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  • welcome to the Voice of America's news words.

  • In August, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe in a historic mission to explore the Sun Corona.

  • A scientist for the project said it will go where no spacecraft has dared to go before.

  • Within the Corona of the Sun.

  • The mission will take about seven years to complete.

  • The spacecraft will circle the sun 24 times and study new areas of the star.

  • A.

  • Corona is a bright hot area that extends from the surface of the sun and other stars.

  • A Corona also describes a ground for crown like structure.

welcome to the Voice of America's news words.


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A2 初級

新聞的話。科羅娜 (News Words: Corona)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日