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  • we do about up David, who are deeply about David.

  • What?

  • I'm hoping to learn more Chinese.

  • I'm going to give up caffeine for New Year, get really healthy on sticking it till the end of the year.

  • Probably learned to save some more money management.

  • Find it a bit better.

  • Steve.

  • Well inactive.

  • Just taking it day by day.

  • My New Year's resolution is to continue my enthusiasm from having to make it in London that I am going to lose weight on, be a better person and help other people.

  • I'm hoping to spend more time with my family.

  • I'm part have you given up making them great?

we do about up David, who are deeply about David.


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A2 初級

如何談論新年決心? (How to talk about New Year's Resolutions)

  • 12 1
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日