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  • all right good morning guys how are you good morning so it is my dad's second

    早上好,大家好 早上好,這是我爸爸第二次

  • day here in Buenos Aires Argentina we rose bright and early to go have breakfast at a cafe

    在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的這一天,我們變得明亮起來 早點去咖啡館吃早餐

  • it's called La Rambla yeah beautiful interiors wood paneling giant mirrors

    叫做La Rambla大道耶美麗 室內裝飾木鑲板巨型鏡子

  • that take up the entire wall the coffee in this series is amazing

    佔據了整個咖啡壁 在這個系列中很棒

  • coffee cafe au lait Cafe con Leche in Buenos Aires best best that you can have

    咖啡廳或咖啡廳 您可以擁有的布宜諾斯艾利斯最好的最好的

  • and this little corner coffee shop that we went to typical coffee shop on osiris

    這個小角落的咖啡店 我們去了奧西里斯的典型咖啡店

  • with the antique wood works inside and time the single by for these places you

    裡面有古董木製品 為這些地方計時單身

  • know you're gonna come back in another 50 years in Buenos Aires and they're gonna just look the

    知道你會回到另一個 在布宜諾斯艾利斯有50年的歷史了

  • same traditional nice you know do the local crowd in there this is reading

    你知道的傳統傳統 那裡的當地人群正在閱讀

  • their newspaper you know yeah yeah this is a city this Buenos Aires is a city

    他們的報紙你知道,是的,這個 是一座城市,這是布宜諾斯艾利斯,是一座城市

  • that there's something here that is easygoing I mean today it's a Sunday the

    這裡有些東西是 隨和,我的意思是今天是星期天

  • day is beautiful there isn't a cloud in the sky and the tranquility that you

    美好的一天,沒有云 天空和你的寧靜

  • breathe here you know like it's amazing I'm very happy to be here today and to

    在這裡呼吸,你知道這太神奇了 我很高興今天到這裡來

  • be walking around and it's a nice city to visit and Buenos Aires Argentina like the

    到處走走,這是一個不錯的城市 參觀和像布宜諾斯艾利斯阿根廷

  • downtown area recoleta and all this part it's a walking City if you know you need

    市區雷科萊塔和所有這部分 如果您知道需要的話,這是一座步行之城

  • to walk here in Buenos Aires to be able to you know to get and to absorb

    可以在布宜諾斯艾利斯散步 你知道得到和吸收

  • everything the architecture every time you look up you see a building that you

    每次都需要架構 你抬頭看,你看到一幢建築物

  • go wow you know if you turn a corner and you're in Paris you turn another corner

    哇,你知道你轉彎了嗎 你在巴黎,你又拐了一個彎

  • and you're in London you turn again and you're in Madrid

    而你在倫敦,你又轉身 你在馬德里

  • it's a it's an amazing place oh yeah if you have the chance to visit don't miss

    這是一個很棒的地方哦,是的,如果 您有機會參觀不要錯過

  • it because it's worth your time and your money to come here a little bit far away

    因為它值得您的時間和您的 錢來到這裡有點遠

  • from the world but maybe that's what it's kept it like you know intact and

    來自世界,但也許就是這樣 就像您知道完整無缺一樣

  • different you know so yeah come and see

    你知道不同 所以是的,來看看

  • you live and frequently at the cemetery what a beautiful neighborhood the best

    你經常住在公墓 多麼美麗的鄰里最好

  • so we are going and now we're in search of one of the best milanesas in buenos aires argentina


  • so we are going to Don Ignacio

    所以我們要去唐·伊格納西奧(Don Ignacio)

  • alright guys so we made it to the restaurants with Don Ignacio and I feel

    好的,所以我們做到了 我和唐·伊格納西奧(Don Ignacio)在一起的餐廳

  • like first we need to mention that they court

    首先,我們需要提及的是 法庭

  • just covered in like vinyls and cluster tickets we've got the Beatles

    就像乙烯基和簇一樣 甲殼蟲樂隊的門票

  • we've got Elvis Jimi Hendrix Jethro Tull's so many different bands if

    我們有貓王吉米·亨德里克斯(Elvis Jimi Hendrix) Jethro Tull有那麼多不同的樂隊

  • you're a music buff you're probably gonna find this place pretty cool and we

    你是一個音樂迷 會發現這個地方很酷,我們

  • ordered two giant milanesas to share because apparently these are massive so we got

    下令共享兩個巨型milanesas,因為 顯然這些很大,所以我們得到了

  • the the special yeah the special milanesa that comes with a two fried eggs on top and

    特別是,特別的米蘭妮莎 上面放了兩個煎雞蛋,

  • the other milanesa and they said yeah you can style with the mozzarella in the oven

    另一個milanesa,他們說是的你可以 烤箱中的馬蘇里拉奶酪

  • yeah tomato sauce and ya know so tomato slices napolitana milanesa yeah it's a small place I think

    是的,番茄醬和番茄知道 切片那不勒斯(napolitana milanesa)是的,這是一個小地方

  • here there is no more than what then in table yeah already it's filling up just

    這裡只不過是什麼 是的,桌子已經裝滿了

  • past noon on a Sunday how about the wine we've got some different one in here

    週日中午過後,酒怎麼樣 我們這裡有一些不同的

  • don't Bellingham bodegas BMG Cheers

    貝靈漢(Bellingham)Bodegas BMG乾杯

  • he's good now we wait for the milanesas to arrive

    他很好,現在我們等著米蘭 到達

  • and then we attack the milanesas have arrived we've already been working for custom in

    然後我們進攻米蘭群島,我們已經到達 已經在自定義中工作

  • threes so we can share and each try a little piece of everything this one is a

    三人制,這樣我們就可以分享,每次嘗試 這一切都是一小部分

  • napoletana milanesa with tomato sauce mozzarella tomato slices

    拿破崙·米拉尼薩 配番茄醬馬蘇里拉番茄片

  • garlic that just smells wonderful that yeah you can smell the garlic in the air

    大蒜聞起來很香 是的,你可以聞到空氣中的大蒜味

  • but this one is the real masterpiece this is their specialty don't even a co

    但這是真正的傑作 這是他們的專長甚至沒有合作

  • with tomato sauce ham mozzarella oregano onions

    配番茄醬火腿芝士牛至 洋蔥

  • to Friday that thing is Jacked and we're gonna cut

    到星期五 那東西是傑克,我們要切

  • everything into three so we can we can try it all mashed potatoes for one yeah

    一切都分成三部分,所以我們可以 嘗試所有土豆泥一次

  • and french fries every the other perfect that's alright okay divide it up and dig

    和炸薯條彼此完美 沒關係,把它切開並挖出來

  • in Sam is gonna start us off with a Napolitan milanesa try and wrestle trying the

    在山姆要以一個 那不勒斯milanesa嘗試和搏鬥嘗試

  • first one so guys it is loaded with tomatoes and cheese looks so good and

    第一個這樣的傢伙 西紅柿和奶酪看起來很好,

  • all that garlic to first big bite me


  • for me one mix is so good it's like we're just bread it to perfection

    對我來說,混合非常好,就像 我們只是完美無瑕

  • yes that's my favorite aspect too it's like been breaded Bickley maybe twice

    是的,這也是我最喜歡的方面 就像被比克利裹上麵包一樣

  • and it's like crispy and brown and golden step through one of the best

    就像脆皮和棕色 邁出最好的一步之一

  • Milanesas I've ever had yeah right up there

    我曾經有過的Milanesas 是的,就在那裡

  • round two cool yeah did you also get the potato sides as well and then your bread

    第二輪很酷,你也得到了 土豆麵也一樣,然後你的麵包

  • and wine yeah it's enough we're good look at all these empty plates empty

    和酒是的,我們很好 看看這些空盤子都空了

  • wine bottles will give a little bit more you know did I tell you or what nothing

    葡萄酒瓶會給更多 你知道我告訴過你還是什麼都沒有

  • nothing else the way look at this everything has been polished yeah that

    沒辦法看這個 一切都已經拋光了,是的

  • means that it's good yeah do we recommend

    意味著很好,我們 推薦

  • yeah absolutely we recommend a place thumbs up in everyone I'm sorry like you

    是的,我們絕對推荐一個地方 在所有人中豎起大拇指,對不起像你一樣

  • eating milanesa you don't need any words in the world period and I'm not

    吃milanesa,你不需要任何 世界時期的話,我不是

  • being biased okay come and visit yeah alright guys so we just finished having

    有偏見好吧,來拜訪 好傢伙,所以我們剛吃完

  • lunch and he just walked a few blocks over to a place called last view and FS

    午餐,他走了幾個街區 轉到一個稱為“最後視圖”和“ FS”的地方

  • yeah for tea coffee and dessert but before I talk about this place let me

    是的茶咖啡和甜點,但 在我談論這個地方之前,讓我

  • tell you the price for lunch so the total was 24 US dollars for eight US dollars

    告訴你午餐的價格,所以總數 24美元兌換8美元

  • per person which i think is pretty good for the quantity of media we had for the

    我認為每個人都很好 對於我們擁有的媒體數量

  • sizes it was it was a good meal to be satisfied yeah

    大小,這是一頓美餐 滿意耶

  • not overly yeah to stuff and for eight dollars per person we whine on

    不太過分的東西,八個 每人不斷增加的美元

  • you cannot go wrong with that all right so our teas and coffee have arrived

    你不會錯的沒事 所以我們的茶和咖啡已經到了

  • Audrey got cheesecake we also got complimentary cookies which we've been

    奧黛麗得到了芝士蛋糕,我們也得到了 我們去過的免費餅乾

  • devouring they were good and I'm having a sale later I'll pick one legit how's

    吞噬他們很好,我正在 待會再賣我會選擇一個合法的

  • the cheesecake it's very good it's got a chocolate layer yes on the bottom and

    芝士蛋糕很好,有一個 巧克力層是在底部和

  • like a strawberry jelly marmalade on top some whipped cream a real strawberry

    像是草莓果凍果醬 一些鮮奶油,真正的草莓

  • very tasty we're gonna share this just


  • okay so we are back in the apartment after a very busy day of eating and

    好吧,我們回到公寓了 經過一整天的飲食和

  • sightseeing last stop for food was less fuel it does where we have tea coffee

    觀光食物的最後一站少了 在我們喝茶的地方加油

  • the cake the little biscuits and I forgot to mention the total there it was

    蛋糕,小餅乾,我 忘了提到那裡的總數

  • about eleven US dollars and I think again that was really good value because

    大約十一美元,我想 再次,這確實是很有價值的,因為

  • you go there for for the setting for the beautiful architecture and the service

    你去那里為設置 美麗的建築和服務

  • and well very tasty food as well and then the setting was really

    還有很好吃的食物 然後設置真的

  • spectacular right yeah and then from there we hopped in a taxi to go visit

    是啊,然後從 在那裡我們跳上出租車去參觀

  • the Museo Estadio Nacional national historic museum yeah which is a place

    國民體育館 是的,歷史博物館是一個地方

  • you've been wanting to visit yes for a while now tell us why well that's a

    你一直想去是的 現在告訴我們為什麼這是一個

  • museum where you have a lot of history of let's say the beginnings of the

    你有很多歷史的博物館 讓我們說

  • nation of Argentina in Buenos Aires it's it's a very it's a small museum is free of charge

    在布宜諾斯艾利斯的阿根廷國家 這是一個免費的小博物館

  • you can make a contribution just over a dollar twenty-five person

    您可以在 美元二十五人

  • per person per person that's about a dollar a US per person now but it's

    每人每人大約 現在每人一美元,但是

  • really worth it because you have a lot of uniforms of the soldiers of the

    真的值得,因為你有很多 的士兵的製服

  • eighteen hundred's the most important thing in the museum is the sword of

    1800最重要 博物館裡的東西是

  • general san martin which was Argentina's Chile and Peru Liberator from the

    聖馬丁將軍,這是阿根廷的 智利和秘魯的解放者

  • Spanish rule and it's it's a nice experience to go see all that stuff over

    西班牙統治,這是一個很好的 經歷去看所有的東西

  • there they also have a lot of other sabers and swords and thought I had that

    那裡他們還有很多其他的 軍刀和劍,以為我有

  • belong to most of the most influent people during the urgent inian freedom

    屬於最有影響力的人 緊急印第安人自由時期的人們

  • struggle and the building itself is very colonial looking it's simple you know

    掙扎,建築物本身非常 殖民地的樣子很簡單,你知道

  • it's not one of those museum that you say or is very elaborate you know and

    這不是你的那些博物館之一 說或非常詳盡,您知道並且

  • Wow you know modern and big and this embodies a very simple old colonial

    哇,你知道現代又大 體現了一個非常簡單的舊殖民地

  • looking kind of a big house when you're walking and you don't know what to do

    看起來像個大房子 走路,你不知道該怎麼辦

  • that day you can one visit is worth day and we're hitting the road tonight yeah

    那天你可以去參觀是值得的一天 今晚我們走在路上

  • but yeah it was great to have a full day and when of sight is to eat really well

    但是,很高興有一整天 看到什麼時候吃得很好

  • and to just explore we'll be back here like the bet the best meal in Asia in

    為了探索我們會回到這裡 喜歡打賭亞洲最好的一餐

  • Buenos Aires Argentina it's so good so ended here and we'll pick up with the

    布宜諾斯艾利斯阿根廷非常好 到此結束,我們將繼續

  • next episode we'll show you the bus ride and when we get up to in our mystery

    在下一集,我們將向您展示巴士之旅 當我們起身神秘時

  • destination


all right good morning guys how are you good morning so it is my dad's second

早上好,大家好 早上好,這是我爸爸第二次


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