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  • After the fall of the Soviet Union,

  • and even China's migration to a market-based economy--

  • even though they call themselves Communists,

  • their economy is now, essentially, capitalist--

  • there's been a general consensus around the world

  • that capitalism is the way to go.

  • And just to put my bias out there, right from the get go,

  • I am in that camp.

  • I would consider myself a capitalist.

  • But what I want to do in this video is do a little bit more

  • of a nuanced discussion of capitalism

  • versus, say, socialism.

  • Because I feel like there has been-- especially here,

  • in the United States, and in the West--

  • a knee jerk reaction against anything

  • that even has a whiff of the government getting involved

  • or even a whiff of socialism.

  • So I want to think more about what are we

  • trying to achieve with the capitalist system.

  • And where we could fall into the things

  • we don't want to achieve if some of the aspects of capitalism

  • are allowed to go on without any type of controls

  • or, maybe, some type of regulation.

  • I don't want to advocate anything.

  • I just want to give, maybe, a framework for thinking

  • about it.

  • So you ask any capitalist, including myself, you

  • say, well, what's good about capitalism?

  • And I would say, well, you know it

  • aligns everyone's incentives.

  • So it's good incentives.

  • If you work harder, you can earn more,

  • you can generate a capital for yourself.

  • You can use that to improve your standard of living.

  • You can reinvest that capital.

  • So it's a good incentive structure.

  • I'm not saying that everyone is motivated purely

  • by the desire to earn.

  • I think there's plenty of people in the world who are motivated

  • for the desire for social good, for elevating mankind.

  • But the general census in a lot of parts of--

  • is that those type of things are specific to certain domains.

  • But, in other domains, if someone's running a trucking

  • company, it's not clear that someone would run a trucking

  • company optimally just for the good of mankind.

  • Maybe they would run some type of nonprofit that way.

  • But a trucking company, or a farm,

  • or something like that, who knows.

  • So in general, you have a good incentive structure.

  • There's also this notion in a capitalist economy

  • that it's a meritocracy.

  • It is meritocracy.

  • And I'm going to, actually, put a box

  • around this because a meritocracy, in my mind,

  • is super duper important.

  • Because even if you talk to us-- almost everyone

  • is a fan of a meritocracy.

  • Even the communists were a fan of a meritocracy.

  • They would give exams to people and have

  • the people who were successful have

  • more authority within the communist regime.

  • So a meritocracy is something that everyone lays claim to.

  • And actually a lot of socialists or communists

  • would claim that extreme forms of capitalism, when the wealth

  • disparity becomes two extreme or where you have inherited

  • wealth, actually goes against the idea of meritocracy.

  • So let me actually put meritocracy here as well.

  • And we'll talk about that in a second.

  • And then the other ideas is that you

  • have innovation in capitalism.

  • And these are all related ideas.

  • That if the incentives are good, if capital

  • gets in the hands of people who are most deserving of it

  • because they've somehow earned it, they've somehow innovated,

  • that can also lead to innovation because the right people

  • are handling the capital.

  • Now, if we go to the socialist side of things,

  • they'll say, well, look, there's a social cohesiveness to this.

  • So let me write this down.

  • And I won't speak to the-- I don't

  • claim what I'm going to do in this video is comprehensive

  • of all of the pros and cons of either.

  • I just want to give a little bit of nuance to the discussion.

  • So social cohesiveness.

  • You won't have this situation where

  • you have a gazillionaire sitting behind a walled compound

  • with armed guards and their people

  • right on the other side of that walled compound starving

  • to death.

  • And these people don't even, necessarily,

  • view themselves as part of the same society,

  • that they somehow have a responsibility to each other.

  • And that is happening in some parts of the world

  • where you have severe disparities in wealth.

  • The rich people don't even view themselves

  • as the same species as the poor people or even vice versa.

  • You have the other idea of-- and I'll

  • put this in quotes-- fairness.

  • And I'll put it in quotes because one could say,

  • well, it's fair if you make more, if you work harder,

  • you should get more.

  • If you innovate more, you should get more.

  • And then their notion of fairness

  • says, well, yeah, but look sometimes this wealth gets

  • so extreme. sometimes you have this notion

  • of inherited wealth.

  • Generation after generation.

  • Old money.

  • What's fair about that?

  • That people are just randomly born

  • into a situation where they can just extract the interest off

  • of their wealth and never have to work.

  • And other people have to work super hard

  • and they really get nothing for it.

  • So this notion of fairness, I'll put it over here as well.

  • Fairness.

  • Because there's arguments for either.

  • And so, like I said, I'm definitely

  • biased to the capitalist side of things.

  • I think there is an importance to these things

  • that we have on the right hand side.

  • But the reality, at least what we've

  • seen in the economic experiments of the 20th century,

  • is that even though communists and socialists might speak

  • to these types of things, to a large degree

  • there's less social cohesiveness.

  • The senior communists in the Soviet Union

  • would drive fancier cars.

  • And they did have a very different lifestyle then

  • the workers.

  • And they would hide that lifestyle.

  • And then it would lead to a lot of hypocrisy.

  • In general, the extreme forms of socialism-- not

  • clear that it was a meritocracy.

  • It might have been just the best people climbing up

  • the party ladder that get to the top as opposed

  • to the people who would innovate and actually

  • produce in a better way.

  • But with that said, I want to give fair warning,

  • that capitalism, if it goes unchecked in certain ways,

  • it could also lead to those same problems of socialism.

  • And the main problems there, when you

  • think about good incentives.

  • I think the incentives, and once again,

  • I'm giving my opinion here, the incentives

  • work out well when you have a bunch of competitors

  • who can compete and innovate.

  • And it makes complete sense that, let's say,

  • that this person comes up with an innovation.

  • And because they have that innovation,

  • they're able to provide a better good that's cheaper to society.

  • And so they make more profits.

  • And it seems reasonable that person

  • should get more profits, and more wealth, and grow.

  • And it could even be good for society

  • because this person's an innovator.

  • Maybe there was an element of luck there.

  • But it seems like they're competent at managing

  • these resources.

  • So it's good for society to give them more resources to manage.

  • The areas where it becomes less clear that capitalism

  • is unambiguously good, is a situation

  • where this person becomes out right dominate.

  • So let's say that this person becomes so big that none

  • of these other players can even compete with them.

  • So they all disappear.

  • This person can just undercut everybody.

  • And all the other players disappear.

  • And this is the situation of a monopoly.

  • And the problem here is, when this guy had competition

  • he had every incentive to work harder.

  • He had every incentive to innovate.

  • It was a meritocracy because the person who innovates well

  • grows the fastest.

  • But once you get to a monopoly stage,

  • and everyone else has died down, this

  • is the only player in the economy, then all of a sudden,

  • he has no incentive to innovate.

  • This corporation or this person can just keep raising prices.

  • There's no competition.

  • There's no one else to say, hey, I can have a better product

  • or I can sell it to you cheaper.

  • And so it actually goes against the ideas of innovation.

  • That's why it's really important.

  • And that's why it's part of, especially in the United

  • States, the economic system that you try to break up monopolies.

  • That you don't like monopolistic practices.

  • The other risks that you have when

  • you start having a lot of wealth and a lot of influence

  • in one entity, or one person, or one corporation--

  • and this can happen in a democratic or even a non

  • democratic regime-- is that, the control of resources

  • aren't just control of those resources.

  • Aren't just control of land, and buildings, and railroads.

  • They can also use it to influence government.

  • And in the United States, this has

  • been institutionalized in the form of lobbying.

  • And when you have excess resources

  • and you can influence government in this way,

  • you can get the government-- so let's say

  • this is the government over here-- to,

  • essentially, do things for you.

  • So it works to your advantage.

  • And may be allowing you, eventually,

  • to become a monopoly.

  • So you can view this as crony capitalism,

  • where lobbying can be a form of legalized bribery.

  • And in that way, you kind of own the elected officials.

  • I'm not saying that this is happening everywhere

  • but it could happen.

  • And in that situation, you have the government

  • acting on behalf of these.

  • And, once again, it goes against the idea of a meritocracy

  • because when you have this cycle developing,

  • maybe this person right over here has the innovation.

  • But this person doesn't have the clout,

  • doesn't have the influence with the government.

  • And so this guy gets the government contract

  • for the planes.

  • Or this guy gets the tax benefits from the government

  • so that he can be even more competitive.

  • He can undercut this guy even though this guy

  • has the innovation.

  • The other element-- and I could talk about this for hours.

  • And these are just things to think

  • about-- are the idea of inherited wealth.

  • And I'm not saying that inherited wealth

  • is a bad thing.

  • But there's this idea that, let's say, someone

  • through their competence, maybe competence

  • with a little bit of luck, is able to accrue

  • a huge amount of wealth.

  • And maybe they're not even a monopolist.

  • But they're able to get a huge amount of wealth.

  • But they were able to do it-- that they're really

  • good managers.

  • They're kind of these really smart dude.

  • He can he can really manage a lot of resources well.

  • The question arises is, what happens

  • when this person passes away?

  • In a very purely capitalist situation,

  • you pass this onto your children.

  • So you pass this onto your children.

  • And the issue here is, one, what did this person do to earn it?

  • And also from a society's point of view, maybe

  • this person here is a dummy.

  • Maybe there was another kid over here

  • who was born at the exact same time, who is way smarter

  • and who-- but this kid is now in control over 100 gazillion

  • dollars.

  • And he can completely mismanage the resources

  • so that they're completely wasted.

  • And so you have this idea of-- over time-- inherited

  • wealth in a capitalist society can

  • go against the ideas of meritocracy.

  • It can go against the idea of good incentives

  • because if this guy inherits enough money,

  • he has no incentive to work.

  • Why should he have to study hard and go and tackle

  • math and all that?

  • He's inherited enough money that he

  • gets millions of dollars just off of the interest.

  • Why should he educate himself?

  • He got daddy's or granddad's money.

  • And so it also goes against the idea-- and why should

  • he try to innovate?

  • Why should he ever do anything?

  • He could maybe just hire some of these people

  • and give them a minimum salary, whatever it takes.

  • And so it goes against these ideas of fairness and all that.

  • And I'm not saying that I'm against inheritance.

  • I'm just saying this is something to think about.

  • And there's some, probably, threshold of inheritance

  • that it starts to undermine some of these ideas

  • of a meritocracy, and good incentives, and fairness,

  • and all that.

  • And that's why I think it's funny

  • when people who call themselves "old money" are proud of it.

  • They view themselves as, somehow,

  • being part of a better caste because "old money" means

  • that you did not earn the money yourself.

  • That your granddad or you're great grandad earned the money.

  • And you've just happened to be born in this family and are,

  • essentially, just living off of the interest.

  • And it's funny because they'll talk about "new money"

  • as if they're not as good as old money.

  • But at least in new money people-- maybe

  • it was through luck, but maybe it

  • was through competence or innovation-- this is something

  • that, at least in my mind, I'd respect more than old.

  • Old money, you've done nothing.

  • What's the difference between old money,

  • or a king and a queen, or the aristocracy of Europe,

  • that goes against a lot of the philosophical underpinnings

  • of what the United States is even based on.

  • So I'll leave you there.

  • I just want to add a little bit of a nuance

  • to the conversation.

  • And I will say-- I'll say it again--

  • I come to this conversation with a capitalist bias.

  • But I'm hoping that this gives you

  • a little bit of more nuance.

  • So that instead of saying, capitalism

  • is an unambiguous good and socialism

  • is an unambiguous bad, these are the things

  • that we should try to promote.

  • And to do that, we do have to do some things,

  • like make sure that everyone is educated

  • so that we can have a meritocracy.

  • If everyone is educated, then you have a level playing field.

  • You have this notion of equal opportunity.

  • And that does involve some type of, on some scale,

  • redistribution of-- at least in the form of education.

  • Maybe you do need some way for people to get health care.

  • You don't want people dying in the streets.

  • I'm not going to take a stance here,

  • but I'm just showing you that you can't just,

  • even though I do consider myself a capitalist,

  • you can't just say that everything

  • has to be purely capitalist and you

  • can't have any notion of government intervention.

  • You maybe want the government to invest

  • in things like long-term research.

  • Where they don't have an immediate profit

  • motive, but 50, 100 years down the future

  • it might allow the society to thrive or whatever else.

  • So I'll leave you there.

After the fall of the Soviet Union,


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B1 中級

當資本主義偉大與不偉大的時候。 (When Capitalism is Great and Not-so-great)

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