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whether is beating a really hard boss of playing a really fun level.
You've accomplished something in a video game and thought to yourself, Man, that felt Obviously there are way too many moments like that in video games to put onto one list.
But you know how we doing here?
If it's on our list, it's the best way I'm nervous.
Next screw attacks Top 10 Most satisfying video game number 10 Puzzle games.
Irv's Heart.
Not me.
There to be any way, Which is why I can't deny how great it feels to pull off some clutch plays in classic Tetris.
It be easy to just put getting Attackers here, which would still deserve number 10 But that's the small brain.
The big brain Tetris choices Getting up perfect clear.
That means getting rid of every single block on the screen and leaving herself with a totally clean slate.
And for the ultimate universal god tear brain move.
Try getting a perfect clear with the Tetris.
Anybody can drop a stick into a pile of blocks, but Onley, good luck or good planning will let you satisfy your inner O C.
I just watched that forever number nine.
Speaking of perfection, there's no greater feeling in a fighting game and being in your opponent's head, you make the right reads.
You bake the right moves and you win the game nice.
But what if you take that to the furthest extreme?
I'm talking about getting a double perfect on the other guy.
Think about that means you deleted your buddies Health Bar twice without taking any permanent damage yourself.
How can you really do any better than that?
And depending on the fighting game, you earn those golden letters, and that could be an even Mawr impressive feat.
Getting a double perfect in street fighter is always cool, but in a game like Marvel vs Capcom that is even less likely.
They still get the double perfect Oh my God, it feels proportionately bad.
When it happens to you, though, it's like they say, Don't get Peter Did this dude just get double Peed.
Number eight, when the game is popular, is occuring of time.
Fans love to talk about those shared experiences, even the bad ones you know, those somewhat annoying but still memorable and relatable bits.
Master s.
So you just escaped cochere forest game shows you the vast and sprawling land of high rule.
Your whole loan has just opened up, and you cannot wait to explore it all the instant you're about to set foot into freedom.
That stupid Allen and Cape or a G.
Barr A shows up Pittsburgh talks for so long, and all he tells you is how to use maps and that you got to go to the castle and blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You get so annoyed that you just start mashing a button.
But what you fail to realize is that your cursor always highlights the option that tells him to repeat everything he just said.
So the harder your mashed, the longer you're in text box.
Hell and vital Slow it down.
You choose the correct option and you tell that stupid bird Yes, it's so satisfying.
And then he follows you around for the entire rest of your life.
Come on, man number seven.
A cool thing about video games is that you're allowed to get violent bloody revenge, and you will not go to jail for it.
Take this creep named David from the last of us.
Nobody in what's left of the world is really that much of a good guy?
I mean, how could you be when you're number one instinct is to survive.
That does not excuse David's unusual interest in 14 year old alley.
A long story short, this total creep is out to get our young hero controlled by you.
It is bigger than you better equipped than you, stronger than but Eli's in your will to live is stronger still.
So when you catch him off guard and snatch up that the study in fact that s O.
B's face to ribbons, it feels cathartic.
This moment might have been even high on the list if we got to do it ourselves.
Instead of watching through a gutsy but seeing core, little Ellie hug Joel after the fact tells us that justice was most definitely served that day.
Number six.
Hey, hey, let's compacted some happy stuff.
Ah, well designed Judy Platformer is all about rhythm and timing to some extent, but Rayman legends decided to take that idea a quantum leap forward.
I love the crab out of his game since I first played in 83 2012.
But what elevated into God to your platformer status for me was the music levels.
Each world contains one level that has you running, jumping and punching in perfect rhythm to a silly rendition of some song that you recognize you can run through a crumbling castle set to Black Betty.
We're slip away from a sea monster Set that one song from Kill Bill You can crash a day of the Dead Festival playing a mariachi rendition of Eye of the Tiger perfectly clearing remand legends music level in one go is honestly one of the most magical moments I have ever had in a game.
If you want to feel like you've bought your happiness by Rayman Legends and play all of the music levels Number five, I find that when I want a quick fixes satisfaction, there is no better option than doing line of Pac Man ghosts.
Pac Man Championship addition.
Vieques took the 1980 classic and made it addicting as all get out.
The idea of the game this time around is to get as many ghosts you can trailing you in the conga line so that once you get that power pellet, give me a crude because I normally wouldn't say this, but that just borders on gas.
Mick impactful hit Stop with every ghost to destroy the machine Gun speed, sound effects, the numbers flying across the screen in rapid succession.
The buildup of speed.
Oh, Namco really knew what they are doing in there making this game because moment down ghosts is the reason you played.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Number four.
I will say it isn't many times as I can get away with.
But, man, I love fighting games.
But whether you play super smash brothers like one or not doesn't matter, because we're all going to agree on this.
That feeling you get when you spike someone off stage is a very good feeling indeed, Trump.
That goes for any of the smashed games, really.
But I like it best in Smash Brothers.
We you so far, it's probably gonna be even better and ultimate, but I don't know what makes landing a spike.
So satisfying isn't just getting one after a good read.
It's that God like sound effect in watching your favorite and tender character rocket away to an early grave.
Yeah, definitely one of the best feelings in video games.
Number three.
In life, you're not always going to succeed on your first truck, and the same goes for gaming.
But imagine spending weeks trying to beat the same boss over and over and over again and failing.
I mean six hour long nights, multiple times a week, all while trying to coordinate strategies with tons of other players in an MMO.
All right, already, guys on slowly, very slowly your tactics start to show results until the big day comes a day when you finally down that previously unstoppable boss, no matter which in the mo you're playing or which Ray boss you're fighting that victorious moment is one of the sweetest you will ever find in a game.
Your team mates all cheer like crazy.
You get this awesome new loot, and even while you're drinking in your hard earned wind, you're already thinking about taking on the next boss number two.
Some of the most satisfying moments in classic gaming are still among the best in the business.
Case in point, the ending to supernaturally you spend this entire game becoming stronger and stronger and stronger.
You pick up extra health tanks, expand your missile capacity and upgrade your suit to the point that you basically feel unstoppable.
But all that changes when you go face to face against other brain.
Nothing you do works against this thing.
And what's worse, everything she does is devastating to you just before she lands the killing blow the baby Metroid he saved in the last game comes to your rescue, and that is when Mother Brain does the unthinkable.
The music swells into this heroic theme.
You rise to your feet and you blast this brain with everything you've got in this time it hurts.
Every shot landed.
Your new hyper beam is like pure revenge and laser form.
And let me tell you, I have never hit an X button on the controller.
Slow, hard in my life.
Watching mother brains corpse evaporate into nothing is so incredibly satisfying.
But you know what can beat that?
I can only think of one thing.
It's number one basic rule of video games.
You know you're going the right way if you run into opposition, and I can't think of a better example of this than the older Pokemon games from the first time you saw Pokemon.
You wanted to prove to all of Kanto or Jodo or Holan wherever your journey began, that you were the very best that you were a Pokemon master.
But even in this bright and colorful land, nobody was going to make it easy on especially not your rival.
His name is far Anyway, every chance he got fart, man tried to make fun of you, Fart man tried to get in your way Fart man tried toe beat you down But you never relent.
After a long and arduous journey, you face the ultimate test of skill The toughest trainers in the land called the elite.
But, Justus, you want to celebrate after barely bringing down the final challenger, one opponent still remains.
Man, by this point, you're low on.
Resource is you're low on HP, but like, heck, are you gonna let that stop you down?
All the anger and frustration he brought all the crap that he's been talking since the beginning by the skin of your teeth.
You shut that fartman up once and for all for the whole world to know.
Let me tell you, you will not find a more triumphant feeling in gaming then defeating this lifelong jerk in claiming the throne as your own.
If I could only just grab my shirt collar, pulling in close and whisper.
That's just choosing squared when I pick Char Mander, our Secret number 11.
This one is kind of lost in this day and age, but one of the best parts of getting a game back in the day was simply opening it.
Clean plastic crisp instruction manual in that fresh cartridge or disk, all combined form that new game smell.
Say what you will about the convenience of digital games, but the biggest advantage of buying physical is taking a big goal with the packaging.