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  • guys.

  • We have just arrived to a place where animals are treated better than humans.

  • Let me show you.

  • This plays.

  • Each animal has a hotel room and each animal has any.

  • This is Gary.

  • This is away.

  • And her name is Gully.

  • This place animals get three music sessions.

  • Free food delivered by a staff of 500 volunteers.

  • Volunteer and sick animals get free health care, free medicine and free prosthetics.

  • Legs.

  • This leg is full of cow.

  • We had a cow.

  • She was in a wheelchair and that was built for her on They all live in a place with a lot of space.

  • This is Freedom Farms, one of the most unique farms in the world.

  • It's the only one in the Middle East and in Israel where animals get this'll much luxury.

  • 200 animals were rescued from around the country.

  • Instead of ending as food, they ended up in this farm living the best life.

  • Now I know what you're thinking.

  • Isn't this a bit much?

  • I mean, these animals have a better life and a better house.

  • Then many humans in the world.

  • So I went and asked their employees the same question isn't this a bit much?

  • Maybe it's a bit much, but the point isn't to save 200 animals.

  • The point is to educate 200 million people on why it's important to treat others with compassion, whether they're animals or humans.

  • And that's when I realized why this unique farm exists.

  • All this effort, luxury and care is not just for animals but also for people.

  • When thousands of kids come and interact with animals as living beings, they become more compassionate, have more respect for others and are more understanding at a young age.

  • I grew up as an only child, so my dog was like my sister and she left me no matter what.

  • And that's why I grew up loving animals at the end of the day.

  • This farm is unique because it has hotel rooms for animals, wheelchairs for chicken and music for goats.

  • But most importantly, it has something humans and animals deserve the freedom to live.



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A2 初級

自由農場 (The Freedom Farm)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日