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  • Hello. I'm Nayaswami Anandi.

    大家好 我是納亞史瓦米阿南蒂

  • I'm here today to show you some ways that you can sit more comfortably for your meditation.

    今天要為大家示範幾種 讓靜坐冥想更為舒適的方式

  • When you're not comfortable, sitting in meditation,


  • it's a lot harder to relax and bring your mind inward.


  • So our goal today is to show you some ways that you can have your spine upright and

    今天的目的就是要示範幾個 能保持脊椎直立

  • yet the body be so relaxed and comfortable that you can just forget all about it.


  • We'll look at three basic ways of sitting comfortably.

    我們會示範三種 基本且舒適的坐姿

  • Our first position is sitting cross-legged on the floor.

    坐姿一 就地盤坐

  • This is my friend Phouvang


  • and you can see that when Phouvang sits on the floor unaided


  • her back begins to sag at the bottom of the hips and goes all the way up through the top.

    你可以看到當普昂坐在地上 沒有任何支撐時

  • Her pelvis is tilted backwards.

    她的背從臀部的地方開始 彎曲並往上延伸

  • So what we're going to do to solve that is give her some height under her hips.


  • This tips the pelvis forward and makes it very easy to hold the spine upright.

    我們的解決方式就是 在臀部的地方幫她墊高

  • Phouvang has her hands palms upright, close to the trunk of the body. This also helps to elongate her spine.

    這樣骨盆就會往前 使得脊椎可以輕鬆地保持直立

  • Sitting cross-legged on the floor is a wonderful pose for feeling very stable and grounded in your meditation

    普昂的手心向上靠近身軀平放 也有助於脊椎的直立

  • The disadvantage is that many people find their knees begin to hurt or their hips begin to hurt.

    就地盤坐是一個很穩定 有助於冥想落實的姿勢

  • So we're going to show you now a second way of sitting on the floor.

    缺點是很多人覺得 膝蓋或臀部會不舒服

  • The second way of sitting on the floor is on a kneeling bench.

    所以我們要介紹 第二種在地上的坐姿

  • the kneeling bench offers the advantage of the stability of the floor and

    坐姿二 使用跪坐椅

  • the tip to the pelvis that helps to make holding the back upright very easy.


  • One disadvantage that people sometimes find is that it's hard on


  • The ankleshaving the ankles flat on the floor.


  • So I'd like to show you a way that you can offer some support to the ankles.

    有個缺點就是 有些人會覺得腳踝不太舒服

  • Put a rolled-up towel underneath the ankles to offer support.


  • One other thing that's helpful for a person on a kneeling bench is for them to have a

    所以接下來要示範 如何支撐你的腳踝

  • blanket or pillow on which to rest their hands.

    在腳踝下方 放置捲起的毛巾提供支撐

  • Having the blanket there as support for the hands helps to take pressure off the back and the shoulders.


  • When Yogananda came to this country in the 1920s,


  • he realized that most Americans were not at all prepared to sit on the floor whether


  • cross-legged or a kneeling bench and so he highly recommended that people do their meditation in a chair,


  • and that's what we'll show you next.

    他發現大多數的美國人 不習慣坐在地上

  • The third pose we're going to look at is sitting in a chair.

    無論是雙腳交叉或跪坐都一樣 所以他鼓勵人們在椅子上靜坐

  • For many people that's all they need to do to feel perfectly comfortable.


  • But I'm going to show you just a few other things you can do to help yourself feel a little bit more comfortable.

    坐姿三 坐在椅子上

  • The first thing we'll do is we'll look at the thighs and the angle of the thighs and the floor.


  • We want the thighs parallel to the floor. You can see that Phouvang's knees are a little lower than her hips.


  • This means that the chair is too tall for her, so in order to correct that I'm going to get some

    接下來我要提示幾個 讓你坐得更舒服的要點

  • blankets and put them under her feet.

    首先我們要注意的是大腿 及大腿和地面的角度

  • Having her thighs parallel to the floor as they are now,

    大腿要與地面平行 現在她的膝蓋略低於臀部

  • actually relieves pressure in her low back.

    表示這椅子對她來說太高 因此需要做些調整

  • The next thing we'll look at is adding a little bit of height


  • under her hips in order to give a little bit of the forward tilt to the pelvis as we looked at in the other poses.


  • That forward tilt to the pelvis


  • makes it a lot easier for her to hold her spine upright.

    接下來要做的是 稍微墊高她的臀部

  • And then there's one more thing that I like to often add, I use it myself, is

    使骨盆稍微前傾 如同前兩個坐姿一樣

  • adding pressure to the low part of the spine. The pressure at the base of the spine


  • stops the pelvis from sagging backward and makes it very easy to hold the upper body upright.


  • Then there's one final tip that's very fun.


  • Sometimes people find that they have pain in their upper back or their shoulders and

    就是在下背部增加一點壓力 支撐脊椎底部

  • it's almost a magical solution to give them some height underneath their palms.

    可防止骨盆後彎 也能更便於維持上身直立

  • As you can see Phouvang has her palms resting upright in her lap close to the trunk, which is a good position,


  • but just to take a little pressure off her shoulders and back. I'm going to put a blanket there.


  • This is surprising in how much it allows the spine to relax.

    其實只要墊高手掌 就能有效地獲得舒緩

  • So you have here many different types of props.

    她現在手心向上放在近身的腿上 姿勢非常好

  • As you meditate more your spine will get stronger and your needs may change.

    但如果再加上一條毯子 可以更減輕她肩背的負擔

  • So just experiment. Wherever you have discomfort, try some of these ideas and see if they can help you.


  • You'll find that when your body is comfortable and relaxed

    現在你看到 許多不同部位的支撐

  • you'll enjoy your meditation much more.

    越常靜坐你的脊椎會變越強 你的需求也許會改變

  • May your meditations bring you great joy.


Hello. I'm Nayaswami Anandi.

大家好 我是納亞史瓦米阿南蒂


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