuire movie, so I started dating guys, but it wasn't until my brilliant high school teachers Lizzie McGuire 電影,所以我開始交男朋友,直到遇到一個超棒的高中老師 made me fall head over heals in love with science, that a healthy perspective on death began to emerge. 讓我一頭栽進科學的領域,我才開始用健康的心態看死亡 Your body is controlled by genes that code for proteins that lead to the formation of 你的身體由基因組成蛋白質、蛋白質觸發神經衝動 neural impulses that make constantly search out for meaning in life. 這一連串反應造就生命的起源 This was first shown in a slightly violent study in the 1960. Participants visualized videos of victims 這件事是在1960年有點不人道的實驗中發現的。受試者要眼睜睜的看影片中的人 suffering electrical shocks. the participants watching the 被電擊。觀看影片的受試者們, videos would harshly judge the victims of the shocks as bad people. 會毫不留情地說受害者是壞人 Psychologists and bioligists began to posit that humans feel an inate impulse to create meaning. 所以心理學家和生物學家假設,人與生俱來會賦予事物意義 In this case if you had to watch someone get electrically shocked, then they must have deserved it. 要是你被迫要看某人被電擊,你只能理解為他活該 It is now understood that according to your biology, you and everyone else on the planet will constantly 現在我們知道,根據生物學,你和地球上的其他人都會不斷地 be looking for meaning to life, and to death. So according to science at least you know you're not alone 尋找生命和死亡的意義。因此,根據科學,至少你知道你並不是唯一 in any attempt to explain your own death. 一個試圖解釋自己死亡的人。 Now lets zoom out . Look at the night sky and you see the milky way galaxy full of an estimated 鏡頭拉遠。 看看夜空,你會看到銀河系中 100 billion stars. That is is just one galaxy, there this a billion other galaxies in our observable universe, 估計有 1000 億顆恆星。 那只是一個星系,在我們可觀測的宇宙中還有十億個其他星系, which is only expanded and getting bigger. How can we matter in such an expansive universe? 並且還在不斷膨脹中,那我們在浩瀚無垠的宇宙中又算哪根蔥? Well, put both of your firsts together like this. That is roughly the size of your brain. 來,像我一樣握緊雙拳,這大約是你大腦的大小。 An organ that has evolved over millions of years to have 86 billion neurons and even Glial cells to support it. 這個器官經過數百萬年的演化,擁有 860 億個神經元,甚至還有神經膠質細胞來支持它。 There are more cells in your brain than stars in the milky way galaxy. 你腦中的細胞比銀河系中的恆星還要多。 You have an incredibly biological machine tucked wonderfully into your skull right now, 現在你的頭骨裡有一個令人難以置信的生物機器, that is astonishingly capable of conceptualizing the very idea that our universe is huge, expanding and vast. 它驚人地足以讓你了解宇宙這種無邊無際的概念 Science essential proves you are exceptionally smart. Before you die, 科學本質證明你非常聰明。 在你死之前, you have unique opportunity to live a complex and wonderful life. Like all other forms of life on earth, 身為人類的你可以活得非常精彩,跟地球上所有的生命一樣 you are made of atoms and atoms and molecules smashing into one another, 你是由原子組成、原子又組成分子,分子碰在一起 absorbing energy from your environment, but unique to you, in your amazing brain, 吸取環境中的養分,但人類特別的地方,在於有神奇的大腦 is the ability to contemplate your actions, make decisions, and care. 讓我們能思考我們的行為、做複雜的決定和擁有感情 Now let's zoom in. As a science teacher I know you should all remember drawing 鏡頭拉近,身為自然老師的我知道你們都應該記得 the electron diagrams of the first 20 elements of the periodic table. 你應該記得元素週期表前20個元素吧 This is part of most, worldwide, high school science curriculum's. If you don't remember doing that, 大概全世界的高中都有教這個吧。要是你不記得, then on behalf of all science teachers everywhere... clap clap 我代表全體自然科老師…噹爆你 Eyes on the board please? Thank you. Can we all pay more attention in class? 看黑板好嗎?謝謝。大家給我上課認真點啊 These diagrams were meant to show you that everything in our known universe is made up of 這張圖告訴我們,世上所有東西都是由 protons, electrons, and neutrons. 質子、電子和中子組成 Yes we can get even smaller into the realm of quarks, Bosons or neutrinos, 當然,我們也可以再細分成夸克、玻色子和微中子等 in fact, the sun is constantly emitting neutrinos with 100 trillion of them passing through your body every second. 小知識,太陽每秒都會向你的身體發射100兆個微中子 But let's stay on topic, we're talking today about death. We'll save neutrinos for another day. 咳咳…言歸正傳,我們今天要探討死亡,改天再來談微中子 These protons, neutrons and electrons are all governed by forces that help explain, well, everything. 將這些質子、中子和電子緊密結合的力量,可以用來解釋所有事情 How you evolved how you move, and yes, most importantly, how your phone works (hello?) 像是人類是怎麼演化、移動,以及最重要的,你的電話怎麼運作(喂?) You can describe your whole life based on the positions , velocities, and orientations of all of these atoms in your body, 你可以用體內原子的位置、速度和方向解釋生命 and this is called kinetic theory. 也就是所謂的運動學(Kinetic Theory) You can use the kinetic theory to explain how plants absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis. 你可以用運動學解釋植物如何透過光合作用吸收太陽能 We eats plants or animals that have eaten plants, in order to gain that energy. 我們吃植物或動物來吸收那些能量 Our bodies use that energy to power the process of the special molecule a called ATP, 而身體會利用能量,啟動ATP分子 which powers every part of your life. 進而提供身體各部能量所需 Muscle contraction, transporting molecules throughout the body, synthesizing DNA etc. 像是肌肉收縮、分子運輸及DNA合成等等 And yes, ATP is synthesized in the mitochondria, making the mitochondria the powerhouse of the cell. 而ATP是在粒線體中合成的,所以粒線體又可稱為細胞發電機 Infact, to stay alive, you'll typically create and use your whole bodyweight inATP molecules in one day. 事實上,你每天得製造跟體重一樣重的ATP維生 But, this also means that according to the kinetic, theory, regardless of your religion or spirituality, 因此根據運動學,無論你信什麼教 dying means that life as we know it ends. 死亡意味著身體停止運作 As your body loses the capability of creating ATP, and you start to physically fall apart. 一旦身體逐漸喪失製造ATP的能力,你就會開始退化(/崩潰) And one study found that when given the option to essentially produce ATP forever and live for eternity, 根據一項研究發現,如果有機會能一直製造ATP和獲得永生 overwhelming people said no, they want to eventually die. The fact that death is looming is what makes life so special. 大部分人還是會說,不了,我還是想死。死亡的逼近確實造就了生命的獨特性 And in a wonderful way, death is really the only thing that we all have in common. 好消息是,死亡是我們每個人的共通點 In many ways, death is the meaning of life. 而死亡在許多方面代表了生命的意義 Also passionately learning about science offers the unique opportunity to grasp what science can't explain. 對於科學的熱忱,也讓我得以了解到科學無法解釋的事 And knowing what science doesn't know can bring clarity. Takes these 3 examples of Shawn Caroll's 而了解科學無法解釋之事讓我思路更加清晰,而我想要引用Shawn Carroll寫的 epic book, the big picture. 1 the universe is expanding, 2 humans and chimpanzees share a common anscestor, The Big Picture中的3個例子。一、宇宙正在擴張中,二、人類和黑猩猩有共同祖先, 3 we should live happier and longer lives. 三、我們應該致力於讓人類活得更開心更長壽 The first 2 statements are rooted in science. We use impericism, resoning and observation to explain them. 前兩個論點源於科學。我們用經驗主義、邏輯推理及實際觀察來證明 The last statement is not rooted in science. Science doesn't involve doing experiments 最後一個論點不是從科學出發。科學家從不是為了讓人們活得開心長壽而做實驗 to decide if people should lead happier, longer lives. Science just observes the world and it doesn't 他們純粹只是觀察世界, say whether something is right or wrong. 而非判斷是非真假 Another way of looking at this is through evolution. Evolution is an incredible process based on 我們也可以從演化的角度來看。演化 millions of years of change, adaptation, and impulses. It just follows the laws of nature, 指的是數百萬年的改變、適應和衝動,它只遵循自然法則, but can't explain how to live your life. 無法解釋如何生活 You have the power to change your life. You have the power to care about others, 你才是人生的主人、你才是有能力照顧別人的人 and you have the power life love laugh, babe, and that is incredible. 你才是能活著、愛著、笑著的人,非常了不起吧! After you do inevitably die, you live on in the memories of others for the time being. 在你不可避免地去世後,你會換個形式活在大家的記憶裡 And then, you'll be forgotten in the change and passing of life. 然後隨著時光流逝逐漸被淡忘 There are this any atoms in your body which insanely amazing but, these little guys will eventually stop being you. 你體內有這—麼—多的原子,但這些小傢伙總有一天也會不屬於你 And even though collectively they will no longer be you, it is comforting to know 即使它們不再是你,值得欣慰的是, that they will remain on earth after you have left. 它們還是會在你死後繼續留在地球上 Once gone, even if the whole human race vanishes, the universe will still be here doing its thing, 你死後、甚至是人類滅亡後,宇宙會一直存在 moving along according to the laws of nature. But sticking to right now, 根據自然法則繼續運作 according to science, we are all sharing this universe, 根據自然,人類依舊共享宇宙 sharing the same laws of nature and sharing the same task of creating meaning to what is happening around us. 共同遵循所有自然法則、以及賦予生活周遭意義 It is estimated that you have around 3 billion heat beats in a life time, so it is up to you to make them count. 據估計,心臟在一生中會跳動 30 億次,端看你要如何「跳」得精彩 So, some scientific reasons to not fear death is 1, we humans are meaning making machines, 總結幾個科學原因讓你不再害怕死亡:一、人類賦予生活意義, we can choose to not make death a dreadful thing, and choose to live a meaningful life. 我們可以選擇不讓死亡成為一件可怕的事情,而選擇過有意義的生活。 2, you might feel insignificant, but there lies within you more neural cells than stars in our universe. 二、你可能會覺得自己很渺小,但你體內的神經細胞比宇宙中的星星還要多。 3, eventually you will stop making ATP, but the fact that it ends, is what makes life so great. 三、最終你會停止製造 ATP,但它結束的事實才讓生活變得如此美好。 4, science can't explain everything, so it us to you to choose to live your life to your fullest. 四、科學不能解釋一切,所以我們需要你選擇充實生活。 And 5, eventually your atoms will atoms will stop being you, but you were made of will likely carry on for eternity. 最後,五、你的原子最終將不再是你,但它們可能會永遠存在。 Science is a brilliant way to view the complexity of your life and help inform how you live it, while here, 科學是一種觀察並協助你如何生活的好方法,而在這裡, and thankfully, if you are still watching this, congratulations, you are alive, 值得慶幸的是,如果你還在看這個,恭喜,你還活著! but again if there's one thing I can say about you right now, it is that you, yes you are going to die. 但再說一次,如果我現在能對你說一件事,那就是你,是的,你會死。 I'm constantly on a quest to deal with my own fear of death and this book helped me with this video a lot, 我一直在想辦法解決自己對死亡的恐懼,這本書對我的這段影片幫助很大, its called the picture by Shawn Carroll it is amazing, check it out. 這幅畫是肖恩卡羅爾的作品,太棒了,看看吧~! It talks about morality, consciousness, life, death, and all through the realm of science. 它談論道德、意識、生命、死亡以及整個科學領域。 We'll leave the link to get the book below and make sure you subscribe for more science videos, peace. 我們將留下獲取下面這本書的鏈接,並確保您訂閱更多科學影片,和平!
B1 中級 中文 科學 死亡 生命 解釋 人類 原子 為什麼你不應該害怕死亡 (Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death) 53 4 Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字