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  • No matter the weather, some people always feel cold but others swear they have

  • fire running through their veins! Are you sure you guys live in the same house?

  • Aren't you freezing in there Hannah

  • shall we dig in I wonder what's under here isn't it supposed to be cold how do

  • we drink it if I can't hold it it's like lava already while we're waiting let's

  • check Olivia's out it's another soda but this one's frozen solid I'm gonna see if

  • I can pour it into a glass if I can get it open that is he's gonna blow it's

  • angry alright hey watch it oh man I can hardly watch

  • see it's calm now well done girl whatever didn't already explode it still

  • frozen come on get out of here let me try

  • whatever Cheers

  • too hot

  • it's safe to say so does better chilled you'll have room for some more eats what

  • do you rather have piping hot fries or frozen ones open up Hannah my dreams

  • came true oh are yours still frozen Olivia that's

  • ice it's like eating rocks and I sure made

  • out better this round but can she do this I'm still chewing Olivia I some

  • lower says gosh get together and apparently walruses love to share

  • too

  • still hungry soup whoa it smells pretty good though uh no what do I do

  • I guess I won't be eating this today go ahead and try yours Olivia I sure hope

  • this doesn't burn my mouth do something warm your mouth up with this that was

  • scary

  • mmm nothing like a soup lollipop I think regular old hot soup is the better

  • choice but that's just me

  • everything shopping for groceries is a tedious task why not make it a little

  • more interesting then Oh Alice gotcha No are you kidding me all right I guess

  • I'd better not waste any more time you need some pretty tight jaw strength to

  • shop without your hands don't you that bag did not taste good oh man this is

  • seriously embarrassing people are for sure staring at me nothing to see here

  • folks we're shopping just like you Hey shopping without hands forces you to get

  • pretty creative doesn't it luckily everything making it so far has

  • been on the middle shelf I may have spoken too soon all right girl better

  • get on those tippy toes

  • almost there come on and we have contact that you didn't think you'd be getting a

  • workout this evening did you Alice alright proceed next up the freezer

  • aisle

  • I'm so hungry do you think the food delivery guy got lost or something he's

  • here but before you reach out and grab those goodies alice emily has a little

  • surprise for you oh man no hands that's right you're just gonna

  • have to carry this stuff a different way hey I'm not a table Missy thanks a lot

  • for the grub of mr. delivery man okay bye

  • here take this guy Lu mouth and I'll hang this one on your ear giddyup get

  • moving haha it's like having my very own mule in the house oh the cake is

  • slipping and there we go looks like we have a kick test Rafi on our hands don't

  • we but perhaps not all is lost not all of it is touching the floor so it's

  • probably safe to eat right as long as we eat off the top we're in the clear that

  • cake must be good they're eating it off the floor for crying out loud oh yeah

  • totally worth it when it comes to writing important emails at work

  • uninterrupted concentration is key and choosing just the right words is crucial

  • especially when the letters to your boss Oh looks like Olivia's co-worker Alice

  • is up to no good yep that's the look of mischief alright

  • you'd better finish typing fast girl because you're about to get hit with the

  • no hands challenge

  • read it and weep my friend he's gotta be kidding but I'm at work

  • nope can't let those fingers touch those keys Olivia how am I supposed to finish

  • this email I'll use my next best pointy body part

  • my nose your computer has spellcheck right Olivia how my nose is getting

  • tired yeah how long have you been standing there Alice no don't you dare

  • press send please I just sent my boss an email with

  • a little typos I'm so going to get fired what oh boy

  • I'm sure in trouble now whoo that looks bad I'm so glad I'm not you right now I

  • bet you're wishing you called in sick this morning art too

  • hmm what to wear what to wear this is pretty cute what do you think Alice it

  • looks exactly like the one you stole out of my closet give it back to me what are

  • you thinking it's my sweater is that my phone oh yeah

  • I have a date tonight with John oh my head is throbbing why am I on the floor

  • huh

  • well you both wanted to wear the sweater right good it won't come off no time to

  • fight we've got to get ready I wonder if these are ripe yet you kind

  • of need two hands to peel a banana yeah this tastes terrible can you lend a

  • hand I'll hold it and you pull it Claire

  • yes teamwork makes the dream work wait a second

  • that was my banana oh man I still have one bite I guess here you go friend

  • nothing like a hot date with a third wheel right one if only I can use

  • chopsticks with my left hand I don't have the luxury of being hand fed like

  • Alice I totally deserved that don't worry

  • Alice I only have eyes for you yay chopsticks unite hey get out of here

  • let's not let Claire ruin our date honey Cheers

  • that's enough this is a date for two yikes John is not a happy camper let's

  • hug this one out okay guys huh was I dreaming talk about a nightmare

  • ouch my forehead kills stupid sweater does your head hurt too clear let's get

  • up let's pick up where we left off okay whoa these clothes are super cute

No matter the weather, some people always feel cold but others swear they have


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A2 初級 美國腔

24小時冷食與熱食挑戰賽!|| 趣味挑戰和惡作劇由123 GO!金 (COLD vs HOT FOOD CHALLENGE FOR 24 HOURS! || Funny Challenges and Pranks by 123 GO! GOLD)

  • 28 1
    奶茶是笨蛋 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日