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  • - People ask me, so how do you go to the bathroom?

  • I don't know.

  • I learned when I was little.

  • I've never known any other way.

  • I don't really know how to answer their question.

  • (slow upbeat music)

  • My name is Mack Potts and I'm a piano player.

  • - I'm Cindy and I'm a PhD student.

  • - Yeah, I am.

  • Total blind.

  • - I was born totally blind.

  • - Oh my God, annoying things people ask.

  • (sigh)

  • - How much time do you think we have today?

  • - How do you do your job?

  • - How could you find the bus, you're blind

  • - Can I pray for you?

  • Can I bless you?

  • - How do blind people have sex?

  • Well, some of the most intimate things

  • are done in the dark, anyway.

  • Think about it, you visual people.

  • - Do you see anything?

  • Do you see any sun, can you see any light?

  • - You can see, can't you?

  • - Sir, how long have you been, uhm,

  • visually....

  • You mean blind?

  • And they're like,

  • "Yeah, yeah, that."

  • And, like, it's okay.

  • - People wanna know how I've lost my vision

  • and, like, I don't really wanna talk about that

  • with strangers, you know?

  • - I think it's a very personal question

  • and usually it's irrelevant.

  • - You know let's just be real, the elephant's in the room.

  • - I feel like they are probably imagining

  • that they don't know what they would do

  • or how they would function if they lost their vision

  • so they, like, can't even articulate a specific question

  • to ask me.

  • - Uh, yes, there's a lot.

  • If I am walking down the street

  • trying to find an establishment or an address

  • but I'm confused, I'll say,

  • "Oh, excuse me."

  • I can hear people walking by, they won't answer,

  • they'll just keep walking.

  • Or they'll try to stay quiet,

  • thinking that I won't know that they're there.

  • - So, sometimes I'm saying something

  • and I might offend someone

  • and they just kind of walk away

  • in the middle of a conversation

  • so I'm suddenly talking to myself.

  • - Because you are blind, you can't wear fancy dresses.

  • - Because I like it.

  • - Oh, well, I'm totally in your situation

  • because, like, three months ago

  • I twisted my ankle and I had to use a crutch

  • for, like, a week, so I totally understand your world.

  • And I'm like, "Uhhhh...not exactly."

  • And I don't wanna, like, discredit

  • those experiences that people have

  • but they have no idea.

  • - I have dated some blind people

  • and sometimes people will be like,

  • "Hey, do you realize your girlfriend's beautiful?"

  • I'm pretty sure they already felt like

  • whatever I look like is beautiful

  • and they don't need someone in public to let them know.

  • - Sometimes people talk to me in my ear really loud

  • like I'm deaf and I'm really confused

  • because they think that blind people have better hearing

  • but then they yell right in our ear.

  • - The most annoying thing people do is grab me.

  • - They'll grab you.

  • - Grab a hold of my arm and start pulling me.

  • - Pull you along.

  • - Pull me by the arm.

  • - Push me.

  • - To let me know that it's okay

  • to cross the street or go through the door.

  • - And I have to just politely go,

  • "No, I take your elbow."

  • - Get your fucken hands off me, you know?

  • I don't know what's happening,

  • I don't know if I'm gonna be mugged

  • or if they're just trying to, and they're,

  • "I'm just trying to help."

  • I'm like, "Well, great, but please use your words."

  • - They should be asking first,

  • "Do you need any help?"

  • You know, talk to normally.

  • - And let me have the opportunity to respond

  • whether I want you to help me or not.

  • - I do think being a young woman

  • contributes to my anxiety and frustration about this

  • because I'm always somewhat alert, living in a city.

  • - If I'm about to fall down some stairs

  • or there's, like, a giant pit I'm about to step into,

  • feel free to grab me to save my life,

  • but if it's just 'cause you think

  • that I can't cross fourth avenue on my own, back up.

  • - Sometimes I need the help and I ask for help

  • and I'm totally willing to accept help.

  • - I think people, for the most part, mean well.

  • - You know, they're trying to help

  • but they don't know how to help.

  • - There's tons of blind people in this city

  • going around, doing things every day,

  • working, playing, at the bar, wherever, right?

  • It's kind of crazy, actually,

  • just some of the strange things

  • that people believe about somebody

  • that they don't know anything about.

- People ask me, so how do you go to the bathroom?


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A2 初級 美國腔

盲人告訴我們哪些問題最讓他們惱火|盲人描述|剪紙 (Blind People Tell Us Which Questions Annoy Them the Most | Blind People Describe | Cut)

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    chengye.cai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日