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  • Even though I want the show to be a distraction,

  • there are some things that we just can't ignore.

  • And just when I thought I couldn't love him more,

  • listen to what my friend, Leo DiCaprio, is doing.

  • He started something called the All-In Challenge.

  • He's trying to raise $100 million dollars

  • for a bunch of different charities

  • who are helping feed Americans during this crisis.

  • Here he is with his friend, Robert De Niro.

  • Hello.

  • This is Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • And I'm Bob De Niro.

  • And we're accepting the All-In Challenge.

  • Laurene Jobs and I helped create America's Food Fund

  • to make sure that every family in need

  • gets access to a meal at this very critical time.

  • Our most vulnerable communities, including children,

  • low-income families, the elderly,

  • and individuals facing unemployment

  • need our support now more than ever.

  • And that's why we're asking you to help us go all in.

  • Bob and I are going to be starring in a film called

  • Killers of the Flower Moon.

  • If you ever wondered what it was like to be

  • able to work with the great Martin Scorsese,

  • this is your chance.

  • Not only that.

  • We want to offer you a walk-on role.

  • You'll spend the day on the set with the three of us, me,

  • Marty, and Leo.

  • And of course, you'll attend the premiere.

  • So please go to

  • and donate whatever you can.

  • 100% of your donations will go directly to Meals

  • on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, and America's Food Fund,

  • which benefits Feeding America, and World Central Kitchen.

  • Now, I challenge Matthew McConaughey and Ellen

  • to go all in.

  • And I challenge Jamie Foxx to help us go all in, too.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • I love them so much.

  • Thanks for challenging me.

  • I like a challenge, which is why I tried to put jeans on today.

  • Wow.

  • The elastic pants-- really, you get used to those.

  • So here's what I'm offering.

  • Someone who donates at least $25 will get the chance

  • to be my co-host for a show.

  • You'll spend the day at the studio,

  • learn how we produce it.

  • You'll get to be next to me when I

  • do the monologue, help me interview

  • some amazing A-list celebrities.

  • And finally, Andy will drive you home.


  • Thanks, Andy.

  • That's the first thing I'm doing next.

  • I am going to challenge my friends Justin Timberlake

  • and Laura Dern to join The All-In Challenge because I

  • love them, and I know that they want to help.

  • And finally, I have been so devastated

  • by seeing all the people lined up waiting for food.

  • Every time I see those cars and those people, I cry.

  • I can't imagine what it's like to be sitting for hours,

  • and hours, waiting to get food and hoping

  • there's going to even be any left by the time you get there.

  • It's heartbreaking, and it's overwhelming.

  • I've already given to some of my favorite charities,

  • including Direct Relief, because so many people need money.

  • But today, Portia and I are personally donating $1 million

  • to Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, and America's Food

  • Fund.

  • I usually don't talk about my personal donations.

  • It's something I keep private, but I'm really

  • hoping that this inspires anyone who's in a position to help,

  • to help, because there's a lot of need out there.

Even though I want the show to be a distraction,


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