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  • In this lesson, teacher sets up a marketplace to use in a shopping role play.

  • We join the class as the teacher is reviewing common phrases for shopping exchanges.

  • Students separate into groups using a method that requires them to talk with each other.

  • Good morning, class.

  • So we learned these expressions.

  • Please say them with me.

  • How much is how much is this?

  • Costs this us?

  • That's too much.

  • This too much.

  • Thank you.

  • And what do we call it when you ask for a lower price bar again?

  • Right?

  • Trying to lower the price is bargaining.

  • Remember, in some places you cannot bargain.

  • But today in our market, we can have fun and bargain.

  • Please line up.

  • By the time you woke up this morning, who woke up early?

  • Stand here who woke up later?

  • Stand here.

  • Okay, Now let's divide here You will be shopkeepers and you will be shoppers.

  • Shoppers, please take one of these Shopkeepers, Take one of these shoppers.

  • Take a minute to look at your shopping list.

  • You can come over here now.

  • Shopkeepers come over here.

  • Please stand at one of the shops.

  • What are these?

  • Those are price cards.

  • Put them by the things you are selling.

  • You paid half of that price for each thing.

  • So if a shopper wants to bargain, that's okay.

  • What do you need?

  • How much did you pay for this one daughter, right?

  • Half of $2 is $1.

  • Keep $1.

  • You earn money?

  • Yeah.

  • Authentic language tests.

  • Shopping is a good topic for roll place because it is an authentic task.

  • Students can gain confidence in using English when they practice in such realistic settings as we do the role play.

  • Remember to cooperate with your classmates.

  • How if a classmate does not remember how to say something, tried to help her.

  • Maybe took slowly and clearly.

  • Or C please repeat that.

  • Good ideas.

  • Now shoppers goto all of the shops and get the lowest price.

  • Let's begin.

  • How much are the apples?

  • They are $5 a kilo.

  • That's very expensive, but they taste very good.

  • How about $4 a kilo?

  • Okay, $4 a kilo.

  • Here.

  • Thank you.

  • How much?

  • This car?

  • It's $30 0 that's much.

  • But it's really beautiful.

  • How about 20 convinces you?

  • Yes, you can say no.

  • No, but I would take $40 for two Iscar.

  • Okay, I want to buy two.

  • You are all doing very well.

  • What do you think?

  • This is fun.

  • I like to bargain any questions?

  • Guy shopping now?

  • Yes.

  • Let's change roles now.

  • Summary students use new language in an authentic context Through their role place.

  • Shoppers and shopkeepers have different information.

  • This creates a purpose for their communication.

  • Next time, join us for Unit six.

  • We will teach group work and writing skills.

In this lesson, teacher sets up a marketplace to use in a shopping role play.


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A2 初級

Let's Teach English Unit 5: Role-Plays (角色扮演) (Let's Teach English Unit 5: Role-Plays)

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