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  • You're learning with nine to five English.

  • Business English for the workplace.

  • Hi Tim here with another nine-to-five English lesson. In today's lesson we're

  • going to learn how to talk about imagined situations or hypotheticals in English.

  • Humans are always using their imagination sometimes we think about

  • what might happen in the future other times we have to imagine different

  • situations in order to figure out what is the best decision to make today or in

  • the future and when we talk about ideas like this we use particular words and

  • structures for example when we introduce a hypothetical or imagined situation

  • there are a few expressions we can use we often start with the words say or

  • suppose so something like suppose you were the boss

  • is understood as imagine you were the boss you can also ask a question using

  • what if such as what if you were the boss that word if is especially

  • important we'll see that word again later in this lesson for now let's

  • practice these different ways of introducing hypothetical situations

  • listen to each example then repeat it for yourself ready let's get started

  • what if you were manager for one day

  • say you had a million dollars to spend on a new project

  • suppose you took the job in Spain

  • just imagine you still worked in Chicago

  • one really important thing to notice is that we use the past tense to introduce

  • an imagined situation we don't say suppose you take the job

  • instead we say suppose you took the job so we've looked at how to introduce a

  • hypothetical situation in the present but what language do we use when we

  • discuss an imagined situation well in this case we use conditional sentences a

  • conditional sentence has two parts one part uses if and the other part uses

  • could or would for example if I took the job I would make more money but here's

  • the thing we don't always say the if part I mean

  • if someone asks what would happen if you took a new job you might just say I

  • would make more money let's try talking about hypothetical

  • situations using if and would and could remember to repeat the examples after

  • you hear them if the stock price was lower we could

  • afford it

  • I would probably be a lot happier in Europe

  • with a company car I could get around more easily

  • for one thing we would see a big increase in sales

  • did you notice that with can mean if I had so with a company car means if I had

  • a company car now so far everything we've practiced is about the present

  • that is we're imagining if something were true now but what happens when we

  • imagine if the past was different well this gets a bit trickier first of

  • all instead of saying something like if I lived in Seattle you'd say if I had

  • lived in Seattle the had done part tells us that you're imagining something about

  • the past so stayed is for a present imagined situation while had stayed is

  • for a past imagined situation then instead of would and could do something

  • you would say would have or could have done something so instead of I would be

  • happy you can say I would have been happy I know this sounds like a lot of

  • extra words but it should make sense once you try it all together so let's

  • try some practice with using past hypotheticals once again repeat the

  • examples you hear with better pay I would have stayed at my last job

  • I could have studied law if I had done better on the LSAT

  • we would have bought them out if we had had the money

  • without more help we couldn't have met the deadline

  • one other thing to notice is that you can switch the order of the sentence

  • parts you can start with the if statement or you can finish with the if

  • statement it's really up to you okay so we've practiced some ways of

  • talking about hypothetical situations but how does this sound in a

  • conversation let's listen to a short dialogue between Wendy and Bill they are

  • imagining how things would have been different if they had had more money to

  • spend on marketing let's listen we really needed a bigger marketing budget

  • right what if we'd had another 10000 to spend yeah then we could have run those

  • TV ads and maybe sales wouldn't have dropped last month how did that sound

  • bill asked about a past hypothetical situation and then they both imagined

  • what could have or would have happened now it's your turn to practice will

  • repeat the dialogue but this time we're going to be bout the second speaker's

  • words you have to say those parts yourself remember to ask a question

  • about a hypothetical extra $10,000 then say what wouldn't have happened to sales

  • ready here we go we really needed a bigger marketing budget

  • yeah then we could have run those TV ads

  • you

  • alright that's all for this lesson we've learned some great ways to talk about

  • hypothetical situations we'll be back soon with some more useful English

  • expressions until then so long and happy learning

You're learning with nine to five English.


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925英語視頻課程第28課--英語中的假設句的使用|商務英語播客 (925 English Video Lesson 28 – Using Hypotheticals in English | Business English Pod)

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