字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Jones: Welcome to the trombone master class Jones:歡迎觀賞 YouTube 交響樂團 for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. 長號大師講座 My name's Katie Jones, 我是 Katie Jones and I'm the co-principal trombone 目前擔任倫敦交響樂團的 of the London Symphony Orchestra. 長號手副首席 The first excerpt we're going to talk about today 我們今天所要介紹的 第一個樂段是 is Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries," 華格納的 《女武神的飛行》 taken from his opera "Die Walkure." 取自華格納的歌劇 《女武神》 This has been set for auditions for me personally, 這是我個人最鍾愛的 試奏曲目 from school age right through to my professional career. 從學生時期到職業生涯, 都沒變過 He's one of the earlier composers to use the trombone 華格納是最早在樂章旋律中 in a melodic context 使用長號演奏的作曲家之一 and not just in a scared or choral fashion. 當時只有在恐怖音樂或唱詩班中 才會使用長號演奏 Here are some thoughts on how to approach the excerpt. 在此提供你一些建議, 幫助你熟悉這個樂段 Listen to a few recordings if possible. 如果可以的話, 請聆聽幾段演奏錄音 Work out how the trombone 熟悉長號如何融入 fits into the overall orchestration. 交響樂團的整體演奏 The strings have a lot of running semiquaver passages 在這段音樂演奏過程中, 弦樂部分有許多 during this music, 快速的十六分音符樂段 so there's no room for maneuver 因此曲調中沒有任何 or any vibrato in our tune. 多加裝飾或揉音的空間 Keep a good, full sound 請保持飽滿、完整的音色 without getting brittle or hard, 避免出現尖銳或沈重的聲音 and articulate that lower semiquaver well, 而較低音的十六分音符, 也要運舌清楚 because it won't come across over the orchestration. 因為這並不會和 整體樂團演奏有所衝突 [Ride of the Valkyries] [女武神的飛行] And if you're wondering how you can possibly try 此外,如果你想要多方嘗試 and improve on the way you're playing it 並改善你的演奏方式 or, indeed, the way I've been playing it, 或是想要學習我的演奏方式 try subdividing the rhythm. 請試著細分節拍 Try playing it all in semiquavers. 試著吹奏出所有十六分音符 For instance... 例如... [playing semiquavers] [吹奏十六分音符] So that the rhythm-- you're making sure 就是這樣的節拍 you move your slide really quickly 請務必在附點八分音符 和十六分音符之間 between the dotted quaver and the semiquaver. 快速移動拉管 Also, you can try this tune in 3/4 time signature. 你也可以試著以 3/4 拍的節奏 吹奏這段曲調 [playing Ride of the Valkyries in 3/4 time] [以 3/4 拍吹奏女武神的飛行] And that puts an emphasis 這樣會凸顯樂句中 on a different note in the phrase, 不同的音符 which means you can really hear how the tuning is settling. 代表你可以清楚聽見 曲調的轉折 If you've got trouble coordinating your slide 如果無法順暢地協調 拉管和運舌的節奏 and your tongue, try it really slowly 請試著放慢吹奏速度 just with air attack with the instrument, 用樂器進行吐氣練習 or you can try singing it through. 或是直接唱出樂曲 For instance... [rhythmic puffing] 例如... [節奏吐氣練習] That makes sure you're using air 這樣可以確保 right at the start of the notes, 在音符開頭時運氣 and the tongue is absolutely right on the button. 並且讓舌頭抵住吹管底部 The next excerpt I'm going to talk about 接下來所要介紹的樂段是 is Berlioz' "Hungarian March" from "The Damnation of Faust." 白遼士的《匈牙利進行曲》 取自《浮士德的天譴》 Apparently, Berlioz had already written 顯然白遼士先譜出 this "Hungarian March" 這段《匈牙利進行曲》 previous to writing "The Damnation of Faust," 之後才創作 《浮士德的天譴》 which is why "The Damnation of Faust" 這也是 《浮士德的天譴》 is set in Hungary from the start. 開場位於匈牙利的原因 Now, Berlioz would have been used to using 白遼士當年在法國作曲時期 smaller trombones in France at the time of his composition 所使用的長號比當時 than in Germany, 德國的長號來的小 and probably than you're playing on now. 甚至可能比你現在吹的長號還要小 Sometimes it can be good to play Berlioz 有時使用小型樂器吹奏 on a small instrument. 白遼士的樂章也不錯 I did this with "Symphonie Fantastique" 我在今夏稍早時就如此吹奏 earlier in the summer. 《幻想交響曲》 Though Berlioz apparently 不過白遼士顯然 was not really a fan of the alto trombone, 不怎麼喜歡使用中音長號 saying that actually most competent players 他認為真正稱職的演奏家 could get the notes on a tenor, 可以吹奏初次中音的音符 and he much preferred the sound of the tenor. 而且他十分喜愛次中音的音質 This excerpt is all about subdivision. 這個樂段的菁華之處 完全在於細分音符 Not being late off the tight notes 請跟上緊密音符的節拍 and really looking after the tuning, 並確實融入曲調 the difference between the semitones 用心體會半音和全音 and the whole tones. 之間的差異 [Hungarian March] [匈牙利進行曲] You can, again, take this piece, 你也可以比照上一段 華格納的樂章 as same as we talked about with the Wagner, 將這個樂段單獨抽離 out of rhythmic context. 整體樂章旋律 This really shines a light on, as I was saying, 這樣就能特別清楚我所說的 the difference between the semitones 半音和全音 and the whole tones. 之間的差異 For instance, try playing it in this rhythm. 例如,您可以用這樣的節拍吹奏 [slower rhythm] [慢板節拍] Two semiquavers, then a quaver. 兩個十六分音符 然後是一個八分音符 And you can reverse that rhythm exactly the same-- 你也可以倒著吹奏同樣的音符 quaver, then two semiquavers-- 八分音符,然後是兩個十六分音符 or play it all in a triplet fashion. 或者,全部用三連音的節拍吹奏 And this is just to shine a light 這可以有效改善 on your--on any poor tuning that's happening. 任何音準問題 I've certainly used this in my practice 我在今天的演奏中也有 for this performance today. 運用這項技巧 You must also really hear the rest of the orchestra 你也必須在你的小節休息期間 during your bars rest. 仔細聆聽樂團其他部分的演奏 Playing an excerpt with bars rest is always tricky. 吹奏的樂段如果有好幾個小節休息, 向來需要較高的技巧 Really keep that pulse going in your head. 必須在腦中持續打拍子 I'd just like to say a few words 我想要談論一些有關 about the Ferdinand David. Ferdinand David 的注意事項 Many editions exist of this piece, 這段樂章有許多不同版本 and the rhythms are somewhat controversial. 各版本的節拍有些歧異 Please state on your video which edition you are using 請在你的影片中註明採用的版本 just so that we know. 讓我們知悉 This piece is your chance to shine musically, 這段樂章是你展現音樂長才的契機 say something interesting. 請試著發揮創意 Remember, all music is either going to somewhere 所有音樂靈感都是福至心靈 or coming away. 但也稍縱即逝 Really hear the accompaniment in your head, 請確實在腦中想像伴奏的旋律 because you won't have an accompanist, I'm sure. 我想應該不會真的有人幫你伴奏吧! And don't just keep playing this piece through 此外,練習時請不要呆板地 when you're practicing it. 吹奏這段樂章 Take the harder bars out of context 請單獨練習 and practice them in isolation, 難度較高的小節 perhaps changing the rhythms 或許可以試著吹奏不同的節拍 to trick yourself into hearing things in a different way. 以不同的方式聆聽樂曲 激發靈感 Now, the final excerpt we're going to talk about today 我們今天所要談論的 最後一個樂段是 is Schumann's Third Symphony. 舒曼的第三號交響曲 I always prefer to play this on the alto trombone, 我一向喜歡用中音長號吹奏這段樂章 but if you don't have one, you will not be penalized 如果你沒有中音長號的話 for playing it on a tenor. 其實用次中音吹奏也沒有關係 Schumann was apparently inspired by scenes 舒曼在創作第三號交響曲時 right along the Rhine River 顯然是受到 when he was writing his Third Symphony, 萊茵河畔的優美景致激發靈感 and the fourth movement in particular 據說第四樂章就是特別 is said to depict the beautiful Cologne Cathedral. 描述美麗的科隆大教堂 This would be very apt, because in the 1800s, 這是很有可能的,因為十九世紀時 trombones were very much used to depict sacred music 長號經常用於演奏莊嚴音樂 and in a choral fashion. 和唱詩班的音樂 All of the individual parts of the trombone section 所有長號部分的個別樂段 are more or less within a vocal range, 大致上都在音域範圍內 and the prevailing harmony 而且主旋律 is contained within the trombone section. 也包含在長號部分中 Obviously, you have to look after your individual pitch, 當然你必須注意自己的音準 but once you get into the orchestra, 不過一旦融入樂團中 you really have to listen to the rest of the section as well 你也必須確實聆聽其他部分的演奏 and where your note lies within the chord. 以及你的音符在合音中的位置 Play this excerpt as smoothly as you possibly can. 儘可能平順地吹奏這個樂段 Keep notes right to their full length 完整吹奏音符的長度 before moving the slide. 再移動拉管 And try not to focus on the top E flat. 此外,試著不要凸顯最高的降 E It's not the climax of the phrase. 這並不是樂句的高潮 [Schumann's Symphony Number Three] [舒曼的第三號交響曲] When I'm going to be playing this piece, 每次要吹奏這段樂章 or the Tuba Mirum from Mozart's "Requiem," 或是莫札特《安魂曲》中的 神奇號角時 I always try and practice them 我總是用 even slower than you think 非常慢的速度練習 you're going to have to play them 超乎你所想像的慢 and even quieter than you know 並且用比樂團演奏時 you're going to have to play them in the orchestra. 更小聲的聲音練習 This takes you out of your comfort zone, 這樣可以增加吹奏的難度 and so once you get into the orchestra, 希望可以幫助你融入樂團演奏時 hopefully, it feels easier. 感到駕輕就熟 Thanks for watching this master class 感謝你觀看這段 YouTube 交響樂團的 for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. 大師講座影片 I hope you found even one small part of what I've said 希望我的教學內容對你有所啟發 of used to you in preparing your auditions. 能在試奏的準備上助你一臂之力 I'm really looking forward to seeing the videos 我由衷期盼在不久的將來 in the near future, 能夠欣賞到參賽者提交的影片 so good luck in your application. 祝你雀屏中選
B1 中級 中文 音符 演奏 樂章 樂段 節拍 樂團 LSO大師班-長號 (LSO Master Class - Trombone) 459 21 林家禾 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字