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  • Thought I would do a video on communism

  • just because I've been talking about it a bunch in the history

  • videos, and I haven't given you a good definition of what

  • it means, or a good understanding of what it means.

  • And to understand communism-- let

  • me just draw a spectrum here.

  • So I'm going to start with capitalism.

  • And this is really just going to be an overview.

  • People can do a whole PhD thesis on this type of thing.

  • Capitalism, and then I'll get a little bit more--

  • and then we could progress to socialism.

  • And then we can go to communism.

  • And the modern versions of communism

  • are really kind of the brainchild

  • of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.

  • Karl Marx was a German philosopher

  • in the 1800s, who, in his Communist Manifesto and other

  • writings, kind of created the philosophical underpinnings

  • for communism.

  • And Vladimir Lenin, who led the Bolshevik Revolution

  • in the-- and created, essentially, the Soviet Union--

  • he's the first person to make some of Karl Marx's ideas

  • more concrete.

  • And really every nation or every country

  • which we view as communist has really

  • followed the pattern of Vladimir Lenin.

  • And we'll talk about that in a second.

  • But first, let's talk about the philosophical differences

  • between these things, and how you would move.

  • And Karl Marx himself viewed communism

  • as kind of a progression from capitalism

  • through socialism to communism.

  • So what he saw in capitalism-- and at least this part

  • of what he saw was right-- is that you

  • have private property, private ownership of land.

  • That's the main aspect of capitalism.

  • And this is the world that most of us live in today.

  • The problem that he saw with capitalism

  • is he thought, well, look, when you

  • have private property, the people who start accumulating

  • some capital-- and when we talk about capital,

  • we could be talking about land, we

  • could be talking about factories,

  • we could be talking about any type of natural resources--

  • so the people who start getting a little bit of them--

  • so let me draw a little diagram here.

  • So let's say someone has a little bit of capital.

  • And that capital could be a factory, or it could be land.

  • So let me write it.

  • Capital.

  • And let's just say it's land.

  • So let's say someone starts to own a little bit of land.

  • And he owns more than everyone else.

  • So then you just have a bunch of other people

  • who don't own land.

  • But they need, essentially-- and since this guy

  • owns all the land, they've got to work on this guy's land.

  • They have to work on this guy's land.

  • And from Karl Marx's point of view, he said, look,

  • you have all of these laborers who don't have as much capital.

  • This guy has this capital.

  • And so he can make these laborers work

  • for a very small wage.

  • And so any excess profits that come out

  • from this arrangement, the owner of the capital

  • will be able to get it.

  • Because these laborers won't be able to get

  • their wages to go up.

  • Because there's so much competition for them

  • to work on this guy's farm or to work on this guy's land.

  • He really didn't think too much about, well,

  • maybe the competition could go the other way.

  • Maybe you could have a reality eventually where

  • you have a bunch of people with reasonable amounts of capital,

  • and you have a bunch of laborers.

  • And the bunch of people would compete for the laborers,

  • and maybe the laborers could make their wages go up,

  • and they could eventually accumulate their own capital.

  • They could eventually start their own small businesses.

  • So he really didn't think about this reality

  • too much over here.

  • He just saw this reality.

  • And to his defense-- and I don't want

  • to get in the habit of defending Karl Marx too

  • much-- to his defense, this is what

  • was happening in the late 1800s, especially--

  • we have the Industrial Revolution.

  • Even in the United States, you did

  • have kind of-- Mark Twain called it the Gilded Age.

  • You have these industrialists who

  • did accumulate huge amounts of capital.

  • They really did have a lot of the leverage

  • relative to the laborers.

  • And so what Karl Marx says, well, look,

  • if the guy with all the capital has all the leverage,

  • and this whole arrangement makes some profits,

  • he's going to be able to keep the profits.

  • Because he can keep all of these dudes' wages low.

  • And so what's going to happen is that the guy with the capital

  • is just going to end up with more capital.

  • And he's going to have even more leverage.

  • And he'll be able to keep these people on kind of a basic wage,

  • so that they can never acquire capital for themselves.

  • So in Karl Marx's point of view, the natural progression

  • would be for these people to start organizing.

  • So these people maybe start organizing into unions.

  • So they could collectively tell the person who

  • owns the land or the factory, no, we're not going to work,

  • or we're going to go on strike unless you increase our wages,

  • or unless you give us better working conditions.

  • So when you start talking about this unionization stuff,

  • you're starting to move in the direction of socialism.

  • The other element of moving in the direction of socialism

  • is that Karl Marx didn't like this kind

  • of high concentration-- or this is socialists in general,

  • I should say-- didn't like this high concentration of wealth.

  • That you have this reality of not only

  • do you have these people who could accumulate all

  • of this wealth-- and maybe, to some degree,

  • they were able to accumulate it because they were innovative,

  • or they were good managers of land,

  • or whatever, although the Marxists don't

  • give a lot of credit to the owners of capital.

  • They don't really give a lot of credit

  • to saying maybe they did have some skill in managing

  • some type of an operation.

  • But the other problem is is that it gets handed over.

  • It gets handed over to their offspring.

  • So private property, you have this situation where it just

  • goes from maybe father to son, or from parent to a child.

  • And so it's not even based on any type of meritocracy.

  • It's really just based on this inherited wealth.

  • And this is a problem that definitely happened in Europe.

  • When you go back to the French Revolution,

  • you have generation after generation of nobility,

  • regardless of how incompetent each generation would

  • be, they just had so much wealth that they were essentially

  • in control of everything.

  • And you had a bunch of people with no wealth

  • having to work for them.

  • And when you have that type of wealth disparity,

  • it does lead to revolutions.

  • So another principle of moving in the socialist direction

  • is kind of a redistribution of wealth.

  • So let me write it over here.

  • So redistribution.

  • So in socialism, you can still have private property.

  • But the government takes a bigger role.

  • So you have-- let me write this.

  • Larger government.

  • And one of the roles of the government

  • is to redistribute wealth.

  • And the government also starts having

  • control of the major factors of production.

  • So maybe the utilities, maybe some

  • of the large factories that do major things, all of a sudden

  • starts to become in the hands of the government,

  • or in the words of communists, in the hands of the people.

  • And the redistribution is going on,

  • so in theory, you don't have huge amounts of wealth

  • in the hands of a few people.

  • And then you keep-- if you take these ideas

  • to their natural conclusion, you get

  • to the theoretical communist state.

  • And the theoretical communist state

  • is a classless, and maybe even a little bit--

  • a classless society, and in Karl Marx's point of view-- and this

  • is a little harder to imagine-- a stateless society.

  • So in capitalism, you definitely had classes.

  • You had the class that owns the capital,

  • and then you had the labor class,

  • and you have all of these divisions,

  • and they're different from each other.

  • He didn't really imagine a world that maybe a laborer could

  • get out of this, they could get their own capital,

  • then maybe they could start their own business.

  • So he just saw this tension would eventually to socialism,

  • and eventually a classless society where

  • you have a central-- Well, he didn't even

  • go too much into the details but you have kind of equal,

  • everyone in society has ownership over everything,

  • and society somehow figures out where

  • things should be allocated, and all of the rest.

  • And it's all stateless.

  • And that's even harder to think about in a concrete fashion.

  • So that's Karl Marx's view of things.

  • But it never really became concrete

  • until Vladimir Lenin shows up.

  • And so the current version of communism

  • that we-- The current thing that most of us view as communism

  • is sometimes viewed as a Marxist-Leninist state.

  • These are sometimes used interchangeably.

  • Marxism is kind of the pure, utopian, we're eventually

  • going to get to a world where everyone is equal,

  • everyone is doing exactly what they want,

  • there's an abundance of everything.

  • I guess to some degree, it's kind

  • of describing what happens in Star Trek, where everyone can

  • go to a replicator and get what they want.

  • And if you want to paint part of the day,

  • you can paint part of the day, and you're not just a painter,

  • you can also do whatever you want.

  • So it's this very utopian thing.

  • Let me write that down.

  • So pure Marxism is kind of a utopian society.

  • And just in case you don't know what utopian means,

  • it's kind of a perfect society, where you don't have classes,

  • everyone is equal, everyone is leading these kind

  • of rich, diverse, fulfilling lives.

  • And it's also, utopian is also kind of viewed as unrealistic.

  • It's kind of, if you view it in the more negative light, is

  • like, hey, I don't know how we'll ever

  • be able to get there.

  • Who knows?

  • I don't want to be negative about it.

  • Maybe we will one day get to a utopian society.

  • But Leninist is kind of the more practical element of communism.

  • Because obviously, after the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917,

  • in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union gets created,

  • they have to actually run a government.

  • They have to actually run a state based

  • on these ideas of communism.

  • And in a Leninist philosophy-- and this

  • is where it starts to become in tension with the ideas

  • of democracy-- in a Leninist philosophy,

  • you need this kind of a party system.

  • So you need this-- and he calls this the Vanguard Party.

  • So the vanguard is kind of the thing that's leading,

  • the one that's leading the march.

  • So this Vanguard Party that kind of

  • creates this constant state of revolution,

  • and its whole job is to guide society, is to kind of almost

  • be the parent of society, and take it from capitalism

  • through socialism to this ideal state of communism.

  • And it's one of those things where

  • the ideal state of communism was never--

  • it's kind of hard to know when you get there.

  • And so what happens in a Leninist state is

  • it's this Vanguard Party, which is usually called the Communist

  • Party, is in a constant state of revolution, kind of saying,

  • hey, we're shepherding the people to some future state

  • without a real clear definition of what that future state is.

  • And so when you talk about Marxist-Leninist,

  • besides talking about what's happening

  • in the economic sphere, it's also

  • kind of talking about this party system, this party system where

  • you really just have one dominant party that it will

  • hopefully act in the interest of the people.

  • So one dominant communist party that

  • acts in the interest of the people.

  • And obviously, the negative here is that how do

  • you know that they actually are acting

  • in the interest of people?

  • How do you know that they actually are competent?

  • What means are there to do anything

  • if they are misallocating things, if it is corrupt,

  • if you only have a one-party system?

  • And just to make it clear, the largest existing communist

  • state is the People's Republic of China.

  • And although it is controlled by the Communist Party,

  • in economic terms it's really not that communist anymore.

  • And so it can be confusing.

  • And so what I want to do is draw a little bit of a spectrum.

  • On the vertical axis, over here, I want to put democratic.

  • And up here, I'll put authoritarian or totalitarian.

  • Let me put-- well, I'll put authoritarian.

  • I'll do another video on the difference.

  • And they're similar.

  • And totalitarian is more an extreme form of authoritarian,

  • where the government controls everything.

  • And you have a few people controlling everything

  • and it's very non-democratic.

  • But authoritarian is kind of along those directions.

  • And then on this spectrum, we have the capitalism, socialism,

  • and communism.

  • So the United States, I would put-- I

  • would put the United States someplace over here.

  • I would put the United States over here.

  • It has some small elements of socialism.

  • You do have labor unions.

  • They don't control everything.

  • You also have people working outside of labor unions.

  • It does have some elements of redistribution.

  • There are inheritance taxes.

  • There are-- I mean it's not an extreme form of redistribution.

  • You can still inherit private property.

  • You still have safety nets for people,

  • you have Medicare, Medicaid, you have welfare.

  • So there's some elements of socialism.

  • But it also has a very strong capitalist history,

  • private property, deep market, so I'd

  • stick the United States over there.

  • I would put the USSR-- not current Russia,

  • but the Soviet Union when it existed-- I

  • would put the Soviet Union right about there.

  • So this was the-- I would put the USSR right over there.

  • I would put the current state of Russia,

  • actually someplace over here.

  • Because they actually have fewer safety nets,

  • and they kind of have a more-- their economy

  • can kind of go crazier, and they actually

  • have a bigger disparity in wealth

  • than a place like the United States.

  • So this is current Russia.

  • And probably the most interesting one here

  • is the People's Republic of China, the current People's

  • Republic of China, which is at least

  • on the surface, a communist state.

  • But in some ways, it's more capitalist than the United

  • States, in that they don't have strong wealth redistribution.

  • They don't have kind of strong safety nets for people.

  • So you could put some elements of China--

  • and over here, closer to the left.

  • And they are more-- less democratic than either the US

  • or even current Russia, although some people would

  • call current Russia-- well, I won't go too much into it.

  • But current China, you could throw it here a little bit.

  • So it could be even a little bit more capitalist

  • than the United States.

  • Definitely they don't even have good labor laws, all the rest.

  • But in other ways, you do have state ownership of a lot,

  • and you do have state control of a lot.

  • So in some ways, they're kind of spanning this whole range.

  • So this right over here is China.

  • And even though it is called a communist state, in some ways,

  • it's more capitalist than countries

  • that are very proud of their capitalism.

  • But in a lot of other ways, especially with the government

  • ownership and the government control of things,

  • and this one dominant party, so it's

  • kind of Leninist with less of the Marxist going on.

  • So in that way, it is more in the communist direction.

  • So hopefully that clarifies what can sometimes

  • be a confusing topic.

Thought I would do a video on communism


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共產主義 (Communism)

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    Bravo001 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日