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  • - What is the most important habit

  • that you can develop to be successful?

  • (upbeat music)

  • Human beings, we are creatures of habits.

  • I believe that no one succeeds overnight

  • and no one fails overnight.

  • Usually it is because of a series of decisions

  • that you make that leads to where you are today.

  • Which a lot of those decisions,

  • chances are they are nothing more than

  • the habits we have on a daily basis.

  • Now, in order to be successful,

  • I believe there are like many, many habits we develop.

  • But I think the one habit that you must develop

  • that will change your life or change your world,

  • is this one thing.

  • I want you to imagine this.

  • I want you to kind of draw a circle.

  • If you're watching my video,

  • you are in front of a desk go ahead and do that.

  • I wanna draw a big circle,

  • and within the circle I want to draw everything

  • that you have in your life right now,

  • that you already have.

  • Maybe it's the car that you drive,

  • the income that you have,

  • the house that you live in,

  • the vacation that you already take,

  • the people around you.

  • It doesn't have to be materialistic.

  • It doesn't really matter what it is.

  • The things that you already have right now,

  • you possess in your life.

  • I want to draw them within the circle.

  • Write all those things down.

  • Then I want you to, outside the circle,

  • write down everything that you want in your life,

  • but you don't have.

  • Okay, so maybe now you're driving a Hyundai

  • and you actually want a Mercedes.

  • Okay then show them this.

  • So write a Mercedes outside of circle.

  • My you're living in a condo,

  • but you actually wanna live in a big house.

  • Okay, write that outside of circle.

  • So I want you to write that.

  • So within the circle is everything that you have right now.

  • Outside the circle is everything

  • that you want but don't have.

  • So I want you to look at this right now.

  • What is the circle?

  • The circle is your comfort zone.

  • Everything you have right now in your life,

  • they're all within your comfort zone.

  • And your comfort zone is your income zone.

  • I want you to look at everything

  • that you want but don't have.

  • Where are they?

  • They're outside of your comfort zone,

  • because of where you put it.

  • So in order to get what you want,

  • but don't have in life, what do you have to do?

  • You need to stretch and expand your comfort zone.

  • Because if it's within your comfort zone, guess what?

  • You already have them.

  • So everything that you want in life,

  • that you don't have right now,

  • is all outside of your comfort zone.

  • So I believe the number one habit

  • you need to develop to be successful,

  • it's on a consistent, if not a daily basis,

  • do things that make you feel uncomfortable.

  • It is that simple.

  • Because you look at what holds most people back,

  • what holds you back is fear.

  • Fear of the unknown, fear of failure,

  • fear of rejection, fear of success.

  • All these things is all outside of the comfort zone.

  • Human beings, because we're a creature of habits,

  • we tend to operate day-to-day and do the same thing

  • again and again and again.

  • But if you have a habit, you make a habit

  • that you do things on a consistent basis

  • that you don't usually do.

  • It makes you scared.

  • It scares the fuck out of you.

  • It makes you stretch your comfort zone.

  • That's how you gradually expand there

  • and get more of what you want.

  • Maybe it's going to the event

  • that you've never been to.

  • Maybe is meeting the successful people

  • that intimidates you.

  • Maybe it's reading a book

  • that you have no interest reading it.

  • Maybe it's driving a different path

  • that you usually go home this way,

  • hey you know what, I'm gonna drive a different path

  • and see something a little bit different, right.

  • Maybe it's watching a video that you don't usually watch.

  • Maybe you're interested in certain topics.

  • Maybe you're watching a YouTube video, just a prank.

  • But suddenly you watch something

  • that is a inspiration and motivational,

  • that's practical, that's business-related

  • and that changes the way you that you think about stuff.

  • It started with that one thing, that one video.

  • And if you do that, not one time,

  • not two times, not three times,

  • but hundreds and hundreds of times on a consistent basis.

  • I believe that is the habit,

  • not just to be successful, but to stay successful.

  • When you're constantly pushing yourselves

  • outside the comfort zone, guess what?

  • You will learn.

  • You will take new action.

  • You will acquire new knowledge.

  • You will meet new people

  • that will lead to new opportunities.

  • You might develop a new skill, right.

  • You might start a new business.

  • All these things that you do

  • is nothing more than doing things

  • that scares the shit out of you, on a consistent basis.

  • Instead of avoiding the fear, you are facing the fear,

  • and you are pushing and pushing and pushing a limit.

  • That is the number one thing that you need,

  • I strongly believe to be successful.

  • So develop the habit today.

  • Do something that you don't usually do.

  • Do something that scares you.

  • Do something that makes you uncomfortable.

  • Don't do things, if you're not doing things

  • at least once a week, once a month

  • that makes you're stomach sick,

  • that makes you wanna throw up,

  • that scares the fuck out of you, you're not growing.

  • It's that simple.

  • Until next time, y'all see my Bentley.

- What is the most important habit


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A2 初級 美國腔

#1個將改變你世界的習慣 (#1 HABIT That Will Change Your World)

  • 115 5
    Yeung-On Yu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日