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  • slow brain Introducing astronaut Snoopy First astronaut on only beagle toe.

  • Make it to Mars.

  • What will you do today, Snoopy?

  • What's that?

  • Snoopy?

  • Mars Rover is broken.

  • Great idea to fix it with that wrench.

  • Snoopy.

  • You're supposed to be fixing the rover.

  • No skateboarding on it.

  • You're not really going to use that?

  • Meet your rockers a ramp, are you?

  • You haven't practiced your skateboard tricks in ages!

  • Whoa!

  • I said you were the greatest Beagle astronaut known to man.

  • We did not discuss world's greatest skateboarder.

  • Be no Snoopy!

  • Stay calm.

  • There are lots of planets you can land on.

  • Look, there's an orange one.

  • What's wrong with that one?

  • Too hot.

  • Not enough shade, right?

  • How about that blue one?

  • Too much shade.

  • Snoopy, We don't have time to be picky.

  • Look, there's one war in the distance Aren't enough dogs?

  • Oh, come on, Snoopy.

  • You're the only dog in space.

  • Oh, Snoopy!

  • You like being the only dog in space, don't you?

  • Look, there's the Hubble telescope.

  • Grab on to it!

  • It's huge!

  • Good job, Snoopy, Did you know the Hubble telescope is used for looking at stars and planets from far away?

  • It makes things appear much closer?

  • No, Snoopy.

  • I don't think you can use it to spy on the cat next door.

  • What's that?

  • A space capsule?

  • Grab onto it, Snoopy.

  • If you great job snooping, you've got the space capsule.

  • Now you can go anywhere.

  • Oh, my stars are so beautiful.

  • See all the constellations.

  • I think that's the Orion right there.

  • And over there, that looks like the Big Dipper.

  • Snoopy know everything can be named after you.

  • Isn't it enough being the greatest beagle astronaut known to mankind?

  • Oh, right on the world's greatest skateboarder.

  • Looks like you're heading towards Earth.

  • Let's go home.

  • You're nearly there.

  • Be careful parachuting down that Paul is perfect for landing your home safe.

  • Except, uh, you forgot to fix the driver.

  • Silly Snoopy.

  • Looks like you'll just have to go back to Mars.

slow brain Introducing astronaut Snoopy First astronaut on only beagle toe.


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