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Remember your very first crush, sweaty palms and Oh facing heart were a regular
occurrence, especially when sitting next to them! Hmm
do you like me? Kevin has a crush on me?My goodness!
kevin is my one true love I'm going to answer this letter right away to let
Kevin know I heart him I can't wait to tell my mom please be yes please be yes
ah isn't young love simply the cutest if only talking to your crush stayed this
carefree and easy
then there is high school you guys thank you could come up for air anytime soon
teenagers and their hormones am i right child you every single day your mom is
sweet enough to make your lunch and when twelve o'clock rolls around opening up
your food is like enjoying a little piece of home what did my mommy pack for
me to date looks like my favorite turkey and cheese but wait there's more
my favorite banana smoothie in it that's the orange for dessert best Ella looks
like great moms think alike right high school you oh look mom that's my lunch
again D do so what will Bella eat today for lunch at school us yes teacher turn
around so I can finally eat my candy bar whoa was that my stomach geez who
brought a lion into class I guess I could share my snack sounds like Bella
needs it more than I do geez Bella way to be polite
oh man is it really time to get up already
yikes it's already past 6:30 Tom huh girl wake up wake up looks like Kevin
isn't as much of an early riser keV if you don't get up now you're not going to
have time to get ready for class phew looks like he's finally waking up
oh maybe not girls have to wake up on time otherwise
they won't have time to put on a fresh face of makeup but what a boys care they
can use that extra time to sleep in a little longer Oh alrighty time to pick
out my outfit for the day blue Kevin are you seriously still in
bed oh this outfit makes my shoulders look too bulky Kevin's gonna have to
roll out of bed and head to class in his pj's at this point see this is why girls
need so much time in the morning they can't decide what the heck to wear ah
finally a second god I hate everything I own I need a completely different
wardrobe oh no don't cry Jen you look great no matter what you wear you know
what I think I know exactly what I can wear today okay Kevin if you don't get
up now you shouldn't even bother Wow finally
he's alive whoa is that me is my breath okay at
least he's good enough Wow
Kevin sure God dress pretty fast why do girls keep so much longer because they
pay much closer attention to detail nobody's gonna see through those knees
anyway okay now I'm ready today is gonna be awesome and believe it or not Kevin
woke up a whole hour later and got ready in a fraction of the time just a little
bit of boy magic I guess it looks like Jennifer came down with a nasty bug
going around I wonder if I have a temperature I'm not
going to let a fever get me down I have way too much to do today to just lay
here in bed I'd better get up then no girl is gonna let a stupid sick day ruin
their stride boys on the other hand definitely will let a little bug ruin
the day well looks like I don't really have much of a fever meanwhile Jennifer
is working through her fever it even has time to clean the house and have a great
time doing it I might add you're going to feel sick regardless so why not get a
few household chores in while your body fights off that bug right wait this
looks super intense good thing I have a microscope Andy at all times find out
exactly what's going on here what there's a nasty little germ is just
making himself right at home that's one ugly bugger I'm never going to be able
to unsee that am i hey Jennifer looks like she's feeling much better it's a
good thing she didn't stay home sick she wouldn't have gotten so much done
Kevin studying too but his reading material is a bit different than
Jennifer's officially dying my friends are going to be so sad when
they hear it's the end of me and he even remembered to leave a will house marked
come on Jeff wake up we still need you here huh seems like you were having a
weird dream let's see here whoa it's a good thing you stay at home
for sure
no matter how late it is there always seems to be enough time to check your
Instagram before hitting the hay is coming quick hide the phone and pretend
you falling asleep gonna freak out if she sees I'm still awake as late on a
school night no here she comes Lilly did I hear you moving around in
there is it that moms can always tell your life did I just see an eye twitch
nothing can fool a mother's day what a sweet little angel she's fast asleep
here you go sweetie see you in the morning is she gone yes
she totally fell for it uh hey Instagram every kid knows that
when moms asleep is she still asleep
oh no she's about to wake up now you're really pushing it Lilly but when it's
the other way around monster noise they want no matter how much you need your
beauty rest what is it the apocalypse out there it's
only 6:30 in the morning is she crazy but as long as there's work to be done
mom is ready to get things done don't kill your mom don't kill your mom not
worth it haha this guy is hilarious I could watch him fall off that bike all
day long poor Lily there's no way she's going
back to sleep after there seriously a blender that's the loudest appliance in
the house
oh hey almost least that was really close
I'm coming oh you'd better tell me the next time
girl you may want to rethink having all those houseplants Emily seems like your
allergies are in full bloom these days when you're feeling yourself stopping to
take a selfie is crucial but what if you're in public place without anyone
noticing you can quickly sneak in a little pic and move on with your day but
having a selfie session in the privacy of your own home is a whole other story
before you know it one quick snap turns into a full-fledged photo shoot no funny
face or ankle is off-limits quick take it before that guy turns
around oh man this bathroom lighting is great oh hello gorgeous
whoops okay I think the coast is clear super smooth no matter how funny
something is laughing in public it can be a delicate science you don't want to
let your cackling laugh scare people away but when it comes to laughing alone
a whole better off getting coffee up your nose was totally worth it
this movie is hilarious when you're out at a party dancing by yourself is the
most awkward thing ever but when no one's watching your living room becomes
an exclusive dance only zone isn't it funny that dancing in a crowded room
full of people is only half as fun as dancing alone at least no one here will
judge moves like these but luckily you have that drink - awkwardly cling on -
would it be really the end of the world if you'd rid these crazy moves out on
the dance floor oh definitely go do that one it's okay Olivia your secret moves
are safe with us