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  • want to speak real English from your first lesson.

  • Sign up for your free lifetime account at English Class 101 dot com You are aboard an express train where you're about to arrive at your next destination.

  • Suddenly the train slows and comes to an unexpected stop.

  • Clearly short of the station.

  • There are no instructions from the conductor concerned.

  • You pick up and read the emergency instructions pamphlet aboard the train.

  • According to the pamphlet, What should you do in this situation?

  • According to the pamphlet, what should you do in this situation?

  • The pamphlet says that you should not attempt to exit the train because the train tracks are electrified.

  • Instead, you should stay seated and wait for help to arrive.

want to speak real English from your first lesson.


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B2 中高級

美國高級英語閱讀--美國的緊急狀況(An Emergency Situation)。 (Advanced American English Reading - An Emergency Situation in the United States)

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