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Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of lindaraynier.com guiding you
to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. And today is another Corner Office
Insights video where I'm going to share with you
leadership advice if you happen to be a professional who manages a team at work
whether you're at the Manager, Senior Manager, Director or C-Suite level
and today I'm gonna share with you five very raw and honest reasons why it is
that your employees may not be respecting you at work and what you can
do to turn that around reason number one you've set unrealistic expectations for
yourself when you have high expectations you feel as though you need to be
perfect that you need to know everything and be able to do everything you feel
that as the boss you should have all the answers in reality you know that you're
not going to have all the answers but thinking that you need to creates
insecurities within you and this will lead to anxiety and this anxious energy
that you carry isn't only hurting you but it's hurting your employees because
this is actually what happens when you have high expectations on yourself
this can create direct conflicts with your own employees for example during
the times that an employee may come to you and ask you a question it may lead
you down one of two paths one could be that you give them incorrect advice
because you don't necessarily have the answer but you want to meet your own
expectation of always having some sort of answer or you'll just get annoyed and
frustrated and angry at your employee for asking you a question that you don't
have an answer to and that in itself will also create conflicts with your
employees in either one of these scenarios it will lead you down the path
of having an employee who disrespects you because a you either don't have the
right information or be you can't answer their questions because you're angry or
frustrated at the fact that they're asking you questions so what's the
solution be transparent with your employees on what you do and don't know
if you aren't sure of something you can always say let me look into it and I'll
get back to you or get your employee to look into it themselves so that they can
feel empowered by the fact that they're doing their own research and then making
a recommendation to you being transparent will always allow for flow
of communication between you and your employees on to reason number two while
your employees don't respect you you feel that power and authority comes
mainly from your title verse is anything else what I'm saying here is
that because you hold the title of manager or director or VP that you feel
that inside that should automatically grant you power authority and respect
from your employees well here's a deep truth that I really want you to know and
that is that humans will really only listen and trust those individuals who
they have a strong connection to they respect those individuals not because of
the titles that they hold but more so because of the beliefs and values that
that person possesses so what you need to start doing is to start to pay
attention to what values and beliefs that you are embodying as their manager
if you believe that you and your staff are all in it together and you're all
moving towards a single purpose and you can understand your people in a genuine
and connected way your employees are going to be far more likely to respect
you and to follow your lead reason number three why your employees don't
respect you your employees don't feel empowered because you've relied on fear
tactics to motivate them not everyone does it I must say and you may not have
done this but I have seen it before where fear has been used as a way to
manage and encourage people rather than through positive encouragement and
empowerment and if this is you I'm not here to judge you but I can tell you
that if you're a fear driven manager it's likely because you're afraid that
if you empower your employees too much that either they'll outshine you or
you'll just lose them altogether but if anything the complete opposite actually
happens if you were truly empowering and inspiring to your employees they would
be far less likely to leave you for another company or another manager
rather than if you used fear tactics to threaten them with the idea that they
might lose their job or they might not get a bonus and such and such so instead
of using fear how do you inspire and empower other people simple one way is
to fight what your employees strengths are and to
praise them for that so essentially what you're doing is you're patting your
employees on the back but you're also giving them a bit of a personal and
professional challenge that you want them to meet as well it's kind of like
you're one of those wise Sifu masters in those kung fu movies where you tell your
disciple what they're good at and you acknowledge them for that but then you
actually tell them that if they were to be able to master this other thing that
that would be the real exciting thing to see reason number four why your
employees don't respect you you don't follow up or follow through on your
promises has it happened to you where in a one-on-one meeting with your employee
they make a certain request and on the spot you say yes absolutely that sounds
like a good idea and only to take that back a few days later and to say
actually I changed my mind nothing causes you to lose the trust of your
employees faster than not following through on your word if this is
something that you've done multiple times to the same employees they will
find it hard to believe in the words that you say and to believe in the
promises that you make moving forward so what's the solution well moving forward
if you're ever in a situation where you are in a meeting with your employee and
they are proposing asking or requesting some sort of idea from you then instead
of saying yes on the spot without having thought it through and then having to
take it back later you should just say that you'll think about it and then from
there you'll give them a clear and honest answer that you will actually
follow through on and when you say that you're gonna give them an answer
actually give them an answer don't stay quiet hoping that they forgot about it
that is the worst not following through not giving an answer is worse than just
saying no so remember to always follow through with your answers and to remind
yourself so you don't forget and finally reason number five why your employees
don't respect you you worry a lot that your employees are making or will make
mistakes are you worried that your employees just simply don't know how to
do their jobs this worry
likely playing into your actions and management style it can lead to
something deadly called micromanaging has anyone ever mentioned that you've
been called a micromanager before now I get it I completely understand that when
you feel that you don't have control over something or someone but your
natural reaction is to try to gain control over it but that need of yours
to have to control every aspect is likely to deflate your employees
motivation levels and is going to overwhelm them rather than motivate and
support them so what's the answer the biggest thing here in order to solve
this issue is something called trust now I'm not saying to blindly trust your
employees what I am saying is that after you put in the time and effort to train
your employees to give them short assignments to check on their work and
make sure that they're on the right track you've answered their questions
and you feel good that they are able to do the work that you've assigned them
then you can trust them to do the work that you're now assigning them as well
as opposed to constantly checking up on them and asking them little things that
is likely to overwhelm them but you trusting them means that they
also need to trust you in that you'll be available for them when they do have
questions when they are uncertain about certain things you need to tell them and
let them know that you're there to guide and support them so that they need to
know that you're available I've seen it happen a lot where employees are
actually afraid to ask their managers questions because their managers
reactions tend to be ones of frustration and annoyance because they assume that
their employees should know the answers for everything as well and that can
create mistakes and errors done by the employees because they didn't ask the
questions to their managers and that's that just creates a vicious cycle of the
employees creating mistakes and errors and the manager getting upset with the
employee and not trusting that employee and therefore micromanaging that
employee so you need to be the one to be able to say that you are available for
any questions any guidance any strategies that they need help with and
here is a quote that I think is extremely fitting for this topic leaders
become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower
others by John Maxwell so there you have it my ambitious leaders five real and
raw honest reasons why your employees aren't respecting you and what you can
do about it now if you're someone who's been searching for a new position you
want to make a career change and you've been looking for a while but it hasn't
been working you haven't been successful in
interviews or even in your job applications and you realize that you
need one-on-one help then feel free to reach out to me head on over to my
website lindaraynier.com/standoutgethired read through the page fill out
the application form and if this feels like this is a potential match between
me and you one of my team members will reach out to you directly and we will
take it from there if you like this video then please give it a thumbs up
subscribe share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and I
will see you in the next video.