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  • - What the fuuuu--

  • - I'm Russian, this guy right here is American.

  • - I'm Russian.

  • - I'm clearly the American.

  • - It's very cold here.

  • - Of course she has a Russian jacket.

  • - What kind of drinks are you expecting?

  • - I think of Wodka, with a W.

  • - That's it, vodka?

  • - Yeah, vod--

  • - Okay, let's surprise him,

  • let's show him what mother Russia had.

  • - Looks like beer.

  • - Yeah, it smells like beer, it's just beer.

  • - Oh my god.

  • - Holy shit.

  • - So this is actually called Yorsh.

  • - Ah, I love Borscht.

  • - Nope, very different.

  • Borscht is red beet soup, this is beer and vodka.

  • - Know what's funny, is that

  • it tastes like beer and vodka.

  • - I just need to move to Russia.

  • This is some smart sh*t.

  • That's how you know he's Russian.

  • - I need to take a nap!

  • - This is how the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  • got their superpowers.

  • - This is Tarhun, it's a traditional drink from Georgia.

  • - Do I detect a hint of green?

  • And bubbles?

  • - I teach you Russian tradition, you ready?

  • - Yes.

  • - Before you drink, every time you must say toast.

  • - To my beautiful future Russian wife.

  • (crickets chirping)

  • - Oh, I like that.

  • It's not too sweet.

  • - So this is like Russian Sprite.

  • - That was great, I mean, I'd,

  • keep 'em coming.

  • - Keep it going, let's go.

  • - Smells like nail polish remover.

  • - Nail salon.

  • - Yeah, oh, wait a minute.

  • - What do they give you guys in Russia, what the f*ck?

  • - Mmm, mmm.

  • My favorite childhood drink.

  • Is good, yes?

  • - This is great!

  • - Doesn't taste like a nail salon.

  • - The acetone--

  • (tongue sounds)

  • Allo!

  • - He's so drunk, he's so drunk, he's drunk!

  • - It's kind of like a ginger ale with like a weird,

  • like a slight hint of I don't know what that is.

  • - Like ginger ale?

  • - This looks like some sort of Russian cola?

  • - Why does this smell like a plate of dinner or something?

  • (sniffing)

  • - Your smile is white as the snow on an afternoon.

  • No, that was horrible, man!

  • In Texas we say stuff like,

  • "darling, you're so pretty,

  • "you're the only lone star I need."

  • - I like, I loves it!

  • - That's a good one.

  • What do you think? No?

  • - You take black bread, rye bread,

  • and you soak it overnight in water,

  • and that creates fermentation, and then so basically,

  • this is liquid bread.

  • - Oh, it moves so slow!

  • - Oh!

  • Ew! Ew!

  • - This is uh, Ryazhenka, which is baked milk.

  • - It's very good, no?

  • You're gonna get used to it, he gonna get used to it.

  • - Beauty hurts.

  • - This is great, we get to try water.

  • - Doesn't smell like anything.

  • What is that!?

  • - I don't understand this drink.

  • It doesn't make any sense.

  • - It tastes exactly what it would taste like

  • if you woke up in the morning, didn't brush your teeth,

  • still had your nasty retainers in there,

  • and then took a sip of water.

  • - Yes! Yes, it tastes like nasty retainer!

  • - If you took like, beach water

  • and then made it like seltzer,

  • it's like seltzer beach water.

  • - It's mineral water.

  • It's very very healthy,

  • it has a lot of amazing health benefits and,

  • also, it's a Russian trick to cure hangover.

  • - Whoa, it smells like breast milk.

  • - Oh, I don't want this.

  • - Why?

  • - This is a, this smells awful.

  • (groaning)

  • - No, no, no!

  • (retching)

  • - I love it, which is so weird, I think it--

  • - Oh my god, the aftertaste!

  • - It burned my tongue.

  • - It burned the sh*t out of my tongue.

  • - Have you ever have milk from a horse?

  • (retching)

  • - It's horse milk, of course.

  • It's horse milk, it's just horse milk.

  • Of course.

  • No big deal, it's horse milk.

  • It's horse milk!

  • - The good news is--

  • - There's no good news--

  • - It's very high in whey protein.

  • - You know how exotic horse milk is?

  • - What is it supposed to do for you?

  • Is it like, there's any benefits?

  • - Yeah, what?

  • - Probably healthy.

  • - All this stuff was great, I mean,

  • all of it was great.

  • Besides the horse milk, I mean,

  • it was really delicious, and uh,

  • I really enjoyed all of it.

  • - Feel like now we gotta go get some Russian drinks

  • together, we gotta go hit like a Russian happy hour like

  • this friendship can't stop here.

  • - With some pickles on the side.

  • - My eyes are open to Russian culture,

  • and my eyes are definitely open

  • to the beauty of a Russian bride.

  • Das-vyoo-don-yoo.

  • (laughter)

  • - Texas Russian.

- What the fuuuu--


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B1 中級 美國腔

美國人嘗試俄羅斯飲料 (Americans Try Russian Drinks)

  • 12 0
    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日