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  • -Emilia, here's how it works.

  • Upstage are nine mystery boxes

  • containing objects no one has ever seen before.

  • -Ooh. -On your turn, you pick a box,

  • take out the object, and you describe it to your opponent.

  • And they have to guess if you're lying or telling the truth.

  • -Okay. -We'll play three rounds.

  • Emilia, why don't you pick the first box?

  • -Okay. Alright, then. -Audience want to help?

  • [ Audience shouting ]

  • -Four? I'm going to go with four.

  • I'm going to go with four. I feel like I'm on a game show.

  • Right. Okay. Open it right here? -Yep.

  • -Excellent. Lovely.

  • Okay.

  • Oh. Lovely.

  • ♪♪

  • [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • [ Laughs ] -All right.

  • [ Laughs ] Alright. Ready?

  • -[ Clears throat ]

  • -What is -- What is in the box?

  • -Well, it's a very small frog wearing a monocle.

  • ♪♪

  • -That's it? A frog with a monocle?

  • -With a monocle, yeah. -No other -- No other --

  • That's it? -No, the frog is green.

  • -Yeah, a green frog. Yes. -A green frog wearing a --

  • -Monocle. Like a Mr. Peanut type of thing.

  • -Well, yes, exactly. Mr. Peanut.

  • -But he's not wearing a hat. No. -No, no.

  • -No other clothing.

  • -It would have improved upon the, you know, the whole --

  • -Yeah, had he been wearing a hat.

  • -Yeah. Yeah. -Well, this is very interesting

  • because we pay our art department

  • a lot of money on this show.

  • -It's a really detailed monocle.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -It's a really detailed monocle?

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • I hate to say this. I hate to say this.

  • -It's a baby chain.

  • -I'm going to have to say... you lie!

  • ♪♪

  • Am I right? -Yeah, you're right.

  • It's a carrot in a...

  • ♪♪

  • -A corndog. A corndog vampire.

  • -I thought it was a carrot. -No, it's not a carrot.

  • What are you talking about? -I'm so English.

  • I don't know what a corndog is.

  • -It's so American. -That's what it is.

  • -It's a corndog. Sorry. -It's a corndog.

  • -Yeah, yeah, alright. Here we go.

  • -It's a Dracula corndog. -What should I pick?

  • -Uno! -Uno?

  • [ Audience shouting ]

  • [ Grunting ]

  • -Heavens. That looks heavy.

  • -[ Breathing heavily ]

  • [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • -I don't find this funny. -No.

  • -But it's creative.

  • -Oh, good. -It's clever.

  • -Yeah.

  • ♪♪

  • -It's two figurines. -uh-huh.

  • -One is President Trump.

  • -Lovely.

  • -The other is the hero dog who caught the terrorist,

  • and they're doing a "Lady and the Tramp"

  • like they're about to kiss each other.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • There's a line of spaghetti between them.

  • -Is the gingham tablecloth anywhere or...?

  • -Yes, there's a tiny tablecloth. -There is?

  • 'Cause you didn't mention that. Okay, cool.

  • -Well, it's the scene from "Lady and the Tramp."

  • -It's the scene from "Lady and the Tramp."

  • -Pretty much. -Are they sitting? No.

  • -What's that? -Are they sitting down?

  • -Yes, they're leaning into each other.

  • -Oh, okay.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • I think...

  • [ Drum roll ]

  • ♪♪

  • ...that you're telling the truth!

  • No! [ Buzzer ]

  • Oh!

  • -What?! That's unbelievable!

  • I think that's the first time I've ever won!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • ♪♪

  • Should we try one more? -I wanted to see that.

  • -Let's try one more. This one is worth a thousand points.

  • So, Emilia -- -Oh, is it --

  • -It's like a hockey puck. -Oh, hockey-themed --

  • -Yeah. Hockey-themed McDonald's. -Excellent.

  • -Yeah. -Lovely.

  • -Yeah. Wow.

  • [ Audience shouting ]

  • -Two, two. Two.

  • Let's go for the one I can reach with my tiny arms.

  • Okay. Right.

  • Wow. That's --

  • Excellent.

  • ♪♪

  • -Okay. You're surprised? You're confused?

  • -It's a salad bowl of money.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • ♪♪

  • Yep.

  • That's what it is.

  • -It's a solid bowl of money?

  • I don't even know what that means.

  • -Salad. -Solid.

  • -Salad. Come on! Salad. -Oh, salad!

  • -It's a salad bowl of money. -Oh, salad. Sorry.

  • -Salad. Heavens!

  • -I'm sorry. [ Laughs ]

  • I'm sorry. -I'm joking. I'm joking.

  • -It's a solid -- a solid bowl of money.

  • -Solid. It's a solid bowl of money.

  • -It's a solid bowl of money. -No, bruv, it's a salad bowl.

  • -I gotta blow the bloody doors off...

  • -Exactly.

  • -So it's a salad bowl. -Salad bowl of money.

  • -Is there anything else in that salad?

  • -I guess. Yeah. There's --

  • I suppose it's identifiable as, um --

  • -Yeah, yeah. Think of something. -Croutons.

  • -Think of something. -Croutons.

  • -Oh, croutons. -Croutons.

  • -Yeah, absolutely.

  • Gosh. This is tough.

  • Is it a salad bowl --

  • solid bowl of money with croutons?

  • -Croutons. -I'm going to say yes it is.

  • You're telling the truth. -Oh...

  • -Yes!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • ♪♪

  • Oh, my gosh! My first time I've ever won!

  • You're so good. You almost got me there.

  • Emilia Clarke, everybody!

  • You can play "Box of Lies" at home

  • with the new Box of Lies home game from Hasbro.

-Emilia, here's how it works.


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艾蜜莉亞-克拉克的 "謊言之盒 (Box of Lies with Emilia Clarke)

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