字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So our plan for today is just to produce as much sewage as possible, 我們今天的計畫是盡可能的產生更多的廢水 until we eventually get the volcano to erupt. (Oh lord here we go.) 直到這座火山噴發 And to help us with that cause, we are going to set up some new land - 為了達到這點我們要開發新土地,並讓人口填滿這半座城市 we're going to start populating this half of the city. 「RT為什麼你這麼想毀掉西維吉尼亞」 "RT what do you have against West Virginia" - 我沒有啊但看來Todd Howard想毀掉這裡超過76次 I don't have anything against West Virginia, but apparently Todd Howard 現在我得小心點 ... like, wants to destroy the place 因為不像上次我們有張完全空白的地圖,這次我們有一堆路在這 76 times over. OK來了 Now, I have to be real careful with this because 喔這真的太慘了 like, unlike last time where we had, like, a blank canvas 好了,完美 we DO actually have a bunch of road here. 好,我們有個坑了 OKAY HERE WE GO 等等為什麼我們破產了等等 In-game news announcer: "... You should seek shelter immediately if any is available!" 為什麼... ... Oh that was lame. ...每個人都死了 Oh there we go. Perfect. 然後我們重新讀檔 Okay, we've got the crater. 難道說我就不能在這一小塊土地上下一場隕石雨 Wait, why did we get bankrupt now? Hang on. 因為他們完全沒準備好 (Laughing) Why is - *wheeze* 只要花一周的時間就能把浴缸填滿了,我們有很多水啊 everyone dead? 建一個完美的圓 We're just gonna reload the save. 看起來挺安全的 Are you telling me I can't, like, just rain meteors down on this bit of land? 「不用一下地形工具嗎RT?」 Because they can't go a day without putting the kettle on. 我有用地形工具啊!就叫隕石 Just fill the bathtub for, like, a week! 好了 You'll have plenty of water. 蓋好了警察局 Look at this SMOOTH circle. 而且只擋住半個華盛頓街 (Noice) 我對我的市民最好了 Yeah, that looks safe. 這就是為什麼我們要多開墾一些 "Use terraforming tools, RT" - 市民生病了 Well, we ARE using the terraforming tools!! 我們的市民生病了 They're called meteors! 我們有個診所 There we go. 服務整個地區 Working police station! 喔我的天,看看這個範圍 And it only covers HALF of Washington Street! 所有地方的人都生病了 Only the best for my citizens. 我們得在每個隕石坑中建一座診所 Uh - which is why we're going to cram in some more of them. 這是在開玩笑嗎 "Citizens are sick." OK我們得建很多診所,但這會花掉一大筆錢 How are citizens sick? 而且這坑的犯罪率也很高 We have one clinic! 我很抱歉,太多人死掉了 covering the entire place, like how- 我們沒辦法服務這些新市民 Oh my god, yeah okay you can look at the reach. 我很抱歉 They're all - they're all sick, all over the place. 疫情還在蔓延 We need, like, a clinic in every one of these craters, are you kidding me? 我的天,半數的房子已經廢棄了 Okay so we need a BUNCH of clinics then 我們沒辦法看到火山爆發了,因為人們一直病死 but that's gonna cost us so much money. OK,我們要再讀檔一次 And then apparently crime is high in this pit too!! 都在同一天,但這裡可是西維吉尼亞 I'm sorry, too many people are dying. 「我們的水被汙染了」「這裡的水被汙染了」 (wonder why) 哪裡? We can't afford those new citizens. 這裡的水沒汙染啊 (Laughing) I'm sorry!! 「到檢視水源那邊」你們在說什麼啊 The plague is still spreading! 污染很正常啊各位,這是城市的一部分 Oh my god, half of these houses are just abandoned. 這個坑被汙染了,那裡也汙染了 We're never going to see this volcano erupt because people are just dying of disease. (Maybe because of the "volcano"?) 這些區域本來就要被汙染的,沒事啦 Okay, we're going to reload again. 你們太緊張了 Welcome to Groundhog Day but it's West Virginia. 「把汙水管移走」它沒做什麼事啊 "Poo water" "Water pollution" "There is water pollution" - OK,移走- Where? 你們一直叫我 There's no water pollution. 把那些管線移走 "Move the water tower" - What are you guys talking about? 好我會移走這些管線 Guys, the pollution is fine, it's contained! 如果你們再叫的話我下次放個抽水機到下面 See? 我完全不關心這些人的死活 That's a pollution pit. 我真的不在意 That's also pollution. 我已經殺了他們兩次 Like, those are the areas that are supposed to be polluted, it's FINE! 為什麼我不能在這裡放個垃圾場? You guys are freaking out about nothing. 哪裡錯了 "Move the pipes and the poop thing" -They don't do anything. 垃圾場,沒人會在乎那些垃圾從山上掉下來 Okay, move? 你們有很多垃圾問題 (Laughing) You guys keep screaming at me 那我就把垃圾場蓋在你家 to move those pipes? OK我就這麼做 Oh, I'll move those pipes. 好了 Oh, I'll put a pump down there next if you're not careful. 把它蓋在學校裡 I - I - I don't care if these people die. 他們還在抱怨犯罪率 I really don't care. 我的天,這坑永遠沒辦法開心起來 I'll kill - I'd kill them TWICE 我想做的只有填滿這座大便火山並殺了他們 if I had the opportunity. 那不是我! Like, why can't I put the dump there? 我的天它正朝著我們 What's wrong with it? 謝天謝地它只打到火山 The dump! No one cares if stuff falls off the mountain. 我要在隕石坑外蓋東西 You guys have so much issue with the bins 我只是想要提高人口密度,反正我們最後總能毀掉整片土地 Can I just build a dump over your homes? 我的...垃圾集中系統 [文字]我們的垃圾集中系統怎麼了?垃圾堆的到處都是而且還有大批蒼蠅! Okay, you know what imma do? Jeremy如果你被我找到的話你會是第一個死的人 There we go. 不做事卻在Twitter上抱怨 Build it on the school. Jeremy就是那種當災害來臨時,會用標籤來祈禱 They're still complaining about crime. 思考和祈禱 Oh my god, just this crater is never going to be happy. 你得積極點Jeremy All I wanna do is erupt the poop volcano and kill them. 你得真的行動起來改變世界,和我們的社會 in-game news announcer: "Astrologists report that a devastating meteor -" 去他的這傢伙 THAT WASN'T ME 這裡就是他住的地方 Oh my god, it's coming right for us. 看來他就在這個街角商店工作,等等 Oh thank god, it hit the volcano. 這就是當你在Twitter上用那些標籤時會落到的下場 I'm building outside the crater. 各位,剛剛Jeremy發生了不幸的意外 I'm doing it just to get high-density, we can destroy all this land afterwards. 而我們就到社群網路上打個 #為Jeremy祈禱 "I want a garbage collection service." 對,蓋棟新商店 Jeremy, if I find you, you'll be the first to die. Jeremy應得的 Do nothing but complain on Twitter. OK,我們剛剛蓋了更多汙水排水管 Jeremy's the kinda guy, whenever there's a disaster in the world, 我們花掉更多錢了 that's using, like, the #PRAY 把我們的鼠標放在這一段時間,看一下... Thoughts and prayers. ...會花多久,這些波浪看起來已經有點像潮汐 You need to be an ACTIVIST, Jeremy. 經過一段時間,我想它正在慢慢上升 You need to achieve actual change in the world 而且看起來升到一定高度後會比在一開始更花時間 (Laughing) ... in our society. 我們會蓋更多排水管,只是需要賺更多錢 Screw this gu-- This is where he lives! 而要賺錢的話我們得擴大城市 Apparently he's working in the Quiet Corner Shop, hang on. 「他放棄在坑洞裡建城了?」 This is what happens when you use those hashtags on Twitter. 每次我想在坑裡建城時到最後總是會陷入一片混亂 (Laughing) YES!!! 我想這麼做但......大家都死了 Guys, a terrible accident has occurred to Jeremy. 我們需要另一座公墓 If we could all go on social media, just type #PRAYFORJEREMY 到底會有多少人死掉 Yeah, let's build the new shop. 在直播的最後 That's what Jeremy gets. 對這些路真的不太好 Okay, we just increased the sheer volume of poop we're now producing. 喔天啊 ... We're losing a lot more money. 在大便淹到最高點時立刻結束直播 Okay, let's leave our mouse cursor here for a moment and let's just see - 這會很殘忍 how long it takes. 我們快到了 Now, there are waves. It's starting to develop, like, a tidal system. 自從我們加裝新排水管後它上升了一大段 I think over time, I think it is gradually rising. 在大便火山爆發前我們在這裡建個災難避難所 It's starting to spend more time, like - 你不把、你不把大便火山當一回事!? above the mouse than below. 這就是為什麼你是第一個死於大便火山的人 We're going to add more poop pipes soon, we're just trying to make more money. 在火山裡弄一個海嘯 And to make more money we need to just expand the city. 當你需一個這個時你知道你的汙水問題很嚴重了 "You're just giving up on building craters - " 「蓋更多排水管」在這個時間點我覺得這已經不是重點了 Well, every time I try to build craters, like OK好吧 the freaking city, just like, plunges into chaos. 我們能再加幾根 I would do it, but everyone dies. 「我們什麼時候才能玩真正的Cities Skylines?」 We need another cemetery, like how many, like, people are going to be dead by the end of this stream? 這裡就是真正的Cities Skylines! Yeah, these roads are pretty bad. 你在說什麼啊 (Laughing) Ohohhh god 你知道,只是這裡會招致悲慘的自然災害 (Laughing) "End the stream right before the poop reaches the top." 首都 That would be so cruel. 可以建港口了 We ARE almost there. 等等,可以嗎 Like, it has risen astronomically since we've installed the new pipes. 不行,我想這裡不能,我只是想在這建個港口 Here, we'll get the disaster shelters in in advance before the poopcano strikes. 我只是想看看能不能建在這裡 I mean, you don't take the poopcano seriously? 我-我也不知道到最後會怎麼樣因為有人說 That's how you're first to die in the poopcano. 這洪水什麼時候才會摧毀家園 "Put tsunami buoys in the volcano." 所以這排水系統會出什麼事 You know you've got a sewage problem when you need one of these. 時候到了 "Get more pipes" - At this point, I don't know how much it matters. 岩漿要冒出來了 Okay, alright! 來了 We can get a few more. 有人才在這裡蓋好新房子 "Will you ever do a real City Skylines?" 我們把火山填滿了 This was a real City Skylines!!! 人們正回報下面的洪水 What are you talking about?! 雖然沒辦法看到 You know, it just incurred a tragic natural disaster. 下面還沒淹水 Capital City! 就幫他們一把吧 "Can set up a harbor." 不! (Laughing) WAIT - Can I...? 排水管! Nooo I don't think there is -- I was wanting to set up a harbor. 排水管! (Laughing) I was gonna see if I could set up, like, a port. (Now I'm disappointed :( ) 等等冒出來了!冒出來了! I don't know how this eruption's gonna go as well, cause someone just pointed out that, like, the - 這邊也給一些 When this floods it's going to destroy all the homes. 讓火山溢出來 So what happens to the poo production? 喔天啊我們把這裡砸出一個洞了 (Country Roads playing softly in the background) It's time for the end. 喔對嚇到她了 [文字]夠了!我要打包東西搬到山洞。別再有更多著火的大石頭砸到我頭上。 #隕石撞擊 #別再來了 Mount Lama's gonna erupt. 歡迎來到西維吉尼亞州 Here we go. 管線問題? Someone is building a new home, the ballsy man. 確認管線有覆蓋需要的範圍。 (Country Roads hits the chorus) 如果你有多條管線,你可以將它們聯繫起來,綜合它們的能力。 We filled the volcano. 別擔心我等等就去修 People are reporting flooding down below. 對我想這裡有個堵住的馬桶,在精神上的坑洞裡 It's hard to see. 我想這就是問題所在 There's no flooding down below yet. Let's give it a hand, here NOOOO THE PIPES THE PIPES! WAIT, IT'S ERUPTING! IT'S ERUPTING!! OHOHAHAHOH OHOHOH (RT Dies) Let's get some on the sides. Spill the volcano. Oh my god, we've just punched a hole in the side of it. OHHOH GOD (Country Roads gently playing while panicked news reporter screams) OH YEAH THAT'S DRAINED HER! THAT'S DONE IT Welcome to West Virginia. (reading the pop-up notification) Yeah, no, don't - don't worry I'll fix those pipes later. Yeah, I think there's a backlogged toilet in, like, South Crater. Think that's the problem.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 火山 汙染 大便 市民 毀掉 垃圾 當城市規劃中的城市天際線爆發出滿是糞便的火山時 (When City Planning in Cities Skylines erupts a Volcano Full of Poop) 179 0 Mumu Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字