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Not only do parents have to worry about home schooling
right now.
But many of you, like our next guest,
are also struggling to pay the bills.
We are about to surprise Tawana and her kids
in South Bend, Indiana.
I can't wait to meet them.
She can't afford to pay her Wi-Fi bill.
So in order for her kids to get their schoolwork done,
they have to drive to a parking lot every day
to get free Wi-Fi and their education.
All right.
Let's surprise them right now.
Hi everybody.
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
I know.
I'm sorry to disappoint you.
I know you were looking forward to tWitch.
I'm so sorry.
It's just me.
But you'll see tWitch too.
I'm here.
And Andy's there too.
In the background.
There-- he's sitting on the ground.
So-- so I know this is going to be
tricky right now because the Wi-Fi-- you're
in a parking lot.
So what is it like to go to the parking lot
every single day to get Wi-Fi and get the school work done?
Oh, it's wonderful.
It gives us a chance to be together as a family.
And it also gives the kids a chance
to get their homework and everything done.
I mean, you know, I always made a vow to my children
that their education was going to be the most important.
And as for me and my siblings, we also do sing-alongs,
we do our homework.
And, you know, as a family, we just
make sure we having fun and positive time.
So this is--
Tawana, I know it's really important for you
to get your kids a good education.
Tell us why that's so important to you.
Because, like I said before, I made a vow to my kids.
You know, when I decided to have kids,
I made a vow that education was going to be the most important
in their lives to get them where they needed to go in life.
So yes.
And for me and my siblings-- to speak for my siblings--
my mom--
back story-- taught us so much that, if we do not
stay on track, she will be on our back.
Well, you're going to thank her for that in the long run.
And that's a good mom right there.
So I want to just ask you some questions.
So kids, by show of hands, who is a class president there?
I'm the class president!
All right.
And who gets A's and B's?
Me and Tyrin.
Me and Ta'Myra.
Who gets straight A's?
Me and Taydan!
All right.
Tawana, I know your kids are a big inspiration to you.
Tell me why they're such an inspiration to you.
Because my kids are very important.
I mean, they have showed me the true meaning of love.
And I just love being they mom.
You know?
So they have inspired me to be the best of me.
And my mom, she inspired us.
We learn so much from her.
She taught so much from us.
And like, from our community wise,
she taught so many people that they are on a successful path
right now.
And we are also.
So, we thank you, mom!
Thank you for everything.
We love you.
What a great family.
That's so cool.
All right.
I know the kids are borrowing technology from their schools.
So what we're doing right now for you is, each of you
are getting your own iPads and headphones.
Oh my God!
[INAUDIBLE] Thank you!
We're going to take a break and we're
going to be back more with Tawana and her family
after this.
We're back with Tawana and her amazing kids.
Tawana, here's what's amazing about you.
You're struggling with bills.
And yet, you're using your own money to feed the homeless.
I mean, that is the true definition of selflessness
and, what an inspiration you are.
So tell me why that's important to you to still go out
and help the homeless.
I just have a passion for the homeless, you know.
Nobody out here should go hungry, you know?
Even though I'm struggling myself, you know, there's just,
you know, a lot of compassion there.
And I will just always want to always be able to reach out.
Because you have so many people out there that, you know,
just don't have too much of anything.
So they're more or less unfortunate than me
and my kids.
So yes.
It's important to always give back.
And me and my siblings, when we got out there
and we meet new people, we get this bliss over us
like, feeling that we did something in the community.
And my mom always taught us as like, children
that it's always better to give than receive.
Because they are not alone at all.
I love that you're helping others.
And now it is time for me to help you.
Our friends at Green Dot want to pay your Wi-Fi bill
for the next two years.
So here's $5,000 for the next two years of Wi-Fi.
Oh my God.
All right?
Thank you.
That's not all.
Green Dot Bank offers banking and saving made simple.
And they're making it easy to pay your bills online.
So they're also giving you $20,000.
So that's $25,000 for your family.
Because you're so incredible.
What a perfect example of the human spirit.
This family is the perfect example of the human spirit.
And you deserve any goodness coming your way.
This is what we should all be doing at a time like this.
And thank you so much for being an incredible family.
I want to meet you, when we go back to the studio.
I'm going to fly all out to come see a taping.
Because I just think you all are incredible.
So I will see you soon.
Thank you so much.