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-Now I know why you can sing that high.
-[ Laughs ]
Have you ever been in a harness before?
-I've been in a harness once before,
and I promised I would never do it again.
But just for you, I did it.
-[ Laughs ] Thank you for doing that.
-And it was a lot of pressure on the asteroids,
I have to say. -[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
-The song you're gonna be singing tonight
is gonna be in a different octave.
-Whew! -A higher key.
Like, [ high-pitched voice ] "Ladies and gentlemen, Sting.
Give it up."
[ Normal voice ] I want to mention, by the way,
you kind of wrote that sketch, a little bit.
-I did. -Yeah.
[ Stammers ]
-I'm not taking the full blame for it, no.
-[ Laughs ] But we --
Arthur -- Arthur Meyer, our writer on our show --
and Colin Elzie wrote the sketch,
"Two Stings on the Moon." We sent it to you.
We go, "I don't know if Sting will do it.
He probably won't do it. We don't know."
And we didn't hear back form you.
[ Laughs ]
So, I go, "All right. So, that's okay."
Then, we heard back from your publicist,
and they said, "Sting likes the idea a little bit.
But he's got...
He's got some things he wants to tweak."
And then, like, in the next hour,
we got a scratch track of you singing that.
-Yeah. To "Walking On The Moon."
-To "Walking On The Moon." Yeah.
And I go -- No, we --
We started crying.
It was like, "This is the best thing that's ever happened."
Have you -- I thought about this 'cause I was like,
"Either we're astronauts, or you could just wear
your space underwear from the movie 'Dune.'"
And then, I thought "Well..."
[ Cheers and applause ]
-I still -- I still have these.
-You do?
-Occasionally, Trudie asks me to wear them for,
you know, to spice it up a little bit.
-Yeah, he does that.
-But it's very difficult getting your trousers on over them.
-This is legendary, dude. Come on, man.
[ Wolf whistles ]
Yeah. Thank you.
[ Cheers and applause ]
All right. You know, "Walking On The Moon,"
you were saying backstage,
actually wasn't walking on the moon.
It was about a long night out in Germany.
-I had a bass line in my head.
[ Imitates bass line ]
And it kept going around and around in my head.
And it was about 3:00 in the morning.
We were in Munich, I think,
and we'd had a lot of beer.
And I thought, "There must be a song here."
So, I was walking around the room, going,
[ Singing ] "Walking around the room."
[ Imitates melody ]
And I thought, "That can't be a song."
So, it became "Walking On The Moon,"
inspired by Neil Armstrong, of course, the great hero.
Let's talk about "My Songs."
Congrats on this.
This is, like...
Basically, it's like your greatest hits,
kind of, but more.
But it's different versions of them.
-You know, I think some people imagine that recorded work
is a holy relic, or a museum piece.
For me, it's just a starting point in the relationship.
You get to -- You get to know a song
over the years of singing it.
So, I -- I've been singing these songs or 30 years,
some of them.
I know where the bodies are buried.
I know -- You know, every night, I sing them,
and I try and find something different.
So, when I approach it again in the studio,
I have all of that knowledge.
My voice is different.
It's richer. -Yeah.
-You know, the way drums are recorded now
is so different than the way it was
in the '70's or the '80's.
So, it's -- It's a diff-- It's a fun record.
-Yeah. -It's fun to compare the two.
-Well, I love it. I love "Brand New Day."
God, I love every one of these songs.
"Desert Rose," "If You Love Somebody Set Them Free,"
which I heard was written in a haunted house.
Is that true?
-I lived in a haunted house in North London
for a very long time. -This is really true.
-I never believed in ghosts.
I was very skeptical about it until I lived with them.
So, it was numerous ghosts? -Yeah.
You would wake up in the morning,
and everything had been reorganized in the kitchen.
Furniture was in a different place.
Bottles were smashed.
Plates were smashed on the floor.
And one night, I woke up,
and I saw Trudie standing in the corner with our child.
And I was wondering why she was staring at me.
And then, I reached over...
and there was Trudie.
And then, she went, "Who's that?"
And we both saw this woman and a child in the corner of the room.
Then, we found out it used to be a pub called The Three Ducks
in the 17th century.
And I don't know what happened there,
but it was a very, very weird atmosphere.
And then, when I sold the house,
it kept being resold every few months.
[ Talking indistinctly ]
There's something in there, yeah.
-I liked the ghosts. I enjoyed their company.
-Yeah. -And I was very skeptical about it.
-Did you -- Did you talk to the ghosts?
-No. No. I was too scared.
[ Laughter ]
If I ever feel a ghostly presence,
which I do sometimes... -Yeah.
-I'm kidding. No. That was real.
I'm really here.
I hope that you're really here. And, uh...
I just imagine all my guests are Sting.
That's how I interview everybody.
But I always say, "Hey, I'm cool."
Or "Hey, I'm good with you guys. You can do whatever.
Haunt me." -Just smile. Just smile.
-Smile at them. Go...
"Yeah, have fun. It's your place." Right?
-You can't have an old English house without a ghost.
-You can't. That's a rule. That is true, yeah.
Talk to me about the Las Vegas residency.
I'm excited beyond belief. -Me, too.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I cannot wait.
-I've played Vegas many many -- hundreds of times.
But I've never had my own room before.
This will be my own room.
The only limit is my imagination.
So, I'm gonna have a different gown very dong.
-Of course. Yeah.
'Cause when I think of Vegas, I think of
costume changes, dancers.
-Magicians, dancers -- everything.
-Right now, do you have a plan
for what you're gonna do on the stage?
-It's gonna be a big show.
We have a year to plan it.
-Wow. But tickets go on sale next week.
So, you can start planning your trip to Vegas
to go see Sting.
I am going to be there. I cannot wait, dude.
Oh, my gosh, we could totally --
We could reprise our roles as Two Stings on the Moon.
Yeah. Whenever you want.
Whenever you want. I'm totally available.
-All right. -He basically said "yes."
I'm so excited.
[ Laughter ]
I'm just gonna name some other ones that's on "My Songs,"
just so everyone knows. "Message In A Bottle,"
"Walking On The Moon," "Englishmen In New York."
Come on!
[ Cheers and applause ]
You're doing "Demolition Man" tonight.
-We are gonna play "Demolition Man."
[ Cheers and applause ]
Which I originally wrote for Grace Jones.
-You originally wrote that for Grace Jones?
-I wrote it for Grace.
-I was at something with her, and it's -- got to be --
maybe it was, like, midnight, or something like that.
I don't -- We were somewhere. Maybe we were here.
And I said, "All right. Take care."
And she was like, "What are you doing now?"
I go, "I'm going to sleep. I'm an old man."
She was like, "What's wrong with this generation?"
[ Laughter ]
I'm going out. I'm going out right now."
-She knows how to party. -She's the greatest.
And you know how to party. Thank you for being here.
And get ready for "Demolition Man."
The legendary Sting, everybody.