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There is more to quelling stress than yoga and meditation.
[Eat this for less stress] In fact, eating the right foods can help keep you calm, too.
[吃這個來舒緩壓力] 事實上,吃對食物也可以鎮定情緒。
Here are three of our favorite soothing foods.
First up, chocolate.
Research found that eating a small square of dark chocolate daily can help keep you calm.
It seems as though the flavonoids in this sweet treat work to lower stress hormones, and this is especially true for folks with high anxiety.
Don't go overboard, though.
In the study, just 1.4 ounces of chocolate was enough to do the trick.
研究顯示,只需要 1.4 盎司的巧克力就足以達到鎮定的效果。
Second, try oatmeal.
Oatmeal is a whole grain.
Healthy carbs like this spur the release of the brain chemical, serotonin, which has a mood-boosting effect.
Add oatmeal and other whole grains like quinoa and brown rice to your diet to help reduce stress.
Finally, sweet red peppers are full of vitamin C, which may help clear the stress hormone cortisol from the blood.
最後,紅甜椒富有維他命 C,可以幫忙清除血液中的壓力激素皮質醇。
In one study, people who consumed high doses of vitamin C before tackling stress-inducing activities had lower blood pressure, and recovered faster from the cortisol surge.
在一項研究中,那些在壓力誘導活動前攝取大量維他命 C 的人,血壓較低且能較快從皮質醇激增中恢復。
Of course, stress can sometimes cause us to overeat.
[portion control] So reach for all foods, including these, in moderation.
[控制份量] 因此,食用包含上述這些食物時要適量攝取。