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To cook a good dish, you need a few things.
Good ingredients, sharp knives, and time.
Here in this restaurant, they have a stew, which has been cooking for, well, a really, really, really, really, really long time.
(Speaking Thai) Welcome to Wattana Panich restaurant.
(泰語) 歡迎光臨 Wattana Panich 餐館。
(Speaking Thai) My name is Nattapong Kaweenutawong.
(泰語) 我叫 Nattapong Kaweenutawong。
This isn't your normal Bangkok bistro.
They have been serving the same beef stew for nearly five decades.
他們的牛肉燉湯已經提供將近 45 年了。
No, not the same recipe.
Literally the same soup: same giant pan, same broth, same soup.
是一模一樣的湯: 一樣的巨大平底鍋、一樣的湯底、一樣的湯頭。
(Speaking Thai) Our beef noodle soup--called neua tune--is popular in Bangkok because the broth has been preserved and cooked for 45 years, thus giving it a unique flavor and aroma.
(泰語) 我們的牛肉麵湯叫做 neua tune,在曼谷很有名,因為這個湯底已經被煮超過 45 年了,所以有獨特的風味跟香氣。
(Speaking Thai) For 45 years, the broth of our soup has never been thrown away after a day's cooking.
(泰語) 45 年來,這鍋湯底從來沒有哪一天被丟掉過。
(Speaking Thai) We have kept the broth overnight, and then used it to cook the next day's soup.
(泰語) 我們會把湯底放隔夜,然後隔天繼續用它來煮湯。
Using an ancient cooking method known in some cultures as Hunter's Stew, this award-winning broth becomes tastier the longer you cook it.
(Speaking Thai) The main ingredients added to our noodle broth are stewed beef, raw sliced beef, meatballs, and other internal organs.
(泰語) 我們的湯麵最主要的食材有燉牛肉,切塊的生牛肉,肉丸,還有其他內臟。
(Speaking Thai) Of course, the most important thing is the broth.
(泰語) 但當然,最重要的還是湯底。
(Speaking Thai) All the ingredients are added to it and then stewed together.
(泰語) 所有的食材都要加進去一起燉煮。
Now, you might be asking, "What's that ring around the pan?"
Well, that is 45 years of broth spillover.
那是累積 45 年所溢出來的湯。
Think of it as a tradition.
(Speaking Thai) Wattana Panich restaurant is a family business. My mother is the main chef and cooks the soup in the morning.
(泰語) Wattana Panich 餐館是家族事業。我的媽媽是主廚,負責在早上煮湯。
(Speaking Thai) I usually cook from afternoon to evening, while my wife takes care of everything in the restaurant.
(Speaking Thai) I am the 3rd generation, and we have three children. I hope they will be the 4th generation to run the business.
(泰語) 我是家族第三代,我有三個小孩。我希望未來會有第四代能接手這個事業>
And now the most important part, the taste.
Mm, mm, mm.
Oh, this is delicious.
45 years ... 45 ... Well, if you are ever in Bangkok make sure you check those guys out.
45 年...45... 如果你有去曼谷,記得要去看看!
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