字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Skratar du (Translation: You laugh) 你一笑!!! Förlorar du (Translation: You lose) 你就輸!!! manneeeen 兄弟們(? The rule is simple. If you laugh you lose do not laugh during this video 規則很簡單,你如果在看影片的時候笑了 那你就輸了。別在看影片時笑出來 Cuz then you will lose, and if you lose 因為你會輸掉;那如果你輸了 Then you laugh and if you laugh 代表你笑了;那如果你笑了( 黑人問號 ? You lose and let me know in the end of the video if you laughed or if you lose-did *inhale* 你必然會輸。 在影片下方跟我說你笑了還是輸了(啊不是一樣=3=)。*性感舔舌* Now let's go uh this time we're not gonna react to 好的,我們今天沒有要看... *licc* *性感舔舌* Any dank memes cuz YouTube just seems to 任何的meme,因為現在youtube Be striking down extra hard lately that, the yellow 好像開始越來越嚴格了。 the yellow sign is everywhere, and I'm getting a little fed up, so we're gonna keep it nice and 現在黃色標誌滿天飛,讓我開始有點受夠了,所以我們還是當個乖寶寶吧。 family-friendly please 闔家觀賞。 so I thought we're gonna do the 我們要看的是 25 most viewed twitch IRL videos that will be a good time, let's go everybody 25個最多人觀賞的twitch IRL 影片,一定會很棒的,那我們就開始啦~ *tuturuUUu* *實況音效* [woman] "I once had someone, who I was with, making out with him and I went to uh... 實況女:我曾經跟一個人交往過,有次親熱 give them a hand job, and I just barely touched his penis, and he jizzed like all over my stomach 我要幫他尻尻,我的手一碰到他生殖器的時候,他就噴的我滿肚子都是... [Sodapoppin]: Okay, you can just say my name there Leah. Let's not try and hide it there. It makes it work. Okay? Let's just be real here. OK...你可以直接把我名子說出來啊Leah,別再偷侈摸摸,這只會越來越糟,別裝了好嗎? [Felix]: good! *claps* Nice family-friendly! Thank you. Felix:水!*拍手*阿不就好闔家觀賞,謝謝你們倆喔。 Good one. [Felix imitating woman] "I jUst oNCE HAd a GUy tOUch mY bELLy" 曾經有一個男ㄉ,她一碰到窩ㄉ肚子 "anD THeN hE jUSt JIzZEd aLL OvER" 他就噴ㄉ到處都4。 [Normal Felix] Why does she talk like that? 她一定要這樣講話嗎 ? [woman]: "I once had someone who I was with" 女實況主:我曾經跟一個人... [Felix]: "Relatable though, relatable story... uh..." 但我明白這感受 It always makes for a good laugh when you can be like, 'hah!' that never happened to me" 這種'哈,好險這種事情從來不會發生在我身上'故事 永遠都可以都是一個好梗。 [woman]: "...those bot lane, and she's a marksman" [Paco]: "ah" 女實況主: 當時是下路,她玩射手(ADC) [woman]: "so if you were to play then we could go into the same lane together. It would be really cute and then" 女實況主: 所以如果我們能走同一條路感覺會超Q的 [man]: "I'm... I like... I don't know if I would... I mean it'd be cool 男實況主:...呃,我不太清楚欸...我是想說感覺不錯啦 but I think, cuz there is a champion that I do know, and he kind of looks quiet think I'd be a 但是我知道有一隻英雄,不是那種嗨咖型的 Malphite player cuz he's pretty like he's edgy and such" 我應該會玩墨菲特吧,比較有個性什麼的 [woman]: "you don't want to go bot lane with me?" 女實況主:你不想跟我一起走下路歐? [man]: "No, cuz you can be the bottom, and I'll be on top." 男:沒啊,這樣你可以走下路,而我會走上路 (女下男上體位雙關) (smooth af, paco) *尷尬聲* *akward umm* 好喔 .... "But yeah... so uh." Felix:你一定在開我玩笑吧 ... [felix cuts in]: *chuckles* "Are you kidding me right now?" 剛剛他該不會是講了 Did he just say? "你下位我上位"的笑話吧 這種多人混戰遊戲裡你是第一個餒 "You can go bottom and I go top," in a MOBA that joke has never ever been said before! 我真的不敢相信到後面會那麼尷尬。 and I can't believe how awkward it just became that is just crazy 我的老天鵝阿。 [sarcastically] oh my god 有時與人互動就是會落到 "蛤,剛剛是三小?" 的下場 Sometimes social interactions they just go like "woah!" what happened here? 男: 除了打電動,妳還有其他嗜好嗎? 女: (尷尬笑 [man in video]: "Besides video games, what are some of your hobbies that you have?" 他其實有試著話鋒一轉,找其他話題 [Felix]: "You try and change subject right away" 女: 呃....(持續發酵的尷尬 男: 殺了我吧! *woman laughs awkwardly* 他這樣算不錯了欸都試著幫妳了 好歹表示些什麼吧,有尷尬成那樣嗎 It's not that... he even tried to help you! what do you mean? it's not that awkward 連我這麼容易犯尷尬癌的人都不覺得尷尬了 開個玩笑就過了好嗎傻眼 I'm super awkward, and I didn't even find that awkward, just joke about it and move on god dammit 死屁孩不就愛來愛去逆,我在你上面騎逆 Teenagers, teenage love, am I right you go bot and I go top 喔,有個小孩跑過來了 (對孩子)嗨 [officer]: "Oh there's a little kiddo running at me... Hi!" 那邊有一個殺ㄌㄣˊ小丑,公園的旁邊 [kid] "Hey there's a clown ovah there by dah park" 警官: 蝦毀!? 小孩: 殺ㄌㄣˊ小丑,在公園旁邊@@ Felix: 小丑? [officer]: "What is it?" [k] "a (unidentified) clown" 警: 你剛說小丑嗎? 孩: 嘿啊 [officer]: "a clown?" (倒抽一口氣) *officer acts surprised* 孩: 你有槍嗎 Felix: (笑 [kid]: "you got a gun?" 警: 有啊0.0 [officer]: "yeh" 孩: 你可以用那個槍射那個小丑嗎? Pew: (無聲大笑 [kid]: "Can you shoot that clown wit ur gun?" *felix laughing in BG* 警: 我會先去查看一下,好嗎 [officer]: "I'll go check it out, uh I'l go see okay?" 啥鬼啊這警官大大是在直播嗎 這樣真的大丈夫? *laughs in relatable Jeff meme* 所以他到底有沒有射到小丑 好想知道啊 [Felix] "It's a police officer livestreaming now? What the heck?... that seems kind of like a bad idea" (一個小偷 Did he did he film shooting the clown or what? I need to know 喔艮! *man steals livestreamer's camera* 老天...反正註定會發生的對吧,時間的問題罷了 [Felix]: "Oh shit!" 他...他有繼續……那小偷也幹走了他的訂閱者了? *footsteps of thief running away* 比方說有人幹走我電腦,他們就會拿到我的頻道 東西都在裡面,就像隨機附送 Goddamn. I mean that was bound to happen sooner or later, right? Reckful: 幫我問後面的老婦人能不能替他們舔肛(eww 我覺得超不行(那你還唸= = did he c- does he contin- does he get his subs as well? like does he... Reckful: Nani,觀眾想要妳問她們看妳能不能幫他舔 (幫NaniQQ If someone steals my computer, clearly they get my channel as well. It comes with it. It's a package. (世紀大白眼) [Reckful]: "ask the old ladies behind Nani if I could eat their ass... I think that's a little inappropriate..." 男二: 欸,他們是英國人餒,夠了吧 Felix: (笑 [Reckful]: "Nani, they want you to ask the ladies behind you... if you could eat their ass." Reckful: 喔幹她們聽得懂!? [Forsen]: "Hello!... they're British! will you stop?" *felix laughs* Nani: 你們太大聲了,我要切割走人 [Reckful] *surprised* "Oh... they understand?" Reckful: 等等,別走啊,我還沒結束欸... [Nani]: "you guys are too loud, I have to leave." Nani: 她們講英文欸Reckful,正港英國人欸 [Reckful]: "wait, you're leaving? I'm not done... " Reckful: 我啊災...賣造啦...她就這樣走了 *Nani interrupts,* "They speak english, Reckful, they're British!" (被尷尬淹沒的朋友) [Reckful]: "I didn't know... wait don't leave... she's leaving" 感覺她們已經準備好在等這一刻發生了XD *Forsen dying of embarassment* forsenE (Reckful你還能笑啊.. 真丟臉到炸了兄弟... [Felix]: "They seem like they're up for it!" *laughs* 噢,還真夠他們受的 *Reckful chuckles* Felix: 喔買gah [Felix]: "agh... So painful!" 你嘛幫幫忙 "oh my god" 她們就在等你啊,還好那女生先走 他們可能還能跟婦人們玩得盡興 Come on 一定有個遊戲是這樣進行的: 一開始慢慢的把瓶蓋或者軟木塞打開 They we're totally up for it. I'm glad the girl left, they... they could have a good time with those old ladies 然後對準他們的眼球正中央 Felix: 啊 係啊 [Kyle]: "There's got to be a game where like you-- everyone sssslowly, loosens the cap, the cork. 有點像左輪試膽遊戲,只是用瓶子取代左輪 and then puts it right up to their eye" (木塞沖開聲 Felix: (崩潰叫 It's like Russian Roulette but with... a bottle 老天爺啊 *cork nails him* (大吼) 不 然 你 以 為 會 發 生 什 麼 事 啊 "OH!" 啊不就好險他有戴眼鏡! 嚇爛我的毛欸 [Felix, yelling]: "WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN??" (大難不死的笑 Thank God he wore glasses Jesus Christ, dude" 剪好精華了,現在來回顧一下稍早的驚險畫面 *laughs in terrified* (大家大笑 [Paul]: "...to twitch and we're gonna we're gonna watch right now" 三小啦.... *streamers and Felix laugh* 你頭殼壞去 (意義不明夾雜笑聲 [F]: "what the f***" 老天... Thank God man. Damn! That could've- could've really---" 謝天謝地欸老兄,差一點你就掰了 "I like how they just have a laugh about it. I'd be terrified." 他們就這樣一直笑,換作我可能會嚇死在那邊 [Anisa]: "...um yeah. Throw me in a basement- okay, shut the lights off and play Nickelback non-stop for hours on end 好,把我關在地下室裡 關燈然後開始播五分錢樂團連續播一小時 I will want to die. I guarantee you." 我跟你保證我真的死給你看 *Ian bursts in, Anisa screams* [iDubbbz]: "YOu tALKing SHit BOut NICKelBacK, BItcH?" (大爆音) Anisa: (尖叫)天殺的... iDubbbz: 你他媽是在黑特五分錢嗎 *iDubbbz repeats* (又重複講一次 [Felix]: "Is that iDubbbz?" *yes Felix* F: 那是iDubbbz嗎 [Anisa, quietly]: "You're making my hands tingle- oh my go- oh my-" 你真的害我嚇到抖手手欸... (驚魂未定)阿彌陀佛、阿彌陀佛 [Felix]: "What the f*** is that fanart in the back?" *Felix imitates iDubbbz about Nickelback* iDubbbz: 喔 可不是嗎 以後再講試試看啊 [streamer]: "4skinTim {foreskin} donated $10 you said shoutout to all my young fanbase(?) 後面那個粉絲創作是在畫三小啊... 別再黑特五分錢了(oh Felix "Thank you Tim, we appreciate that." [2nd str]: "Don't read that... 4skinTim(4skin諧音包皮)抖內了10鎂 對我所有年輕的?表達感謝 [2S]: "I knew- I knew better, dude." 謝啦Tim,足甘心餒 DC: 幹嘛讀出來啦 *1st realizes* *Felix laughs* 我會處理的更好老兄 [1S]: "I thought he was like- doing it FOR Tim..." (EE恍然大悟) [Felix]: "ah- that makes sense actually." 我以為他是為了...為了Tim這麼做的啊 *streamers bickering* 啊也是不能怪他啦 可以理解 "He wrote- he typed the letter- he wrote the letter 4 instead of- come on Zach" DC: 好啦好啦 就認栽唄 "alright- I'm sorry" EE: 他寫...他打成那樣啊,好我很抱歉 可是他把包寫成....不小心的齁Zach [2S, mocking]: "You fell for the oldest trick in the book- one dollar donation from 'Jenna Tools'" 好啦,歹勢啦歹勢 "no no no!" DC: 你嘛幫幫忙都這麼老哏了還會上當 另外我們收到來自"棒棒"的一鎂抖內(諧音生殖器) *realizes and laughs* *Felix laughs* EE: 不不不 別啊 "I'm not alone!" (崩潰X2) [F]: "He was so salty" *replays clip* EE:看吧!! DC: 我也中招了lol "He wrote he typed the letter yeah, where's your heart? He typed the letter he wrote the letter four instead of-" 我們都上鉤了,兩個受害者 [felix mocking]: "you fell for the oldest trick in the book- shout out to genitals?" 真的很會XD他簡直要爆發了 [woman]: "Go away please" Felix模仿: 好啦好啦 DC: 就認栽唄 [streamer]: "I was here first" EE: 他寫...他打成那樣啊,好我很抱歉 可是他把包寫成....不小心的齁Zach [w]: ??? 好啦,歹勢啦歹勢 [s]: "Well listen, i was here first, right?" DC: 你嘛幫幫忙都這麼老哏了還會上當 另外我們收到來自"棒棒"的一鎂抖內 "I'm... Let me finish my workout" Felix模仿: 都那麼老哏還會中招 結果勒 感謝"棒棒"lol "You can't tell me to go away" 好,接下來又是什麼 [w]: "You use it not..." 女: 可以請妳滾嗎,這裡不是妳小妞該來的地方 實況主: 我先來的欸 "You use it wrong" 小妞去別的地方玩啦 "Your exercising.. Is bad f-" 嘿,聽好,我先來的可以嗎 我要先練完,妳不能就這樣叫我滾 [felix]: "What the hell? Is this russian mom? 妳這樣用...方法錯了 [w]: "...mirror. Not this" 女: (惱羞所以支支嗚嗚) 實況主: 可是.. Felix: 那啥啊,俄羅斯大媽嗎 [s]: "What are you talking about?" 女: 而不是像這樣 實況主: 妳到底在供殺毀,我本來就在這練啊 "But i was here firs...Hey, listen" 給我聽好,先讓我練完,然後妳就能用了 "Let me finish my workout" 實況主: 我傻眼貓咪欸,為什麼不能在這 女: 妳就只是一直講話啊 "And then you can do yo-" 女: 這哪是在健身啊 *arguing* [w]: "...Why are you standing and talking?" 嗯,她真的有點壯,所以我完全能懂她的意思 (按:這邊Felix其實是在酸大媽仗勢欺人) [w]: "This is not workout!" 我連一瓶都沒喝完,居然開始有點ㄎ一ㄤ了 (這邊直接翻譯英字sry) [F]: "I mean she was really fit so I- I- I- do understand what she was saying" 有些人站在那裡 *some drunk Russian teenager* 老天,會發生什麼事 [liz, in Russian]: "I didn't drink even a whole bottle but i feel really stupid and drunk" (我撞 "some men are standing over there... bikers..." (被自己笨死的笑XD Felix: (強忍著笑 *unexpected pole* 妳沒看路啊 *laughing stupidly* (繼續傻笑 [woman, in English]: "you didn't- see it!" 好痛喔,我都覺得痛了臥槽 *continues laughing stupidly* (撞)那一定痛爆我跟你講,買尬 [F]: "ahh- the pain- I feel the pain my gosh" (似乎感覺到痛的Felix) "Ohhh! That's gotta hurt man, damn. ugh, oh my god" 女: 94喝給她茫啦! Felix: 靠我看過這個,是韓國人嗎 *felix cringes and makes weird noise* 女: 快乾了它,然後去唱卡拉ok可嗎 Felix: 還是日本人 "Oh my god, I've seen this too. What're they Korean? or Japanese"(They are Korean, Pewds) (一個綜藝摔 *drunk girl falls* Felix: 他在發什麼呆啊 男: (楞好久)沒事吧 "What is he doing?... oh my god" 他怎麼反應那麼慢啊 Why did it take him so long to react? 他感覺...整個人面癱到無法理解剛發生什麼事 He's like- whatuahah- he's too shit-faced to understand what just happened. 又好像是在猶豫要不要假裝不認識XD He's like do I pretend that that's my friend or not? 路人: 嘿Cho,來抖內給妳 [man]: "Hey Cho, I got donation for you... here you go" Cho: 妳是誰啊 [Cho]: "who are you?" 在街頭被抖跟在網路上被抖感覺一定很不一樣ㄉ *laughs in Korean* 跟乞丐感覺有87%像XD "It seems so different when you get money on the street rather than people paying you-" 他抖內我欸哈,謝謝抖內 online, it does seem like you're an actual beggar." 他去哪,消失了欸 "oooookay, that was this week of 'skrattar du förlorar du' 好勒勒勒 這就是本週的"你笑你就輸了" Family-friendly edition, you know how I know it's family-friendly? Cuz this fckin video has ads on it. 而且是闔家觀賞版本,為什麼我知道呢 因為這支機巴影片有廣告置入 So if this video doesn't have stupid ads I'm gonna be really angery 所以假如這支影片沒有任何狗屁廣告,我他媽一定氣死 Leave a like if you laughed (噴的到處都是 leave a like if you losed, and let me know in the comments if you laughed or if you losed 不管你是笑了 and remember to have a happy day. 還是輸了,都點個喜歡吧~ 記得留言告訴我你是笑了還是輸(ed)了 *Christian channel piano music* 最後,祝您擁有愉快的一天^^ And also subscribe (別忘了這是基督徒頻道各位
A2 初級 中文 PewDiePie 小丑 實況 尷尬 幫幫忙 觀賞 STREAM FAILS YLYL #0015 (STREAM FAILS YLYL #0015) 39 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字