字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 There's really no difference between here and home. 這裡和家其實沒有太大的差別。 It's just everything's compacted down to a 14 by 14 room. 唯一不同的是所有東西被壓縮在 14 x 14 的空間內。 Once you start staffing your lookout, you're gonna be working 10 days on, four days off, late June until usually mid-September. 一旦到了工作崗位,你會從 6 月下旬到 9 月中旬工作 10 天、休息 4 天。 It's a pretty quiet existence. 這算是一個非常安靜的存在。 This is my 24th season as a Fire Lookout. 這是我第 24 季擔任火警監視員。 Really it's just you and the wind and the time just melts away. 其實就是被大自然包圍,時間會過得非常快。 My name is Leif Haugen, and we're at Thoma Lookout. 我是雷夫.豪根,而我們在托梅火警瞭望台。 A fire lookout is a structure that sits on top of a mountain or a ridge-top that has a good view of the surrounding country and the staffer, then, is tasked with living there for extended periods to watch for fire. 火警瞭望台是一種位於山頂或山脊上的裝置,有著優良的視野可以觀看周圍的景緻,而工作人員則需要在那裡長期居住,監視火警。 It's funny, 'cause I get a lot of questions about the standard day. 很有趣的是,常會有人問我平常工作流程是什麼。 You wake up with the sun. 你會隨著太陽升起而醒來。 I mean, it's hard to sleep in a room of glass much beyond sunrise. 說實在的,很難在日出過後在玻璃房間裡睡著。 First thing I'll do is make a cup of coffee. 我做的第一件事是泡一杯咖啡。 (instrumental music) (背景音樂) And usually I'll have that first cup of coffee on the front porch, sit out there, watch the sun come up. 我通常會坐在前陽台喝第一杯咖啡,看著太陽升起。 Certainly every morning I go out for a walk. 當然每天早上會出去散步。 I check in at 10. 早上 10 點打卡上班。 (radio chatter) (收音機雜音) Hey good morning, I have 67 degrees. 早安,今天是 (華氏) 67 度。 I take the weather every day at two. 我每天會在下午兩點時測量氣溫。 Winds are calm, skies are clear. 風和日暖,天空晴朗。 And checkout at 4:15. 下午 4 點 15 分下班。 (radio chatter) (收音機雜音) Have a good day. 祝你有美好的一天。 I think the solitary nature, when there's really no fires going, the only thing I might do is check in on the radio twice a day. 我覺得獨自處在大自然中,在沒有森林大火時,我一天可能只需要在收音機回報狀況兩次。 That might be the only time I really talk unless I'm talking to myself. 除了自言自語之外,這可能是我一天唯一需要說話的時候。 I think what's so tricky sometimes talking about the lookout experience, is you're not talking to anybody about it. 我覺得工作上最難解釋的部分是你不太需要和任何人講話。 So you more intuit it, you more experience it. 比較像是你自己憑直覺去感受的體驗。 I think that's why I always use the term resonance because you just can feel it and sense it. 這應該是我為何會使用「共鳴」這個詞來形容我的感受,因為可以具體地感受到它。 Maybe that's fanciful but it certainly is the way I feel about it. 也許那是幻想,但這就是我真正的感受。 You know you just find yourself sitting on the porch watching the world go by for hours on end. 你會發現自己坐在陽台上好幾個小時看著世界持續變化。 It's beautiful. 真的非常壯觀。 When you look at, you know, the lifestyle of a fire lookout, it can be a hard choice at times, too, you know, I'm missing a wedding tonight. 當你認真思索火警監視員的生活型態,就會發現其實有時候是個很難的決定,因為像我今天晚上會錯過一場婚禮。 Over the course of the summer, you might miss a lot of stuff in your life. 在整個暑假期間,你有可能會錯過很多生活上的趣事。 But certainly every summer I keep coming back because living on top of a mountain for days on end, is just such a beautiful chance at making a life of it. 即便如此,我每個暑假還是會回來因為連續好幾天。住在山上是非常美好的生活體驗。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 GreatBigStory 收音機 陽台 大自然 工作 太陽 隱居山中的生活是什麼樣子? (The Quiet Life of the King of the Mountain) 41352 1125 Celine Chien 發佈於 2020 年 08 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字