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  • crunch time on the job.

  • Congrats to Bill Russell for receiving the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage.

  • Russell posted about the honor on his I G and Twitter accounts this morning, and you can see him received the award at the ESPYs this summer, which you're gonna air July 10th on ABC.

  • Mac House.

  • Bill Russell impacted your career.

  • Me and all I have to do is say thank you, Bill Russell.

  • Thank you.

  • We all salute you for what you did for the game of basketball.

  • I mean, he means so much to all of us.

  • Yeah, absolutely, Player.

  • I agree.

  • I'm right there will make I appreciate your Bill Russell well deserved and much more.

  • And I just loved his energy towards former.

  • I mean, so its current.

  • Absolutely.

  • And by the way, what he did is a coach.

  • Also, the stance he took for civil rights.

  • So important.

  • All right.

  • We spoke about Grandma Draymond Green at the top of the show.

  • He recently called himself Quote the best defender ever.

  • We had Scottie Pippen on the show the day after that happened, which he had some thoughts on that, But Draymond made the claim again at media day yesterday.

  • Take a listen if you don't have them.

  • I said that you're the best ever.

  • You failed already.

  • So if you don't have the mind, say that you are the best reporter ever.

  • Then you already felt.

  • And that's been my mind says, since I can remember, that will be my mindset as long as I can remember anything that I am the best ever at what I do.

  • I mean, look, it's funny cause Scotty, when he was talking about this, said, I think he's one of the greatest defenders ever.

  • But once you say I'm the best effort, that's where I got a problem with it.

  • What do you guys think?

  • So why has this got to do you have a problem with passing the torch?

  • I mean, listen, Draymond green.

  • He he does something on the defense event that we've never seen in MBA history.

  • He goes one through five at a high lead level.

  • I don't think I ever seen nobody do it, so I'm rolling with Draymond.

  • He is the best ever.

  • Would he do Listen, I can't say he's the best ever, but what I will say this man is one of the best ever.

  • Do it on the defensive end, the positions that he's able to guard from a two guard to a five man.

  • I mean, he could do it all, you know, and I think to get on this stage five times, you have to have great defenders.

  • And I've said that.

  • And Draymond Green is one of them, and Klay Thompson is one of Tracy's, the all famous Yes, absolutely no question.

  • Let legal let the playoff player the he's gonna have a whole message titles.

  • I do want to ask you guys before we go.

  • The Raptors looking for their first finals win in franchise history.

  • T Mac fill in the blank.

  • The Raptors win Game one.

  • If that man is Batman and Robin, be who they are and get some help from the other guys.

  • If Serge Ibaka or Marc Gasol have a good game, Raptors will win.

  • Either one.

  • Neutralize Steph and Clay.

  • If they don't get rolling early wars are not gonna have men right?

  • Overcome Why?

  • I agree.

  • I mean, look, no Kevin Durant tonight.

  • It sounds unlikely they will play in Game two.

  • The Raptors have to take advantage of this at home.

  • And if they don't think it's gonna be quick, Siri's look right now those people are find out before the game, relations to the entire country here.

crunch time on the job.


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