字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Doing anything successful, doing anything important is going to take discipline. 做任何成功或重要的事,是需要紀律的。 There's always gonna be a reason to wait, there's always gonna be a busy schedule. 總是有拖延的原因,總是有繁忙的行程。 There's always gonna be something unexpected that happens. 總是會有意外的事情發生。 It's always going to be that way. 事情總是會演變成那種地步。 You have to work through it. 你必須解決問題。 You have to prioritize your study and make it more important than everything else going on in your life, but a lot of you don't want it enough. 你必須將你的課業擺在首位,使它比生活中其他事物還來得重要,但許多人不想要這樣。 It's easy to fall into loving the idea of something and it's hard to fall into the habits of action to actually achieve the grades you're aiming for. 愛上一件事很容易,但是為了真正達到你想要的成績而養成行動的習慣,是很困難的。 It's not about after the vacation or after the film or after the YouTube video, it's about right now. 關鍵不在於度假後、看完電影後,或是看完 YouTube 影片後,而是「現在」。 People who succeed stick to the plan regardless. 成功的人無論如何都會堅守計畫。 When you tell yourself you're going to study 4 hours tonight for your exam next week, you need to do it. 當你告訴自己為了下週的考試,今晚要讀四個小時的書,你就必須做到。 You are all curious about what the secret is, why certain people succeed when you don't succeed. 大家都很好奇秘訣是什麼,你失敗但某些人卻成功的原因。 Well, I'm gonna tell you why. 我來告訴你們原因。 Successful people while you're whining and crying about how things are hard and why things aren't fair, guess what they're doing? 當你因為事情太難和事情不公平而抱怨和哭泣時,猜猜成功的人在幹嘛? They're doing the studying. 他們在唸書。 You have to commit to becoming better. 你必須變得更好。 You have to commit to being a person of action. 你必須學著做個有行動力的人。 You have to commit to being someone who doesn't just talk but follows through. 你必須學著不要只會說,還要將事情完成的人。 Become someone who does instead of someone who just talks. 做一個行動派,而不是一個光說不做的人。 But you have a choice, you've suffered enough already, you deserve to do well. 但是你擁有選擇權,你已經遭受夠多的痛苦,你應該做得更好。 You already know what failure feels like, so now it's time to know what success feels like. 你已經嘗過失敗的滋味,所以現在是時候體驗成功的滋味了! So I'm not gonna lie to you, I was scared of going to university. 我老實跟你說,我之前很怕進入大學。 I did so poorly at school, I was rejected by university after university but one let me in. 我在學校表現得不好,一家又一家的大學拒絕我入學,但是有一家錄取我了。 And I told my professor what happens if I put in all these years and I don't get it. 我告訴我的教授,如果我這些年的努力都付之一炬,我該如何是好? He said well what if you put in all these years and you get it. 教授回答我,如果你的努力有所回報,你會怎麼做? And I got it and it changed my life. 我了解教授話中的意思,而這改變了我的生活。 I went from being at the bottom of the class at school to being in the top 5% at university. 我的在校成績從原本的吊車尾,變成全校前 5% 。 I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and doors opened for me that I didn't even know were there. 我畢業的 GPA 是 4.0,這為我開啟了我以前從不知道的大門。 I smashed one exam then another then another and it fed the hunger inside me. 我成功通過一個又一個的考試,填補了我內在對知識的渴望。 You carry on like that and you'll climb to the top of your class within a couple of months. 你不斷堅持下去,就會在幾個月內爬升至班上前幾名。 Your friends will ask you if you've started studying for the exam yet and you'll smile because you know you're so organized and motivated, you started studying two months ago. 你的朋友會問你開始準備考試了沒,你會微笑以對,因為你早在兩個月前就開始唸書了,你知道自己是如此地有條不紊且自動自發。 While they're studying overnight in the library panicking the night before the exam, you'll be relaxing getting ready for bed, knowing you've earned that rest. 當你的朋友們在考試前一晚驚慌失措,並在圖書館熬夜唸書時,你卻放鬆地準備上床睡覺,因為你清楚自己該休息了。 You're ready for the exam tomorrow, you've been ready for weeks because you've got your hunger back. 你準備好應戰明天的考試,你已經準備好幾個禮拜了,因為你再次渴望獲得知識。 You're not the same person you were last year. 你已經蛻變了,不再是之前那個人。 You're not that little kid that leaves their studying for the last minute. 你不再是小孩,會拖到最後一秒才唸書。 You look nothing like that, you've grown, you've evolved, you're twice the person that you were back then. 你變得不一樣了,你成長、進化,你比之前進步太多了。 You knew what you were doing wrong and you made the adjustments that were needed to take you to the next level. 你知道自己做錯的地方,為了帶領自己前往下一階段,你做了一些調整。 You have an incredible journey ahead of you and I wish you all the luck in the world. 不可思議的旅程在前方等著你,祝你們好運。 if you continue doing the same tomorrow that you did today, I know exactly what grades you'll get this year. 如果你每天持續做一樣的事,我清楚地知道你今年可以得到的成績。 Just look at last year because if there's no improvement there in your studying then you'll just continue getting the same grades. 看看去年的情況,因為你的學業沒有進步,所以你會原地踏步。 So if I had a chat with you tonight, one-on-one, just you and me. 如果我今晚要跟你談話,一對一,只有我跟你。 My personal advice to you would be reach down inside of you and come up with more of those remarkable human gifts that you have within you. 我給你的個人建議會是,深入自己的內心,找出更多自己身上所擁有的了不起的人類天賦。 They're there waiting to be utilized and then change anything in your life that you want to change. 天賦等著你去開發利用,接著改變你人生中任何你想改變的事。 And I challenge you to do that because I know you have the ability to change. 我鼓勵你們這樣做,因為我知道你們有能力可以改變。 If you don't like how it is for you, change it! 如果你不喜歡發生在你身上的是,那就改變它! If you don't like your grades, study more. 如果你不滿意你的成績,就更努力地念書吧! If you don't like your body, go to the gym. 如果你不滿意你的身材,就去健身房運動吧! If you don't like your friends, get new friends. 如果你不喜歡你的朋友們,那就交些新朋友吧! You don't have to be the same after this video. 在看完這支影片後,你可以改變自己。 And if you are, it's completely your choice. 如果你還是保持原樣,那完全是你的選擇。 Take full responsibility, don't complain, be prepared, be kind and go out there and study. 負起全部的責任,不要抱怨、隨時準備好、保持友善,踏出舒適圈並唸書吧!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 考試 成功 成績 改變 看完 教授 只會光說不做?邁向成功的秘訣 (This Is Why You're Procrastinating…And How To Fix It) 25809 1212 Annie Huang 發佈於 2020 年 09 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字