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  • I will travel where to man has dared to go.

  • Into the black hole? Why that's crazy!

  • If you fall in, you never come out. Stretching you from head to toe É Death by black hole.

  • There are monsters out in the cosmos that can swallow entire stars

  • Inside these equations, there's a monster

  • Anything that strays too close will be pulled in

  • Gravity is infinite at the center of a black hole

  • Time stops - space makes no sense

  • Every galaxy has got one big black hole in the middle And millions of smaller black holes

  • An anomaly of gravity so strange Nothing is more seductive

  • There are monsters out in the cosmos That can swallow entire stars

  • That can destroy space itself Completely invisible

  • Anything that strays too close will be pulled in

  • In the last century, black holes have gone from being mathematical curiosities To real objects in the cosmos

  • Seemingly crucial to the formation of galaxies

  • Nothing can escape it, even light

  • There must be millions and millions of black holes

  • Zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up

  • Millions and millions of black holes

  • Zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up

  • At the heart of a large black hole is a singularity

  • It's a point of inifinite density The accepted laws of physics break down

  • Black holes form when giant stars run out of fuel And collapse under their own weight

  • Dark remnants of burned out stars Truth is stranger than sci-fi

  • An anomaly of gravity so strange Nothing is more seductive

  • There are monsters out in the cosmos That can swallow entire stars

  • That can destroy space itself Completely invisible

  • Anything that strays too close will be pulled in

  • Millions and millions of black holes

  • Zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up

  • Millions and millions of black holes

  • Zipping around our galaxy, nothing there to light them up

  • Nothing is bigger and scarier than a black hole

  • A boundary between the known universe And a place beyond the reach of science

I will travel where to man has dared to go.


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B2 中高級

宇宙的妖怪--科學交響曲。 (MONSTERS OF THE COSMOS - Symphony of Science)

  • 330 15
    Precious Annie Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日