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  • what's Hollywood's favorite shortcut for making the character sympathetic?

  • You make him an orphan, but that's not because the writers air lazy.

  • That's because watching the characters start from nothing and then become awesome is so much fun to watch, just like the 10 characters you're about to see.

  • So, hey, I'm nervous.

  • Next school attacks Top 10 Awesome orphans.

  • Number 10 James one Name is all it takes for your brain and instantly think about the slick and sophisticated secret agent otherwise known as Double 07 After his parents passed away, the 11 year old bond James Bond, was sent to live with his aunt.

  • But by his early twenties, he was already well on his way to becoming the gadget wielding spy hero.

  • We all know in love, of course, not everything about Bond James Bond is aged.

  • Well, there's definitely an argument to be made that he's a misogynist, which is obviously no boy.

  • But that aside, there's no denying that his other, more praiseworthy skills are what make him top 10.

  • Work Number nine.

  • Oh, look at this.

  • Another Disney movie, where the main characters are orphans, put no orphan, Disney or otherwise is quite like Elsa from frozen else has got the uncanny ability to create snow and ice power, which went so out of whack that have plunged her whole country into a permanent winter hot accident until, like the end of the movie, when she discovered the power of love or something like that.

  • But anyway, cues super memorable and overplay musical number in which he creates an entire ice castle by stopping her foot once.

  • But this is one orphan.

  • You don't want to screw it.

  • She could stab you with ice spikes freezing from the inside.

  • Or, if she really felt like it, create living snow Golan's to smash you to pieces.

  • Yes, this girl can create life.

  • I'm not saying Elsa's most Opie Disney Princess ever probably is the most Opie Disney Princess.

  • Number eight Year was 1944 4th across.

  • America faced a seemingly unconquerable threat after one particular blaze left a young bear come without his family.

  • He became known to the world as the legendary Smokey Bear.

  • White makes a random bear so awesome both for starters, he's a master of disguise.

  • He's lifted more than £700 he be the gorilla, and he can go to the size off a mountain range.

  • Not to mention that his ad campaign helped drop annual forest fires by 80% 0 yeah, also, he's a bare Bears equal.

  • Awesome Number seven.

  • Let me level with you guys for a second.

  • I don't know how this guy keeps getting on our top tens, but I do know that Naruto is a perfect example of a rags to riches.

  • Or it's almost like he's an animate protagonist or something.

  • But when I see riches, I don't mean literally rich unless you can spend Rosane guns somewhere.

  • Nowadays, knowledge toes got a wealth of pure ninja skills chakra and the hunger for Robin.

  • Plus, I don't think two very money other entrance on this list are gonna dodge lightspeed bogeys or survive attacks that cut the moon it Hat number six.

  • Mother of Dragons, Breaker of chains.

  • The unburden store born Kal Easy of the great grass seed.

  • A queen of Marine Young time as the poor, the nearest our Gary in has more titles than game of Thrones has sex seeds and boy Oh boy, are they deserved titles, not the sex.

  • Okay, well, maybe this sexy.

  • Despite growing up sans parents with an abusive brother.

  • Danny made the best of a situation, and then some.

  • She's conquered cities, won the respect and loyalty of the dothraki abolished.

  • Slavery is immune toe fire.

  • And that's not even counting the fact that her go to pets and modes of transportation are freaking dragons.

  • Danny's big heart may slow her down in times, but this is one orphan who has accomplished a lot, and she's not even done yet.

  • Team Danny for the Iron Throne Baby plus Again dragons.

  • I would totally trade.

  • My parents were dragons any day.

  • Number five Orphan Hood is a traumatizing thing to go through unless you're either oblivious to life like Goku or Toughest Nails like Regina.

  • But since we're looking for dragon balls, Coolest orphan Sam Va Gina is the answer.

  • There's no question about it.

  • The evil Lord freezing destroyed Planet majayda in wiped out King Va.

  • Gina, which left this Fujita as one of the last of his kind.

  • But instead of feeling sorry for himself, Jetson on a quest for immortality just so we could get some good old fashioned revenge as long as he's been in the Dragonball Siri's the cocky, saying Prince has been one of the most powerful characters, usually second only to go.

  • Q And whoever the big bad villain isn't.

  • And if nothing else, you gotta respect Regina for probably the biggest tear jerker moment in the Siri's.

  • His self sacrifice, uh, gets me every time man gets me every time.

  • Number four.

  • Some call her gaming's first lady, but today I'm calling her number four on our list.

  • Salmon.

  • Erin's parents may have been annihilated by a flying purple space dragon, but thankfully that wasn't the end of restoring.

  • After being raised by bird aliens, she turned to a life of bounty hunting with a slight gunship and the smoke and suit a space are Samos conserve?

  • I've extreme temperatures, shoot energy and extinct a whole species of jellyfish things by herself well, all almost to make him go extinct.

  • Plus her power suit, Let's Sanders run faster than the speed of sound.

  • Pretty handy Obey bility.

  • Considering how many exploding planets Jesus came, Number three, even though he never knew his dad even though he witnessed his mom gets slaughtered by demons and even though he thought his only other relative was dead for most of his life.

  • That wasn't enough to keep Dante down as 1/2 human half demon Devil May cries Poster boy is all about weapons, demon sling weapons jokes and you guessed it running down the side of a building at Mach speeds.

  • Most of all, Dante just does not care.

  • No matter who or what he's fighting, Dante will kill them and look good doing it.

  • Did he just kill a bunch of demons by shooting a billiard ball?

  • Number two?

  • They say that everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

  • Desperate times call for desperate measures and for 12 year old egg that make freezing himself in a block of ice that wouldn't fall out for a century when he woke back up.

  • Well, the Fire Nation.

  • It's sort of killed his parents and everybody he ever knew or loved with the power of 100 sons.

  • But that didn't stop him from growing up as a happy go lucky kid who just so happened to be able to manipulate almost every kind of element.

  • There Waas, airbending, earthbending, firebending, waterbending, metal bending, though can't do that casual observation here.

  • Does anybody else think that a kind of looks like if you had the powers of Captain Planet, it's number one.

  • It seems like almost every single superhero out there is an orphan.

  • So much so that this list could have very easily been filled with nothing but Marvel and DC characters.

  • But after, like 80 years, I think anybody needs an introduction.

  • Bruce Wayne.

  • He's so popular by this point that you know exactly why he deserves the top spot.

  • For some, being an orphan is nothing more than an obstacle in life.

  • But for Batman, it's his every day motivation.

  • And that's what's so inspiring about it.

  • Because of one particularly sucky night, Bruce decided to do his part to make the world better.

  • He protects his city, joins with others to protect his planet and does it all with nothing but his own ingenuity and the billions of dollars at his parents left him with times are seeking number 11.

  • Let me tell you about a mouse who grew up in ST Maron Eras Orphanage.

  • Chuck E.

  • Cheese himself never had a birthday party when he was little because nobody knew when his birthday even Waas shuts, cut a surprisingly depressing backstory.

  • But At least now, Mr Cheese gets to celebrate every single day.

  • Having a birthday every day is most definitely awesome.

what's Hollywood's favorite shortcut for making the character sympathetic?


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10大令人敬畏的孤兒 (Top 10 Awesome Orphans)

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