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  • -And now I thought I'd share some of my favorite

  • "That Was Cold" responses from you guys.

  • This first one's from @NatalieSchuyler.

  • She says, "I was at the DMV

  • getting my new license picture taken.

  • The DMV lady looked at it for a few seconds and said,

  • "Aw, sweetie, do you want to try again?"

  • [ Laughter, applause ]

  • Yeah, you do.

  • This one's from edjervisUK. -[ Laughs ]

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -EdjervisUK? -Ed Jervis.

  • -Yeah. -UK Ed Jervis.

  • So, it's like [British accent] Ed Jervis.

  • -Right, so he's not US Ed Jervis.

  • -[ Normally ] Ed Jervis? -Right. This is edjervisUK.

  • -This is [British accent] Edward Jervis.

  • -Are you sure it's not Ed Jervis Uk?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -[ Normally ] It's Ed Jervis Uk. -Okay.

  • He says, "After my pregnant wife and I

  • explained to our two-year-old daughter

  • that her new baby sister was in 'Mummy's belly,'

  • she looked over at me and said, 'Baby in Daddy's belly, too?'"

  • [ Laughter ] -Oh, snap!

  • [ Applause ]

  • -[ British accent ] No, sweetie, beer is in Daddy's belly.

  • [ Normally ] This is from Abby "Lamp-e."

  • It's probably Abby Lamp, but... -Right, but Lamp with an E.

  • -It was Lamp with an E, so I thought it was cuter Abby Lampe.

  • -Yeah. You know, also, it has a sort of alliteration to it.

  • -Yeah. -Abby Lampe.

  • -She says, "When I asked my mom

  • how long I should cook a 25-pound turkey,

  • she told me that she didn't think I had enough friends

  • to use up a 25-pound turkey."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Oh! -That's cold!

  • -That's cold! -That was cold!

  • -Cold-blooded. -Ice cold!

  • This one is @hanbagwilton1.

  • -Handbagwilton1. -Not "handbag." Hanbag.

  • -Ham bag?

  • -Hanbag. No D.

  • -No, so han, H-A-N. -Han.

  • -Hanbag. Hanbag? -Yeah.

  • She says, "A kid said to me, 'I love your hair.

  • How do you get it to come out of the nostrils like that?'"

  • [ Laughter ] -Ooh!

  • -[ Laughs ] -Snap!

  • -[ Laughs ] -Oh.

  • -This one's from @Leenie8791. -Oh.

  • -♪ Little Leenie

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -♪ Leenie, Leenie ♪ -She said,

  • "The night before I left for college, my dad said,

  • 'Truly, the best part of you going so far away to school

  • is that you can come up with a whole new personality.'"

  • [ Laughter, applause ]

  • [ Laughs ] -He didn't mean nothing.

  • -Slam.

  • -Cold-blooded.

  • -This one is from @Stephenpoirier1.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Poirier? -What's that?

  • -It's French? -Yeah. P-O-I-R-I-E-R.

  • -Oh, yeah. [ French accent ] Poirier.

  • -[ French accent ] Poirier. -Un!

  • -Stephen Poirier Un. -Un. Yeah. Yeah.

  • -[ Normally ] Stephenpoirier1.

  • He says, "A waitress recently asked

  • if I wanted the senior discount.

  • I'm 35." -Oh!

  • -Cold-blooded.

  • -That was cold, man! Ice world!

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • -This one's from @tdeur7.

  • -[ Snorts ] Alright.

  • -They aren't fake. These are real things.

  • -Yeah, no. -So, there's probably

  • six other tdeurs. -Yeah, this is the seventh one.

  • -He says, "My son refused to mess up his hair

  • by wearing a hat on a cold day.

  • He looked at my receding hairline and said,

  • "I'm going to enjoy it while I still have it."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • -This one's from lcapes26. -Oh.

  • -[ French accent ] La capes. -La capes.

  • -[ Normally ] She says, "An Uber driver

  • was trying to find me in a crowd.

  • He called me and asked, 'Is that you in the white leggings?'

  • I wasn't wearing leggings. It was just my legs."

  • [ Laughter, applause ]

  • I'm Irish! -Come on!

  • -I'm Irish!

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • White leggings.

  • -White leggings. -Ouch.

  • -This one's from @WonderfulwomanK.

  • -Oh. -She says, "When I was 10,

  • I was helping out at a school event with little kids,

  • and I asked a girl how old she was.

  • She turned to her mom and asked how old she was.

  • Her mom said two.

  • Then the little girl turned to me and said, 'Two, stupid.'"

  • [ Laughter ]

  • "Two, stupid." -Yeah. [ Laughs ]

  • -This last one's from @OtherMan. -Oh.

  • -Mm. -Oh...

  • -That's a little shady.

  • -Yeah, a little shade on that one.

  • -"You get a tweet from the OtherMan?"

  • -Yeah. Ooh, look out.

  • -OtherMan. -[ Indistinct ]

  • -He says, "It's been awhile since I'd been to the doctor,

  • and he asked me if I'd lost weight.

  • Before I could answer, he looked at my chart and said,

  • 'Oh, that's a no.'" [ Laughter ]

  • Those are the "Tonight Show" hashtags.

  • To check out more of our favorites,

  • go to

-And now I thought I'd share some of my favorite


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