字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 OH MY GOD, IT'S JACKSEPTICYEYE!! 喔不 是Jacksepticeye AHHHHHH 啊啊啊啊啊啊 Oh, hey how's it going bros? 嘿 兄弟們 Welcome back to another episode of "Resident Evil 7" (吸) Alright, so, right off the bat, I read you bro's comments and, 歡迎回到這個遊戲 apparently a little hidden secret down here 惡靈古堡.... that I missed completely ~!@#$%...七! So I appreciate the little tips and tricks that you bros give me. 我稍微看了之前網友的留言 What do we have? 很明顯的 A box! 這裡有一條非常秘密的密道 Hehehehehe.... Box!! 然後我完全沒注意到 Hell Yea motha' fucka' 非常感謝你們提供的小提示 Alright, 來看看這裡有什麼 Nice little creepy shed there, appreciate it. 一個箱!子! Uhh, now we have, 阿哈哈...哈哈......... I guess we have a broken hand gun and 箱!!!子!!! a broken shotgun 水啦 媽惹發科 I'm just gonna repair the broken hand gun cause 有一間怪怪的小屋 I can't be bothered to go and get the broken shotgun 所以我們現在有 Is that okay with you? 我想我們應該有壞掉的手槍跟壞掉的散彈槍 Great, 我先把手槍修好好了 Great I'm glad we agree on things 這樣我就暫時不用煩惱散彈槍的問題了 Broken handgun 你說對嗎(盯) Alright great 很好 Uhh, use it on the repair kit 很好 很高興我們有共識 Excellent 壞掉的手槍... Oh they have different max? Okay, okay 呃... okay ...在這邊點擊修復 more ammo for me. Is there anything else we need? 不錯喔 I think we're good to rock and roll 咦?彈夾容量不一樣? MothaFucka 好吧 let's do this we're going to the party 好吧 Hell Yeah! I used to work at a night club 好吧 So uh, I know how to handle the fucked 給我更多子彈吧 up drunk people 還有什麼要做嗎 oh my god it's bleach I mean hey bro 我想我們已經準備好要HIGH一波囉 媽der發科 doesn't even load 走吧 去參加派對吧 HEY POODS 水喔 Hey bro its a fucking nice atmosphere in there. 我之前在夜店上過班所以 lot of hoes, lot of bitches 我知道怎麼搞定那些 G-go on in 喝到爛醉的人 alright alright bro man bleach such a 喔我的天 是漂白水! bro who would have thought 我是說 嘿老兄 lets (笑) play 裡面什麼都沒裝 yay (岔氣) oh how nice 嘿 噗滋(Pewds) alright i can't play for too long today 嘿兄弟 because it saturday and i usually take 那邊真的有夠HIGH 已經有一堆錶O在狂歡了 Saturdays off i will spend it with Marzia so.. 快上去吧 I know this was probably a bit 好喔 老兄 shorter. Dude not so close 想不到漂白水真是個男人 Jesus Christ 來.... ETHAN BRADBERRY 來....玩 He's so fuckin creepy YA Oh great an alien fetus 喔 不錯喔 I don't know... a dildo? (ROCK) Oh, god.... no 我沒辦法玩太久 因為星期天我通常都在家陪Marzia AGH! 我知道這樣有點快 Who's Eveline? 欸 別這麼近 同學 Found ya'll? 天啊 Yes, that's me (測試中) Bradberry 伊森~ Ohh baby~ 伊叭啦叭逼 Oh I'll come through you 伊~~~~~~森 I'll come through you with my.... dick! 他真的超有病 AH, shit.. haha nice, nice- fuck indeed 等等!等等!我有東西要給你 alright so we have a new gun i suppose 你看你看~~我拿到什麼~ no we don't have a new gun 喔 是外星人小公仔 Uhh... 你知道這是要做什麼的嗎 Uh fuck..uhh 你知道柔伊很想要這個嗎 Relatively powerful. Great, great just fucking great 不... How's it look? Looks pretty cool.. 不...知道 PEWDS you should have a shotgun! God dammit! 他以為這個東西很特別 Why didn't you tell me then?! 不 伊森 Heh! 那太無聊了 Oh geez, is that a trap? 這個... Oh my god.. it's a BOX!!! 現在你看到的才是最有趣的 Handgun ammo! 看到了嗎 伊森 what if you just go underneath- Hey! 不是所有人都想 high five! fuck yeah! 讓時間回到過去的 He-hey! High five! 幹嘛! i have no friends. 幹嘛!伊芙琳 Right on her ass. Nicely placed 我才正在告訴他 mate. Nicely placed not very discreet 不是每個人都想讓事情回到原來那個樣子 though! But nicely placed. OH god another one 柔伊是個賤人 Fuck, they're everywhere. Hey barrel how you 嗯哼 我在 doing y-you look pretty good man !@#$% Can I crawl underneath? Fuck, I got a cold, man. (嗝) WAIT, there's a treasure hidden here! 喔~BABY I recognize this place 呵 通過你那關嗎 WHAT! HELL YEAH! WHAAAT! WHAAT 我用我的....屌通過你( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) WHA- Oh shit oh shit there's a trap in the 漂亮 fucking ceiling 漂亮 Okay so now we can repair the shotgun too, (´⊙ω⊙`) that's pretty good 所以我們有新的槍嗎 I don't know why we need to do that 我們沒有新的槍 Can I shoot it from here I don't fucking trust this. "相對有威力" No it was pretty fucking obvious 好喔 真他媽的好 Hey bro how you doin, you look pretty good 看起來如何啊 Alright, so what else we got? Huh? 看起來很酷喔 Nothin? ETHAN BRADBERRY! [女]Pewds 你應該升級你的散彈槍的 BOX!! 靠夭啊 My new favourite catchphrase, everyone. 你為什麼不早點跟我說 BOX! 喝啊! Ugh, god damnit 喔天 是陷阱嗎 BOX! 我的天.... Oh, for fuck's sake! 是! What, s-so the boxes have explos- Awh for f- 箱!!!子!!!(,,゚Д゚) What's over here? 手槍子彈 Nothin. Great. 如果我們真的要去下面呢 Ooh! GOTEM! 嘿~~ Shut the fuck up. (ノ>ω Why is this here? 嘿嘿~~~ What the fuck? It doesn't make a- (ノ>ω I don't need this many guns 我根本沒朋友 Right? 這位置放的很精妙 朋友 I don- I don't know man. 放的精妙 There we go. 雖然看起來還是有點隨便 Actually I don't need to hold the repair kit either 不過還是放的好 Fuck saake 喔 新世界! We'll go get the broken shotgun later 我感受到不對勁 This is a perfect timing. HI 鐵桶 你好嗎 看起來滿不錯的喔 What. 我可以鑽下面嗎 How am I supposed to know 乾 好像感冒了 T-Hahahahaha! 等等!這裡好像有藏東西 Okay, sure. 我認得這個地方 Aghh! 什麼! What did he say? 0, 1, 5 (゚∀。) I have a bad feeling about this. 什麼~~!(゚∀。) What the fuck did you do? 什麼~~~!!(゚∀。) WOAH! 喔喔喔喔 這裡有陷阱 Jesus! 在那個他媽的天花板 For fuck's sake! 總之我們現在可以修散彈槍了 ??? 雖然不知道為什麼要修 Ughh! 我可以直接從這開槍嗎 Wait 我完全不相信這些東西 Haha! [ 廣播器 ] WOW 你的眼力不錯嘛 Great, just great. 因為他媽超明顯啊 Just fucking fantastic. 嘿老兄 你好嗎 看起來不錯喔 I don't fucking trust boxes anymore 好吧 還有什麼東西嗎 You were my only friend 沒有 You were supposed to be THE CHOSEN ONE! 伊森@#$%哩 There you go. 箱!!!子!!!(゜皿。) Fucking great. 這是最近喜歡上的新標語 各位 Should I just shoot them from now on? 箱!!!子!!!(゜皿。) I don't 靠夭 I don't know man. 箱!子!(゜A。) Heey, look at that, shotgun. 所有每個箱子都會爆...? Heh! 這裡有啥 Burner fuel? I don't need it, great. 沒有 This corridor, 好吧 It's way too fucking set up. (ooop) Anytime you got a long ass fucking corridor 中囉 There's a trap there isn't it, yeah I see it. B嘴 It's right fucking here. [ 廣播器 ] 他們會去找你喔 Gotem! 為啥這裡有箱子 JESUS CHRIST! 這沒道... Oh god 我不需要這麼多槍 WATCH OUT FOR THE TRAP YOU MOTHERFUCKER! 我不...我不知道 Jeesus! 不過我好像也不需要修理工具包 You almost got hurt! 我們晚點再去找壞掉的散彈槍 Fuckin asshole! 現在是好時機 Helloo? 蛤? Life's handing you lemons, so make lemonade then. 我現在要幹啥 Oh god, oh god, moist monsters. 我知道 密嗎是吧 What the fuck? 他剛剛說啥...(⁰∀⁰) Oh my god, baby 感覺就不太對 I missed 他在衝啥小 Oh god, reload reload RELOAD (((゚Д゚;))) Gotem! 天啊(((゚Д゚;))) GAADEM 天殺的! I can't fuckin see! 拜託我根本... Jesus Chriist! 啊....... Are they still aft- Ughh come on dude 咦?Σ( ° △ °) Just fuckin die! 真的太神奇了 You fucking pancake looking motherfucker, I'm just gonna go. 我再也不相信這些箱子了 Not gonna waste my fuckin ammo 你是我唯一的朋友 安尼肯 Alright, this place looks wonderful doesn't it 你是我萬中選一的那個人!! Jesus Christ. 我之後是都要用手槍確認嗎 I'm so sick of the fucking trap 我不知道 I swear to god if you're a trap box 嘿 看這個 散彈槍 Can't even trust a good ol' box these days 燃油 我不需要 Is this- Is this guy for real 這條走廊... Can you just fuck off? 一定是設計好的 HOW? 每次你走到這種長廊 Fucking die mother, fucker! 一定有陷阱 Jesus Christ! 我看到了 No more traps, I'm fucking done with traps! 在這裡 Hey piggy how ya doin' 來囉 Heey, how's it going it's Poodip- Haa! 給我注意一下陷阱啊 白癡(怒) BOX! 你差點碰到你知道嗎(╬゚д゚) Ughh. 這個魂淡 This looks like a- aw why do I ne- Okay nice. 哈囉? This looks like a boss area doesn't it? 隨遇而安吧 It's too wide and open. 喔不 喔不 是那個噁爛的怪物 Great 杯比! Ano- OH it's a hub here! 等等 裝子彈!裝子彈! SAVE STATION, Gotta love ma save station! 中囉 Alright, now we can head off in the world. @#$%中囉 Have a good time, ya know. 看不到啊啊啊 See what happens. 死好吧 See what floats 他還在我後面... Is that a trap? 我不理你了 我要先閃了 I swear to god no more fucking traps. 我才不想浪費子彈 Did I just take damage from jumpin down there? 這地方真不錯 God damnit. 我受夠這些鳥陷阱了 Alright, what do we got? 我發誓你如果是陷阱我就... You know what 至少今天 可以讓我相信這些箱子嗎 Pop some pills. 這些傢伙來真的嗎 Poppin dem pills 你可以滾嗎 I don't trus- 我要跟這些陷阱說再見了 Shotgun shells. 嘿小豬 你好嗎 You trade one handgun ammo for one shot- oh yeah it's worth it. [ 小豬 ] 你好嗎PEWDS Alright, so we're missing a battery 箱!!!子!!!(゜皿。) Cool. 啊... Thanks game for telling me, appreciate it 這邊感覺會出BOSS There's really nothing else here it seems like. 這邊太寬闊了 Except broken dreams. 喔 是存檔點! Oh there it is okay. (唱歌) I swear to god if you're a broken- yeah fuck you. 現在我們可以繼續前進了 And fuck you pig honestly, like 來看看會發生什麼事吧 I swear to god, I swear to god, box. 這個漂浮 AHH!! 這是陷阱嗎 我警告你不要再來陷阱了 Some people pointed out that during your playthrough 我剛剛掉下來是不是損血了 while you're playing the game 靠 uhh 現在要幹啥呢 You didn't get a scar on your arm 來射幾發吧 or some shit like that 我不相信你 You see, I have a scar on my arm 散彈槍子彈 I don't know it's pretty interesting I guess. 用一發換一盒子彈 值得的 Well, we got the battery now. 我們少一顆電池 I don't.. 謝謝你告訴我 That's the gun 這裡好像沒有其他東西了 I'm getting really fucking tired of these fucking traps, man. 除了粉碎的夢想 Noo! 我發誓你如果是....好吧 發科U NOOOOOO! 還有你 這隻豬 NOO! 我警告你 我警告你喔... Fuck this! (ಠ_ಠ) x N WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! ヽ(`Д´)ノ Oh my god, it's Jacksepticeye! 現在我們有電池了 AHH! (碰) NOO! 我真的快受夠這些狗屎陷阱了 NOOOO! 這啥小啦! Fucking bullshit. 喔不 是Jacksepticeye Aw yeah, aw yeah, bring it on motherfucker! 喔YA喔YA 帶他出來啊 Bring it on now fuc- 再一發 Jesus Cried (Christ) 為什麼你還活著 Another one! 快給我死啊(╬゚д゚) How are you still alive?? 噁心死啦 你超噁的啦 Are you fucking kidding me! 肥宅倒了 Are you fucking kidding me?! 看來還有很多 JUST FUCKING DIE! 喔謝啦 Disgusting! You're disgusting! 上樓囉 Oh my god, just sta- 這種感覺就像是... YES! 你已經在別人的圈套裡了 所以不管你怎麼做你都一定輸 Ugh! 怎麼不開門呢 Fat man down, everybady 怎麼了嗎 Ahh fuck. 喔...原來 That means there's more? 別太超過喔 Oh, ah thank you 所以 你們今天過得如何啊 Just took all my grenade launcher rounds. 還不錯嗎 All of em. 喔 是你耶 And up we go! 不知道我靠過去你會不會突然嚇我 No? Okay. Heheh 沒別的意思 我沒有覺得你是殭屍 不要搞錯了 It's the kind of thing where like you know, eeeeh 其實我不清楚啦(笑) It doesn't matter what we do, we're always gonna lose cause we were set up... 嘿你好嗎 "你是下一個" ...by this motherfucker 謝...謝謝你這麼好心喔 But I dunno man 應該是按這個 C'mon, what is happening? 這次這個Part不怎麼恐怖 只是他媽很煩躁而已 Oh! 我們拿到密碼了嗎? Well that's embarrassing. 我好像還沒拿到 先回去看一下 Not doing too shabby, I would say. 一定是在這裡 So, how-how are you doing today then? 這就是為什麼箱子會設在這的原因了 Yeah? 因為我們會回到這個地方 Doin alright? 好吧 看來我已經把子彈用光了 Havin a good day? 沒辦法再用了 就換成火焰噴射器好了 Havin a good time? YA 我們做到了 Oh look, it's you! [ 對講機 ]不 朋友 這是測試你的技巧 不可以作弊! That would be weird if I walked in on you pla- [ 對講機 ]把你那些危險的東西放下 that would be some meta shit 這才是這箱子存在的真正原因 N-no offense 我真的要撤下嗎 I don't think you look like a zombie. [ 對講機 ]你還帶著危險的東西 快去拿掉 Don't get me wrong. 拿掉全部武器的話應該... Al-although I don't know? Haha. 他怎麼知道的 Hey how ya doin bud- you're next. 還真的要"全部"拿掉 Well 欸 等等... Well, thank you kindly! 謝謝 你怎麼知道我的生日 I suppose we hit the stairs. 謝啦 Almost missed a coin! 好吧 這是我們之前在錄影帶裡面玩的解謎 Woo! 我是說這應該會很容易 Weha! 因為我們只要... After you! 我應該要先到這邊才能開始遊戲 God damnit 嘿 這是我的生日....怎麼樣啊... This part isn't scary, it's just fucking annoying. 閉嘴 Oh, do we have the code? I didn't, I didn't (笑) catch a code. Is there a code back there? 真的有病 Surely there must have been.. 來證明一下我的想法 Four ae- There we go. 他設的局讓我們一定會輸 1408. 但! 1408. 自從我們看過錄影帶之後 Alright 我們可以用作弊的方法 THAT'S why there was a box here HI 氣球們 你們好嗎 because we come back to this area. 我可以想像他在吹這些氣球的時候 Alright, now that I used all my fucking grenade sh-rounds 魯蛇 Can't use that anymore, switch back to the flame thrower. 魯------蛇兒 Wherever it is- there we go. 這個我們之前就做過了 1, 4 這樣怎麼樣啊 你GG了 0 8. 現在我們有這個轉動閥 YEYAH! 這個方法... We did it! 不會讓汽油淋到我們身上害我們被燒死 Uhh- 雖然我還不清楚他到底怎麼破壞的了那個閥 God damnit. 而且你才用一次而已 Fuck you! 生日快樂! That's the real reason why the box is there! 快啊 快放進去!!! Do I really got to get rid of- 掰掰(ゝ∀・) Naw. 如果我是你我一定會離那些汽油遠一點 Ahhh, come on man. 我只能再玩一下下 時間不太夠了 Alright. 這真酷 Maybe, all the weapons. 喔找到了 FUCK YA How does he know? 在這邊結束剛剛好 Really, you had to get rid of everything huh. 雖然還想再玩一下 Aww, wait a minute! 拿到地圖了 Aww c- 很抱歉我要在這邊先結束了 Thank you, did you know it's my birthday? 今天就只能錄到這了 希望你們喜歡 Thank you. 我們在下個章節再見囉 Okay, so this is the puzzle that we played in the VHS tape. 感謝你們的觀看 Which I mean, should be pretty fuckin obvious then. Cause all we gotta do is.. Uhh.. Whr- I was suppos- we gotta walk in here just st- start the fucking puzzle. Hey! It's ma birthday everybady! (hey howboudat) It's, ma birthday Shut the fuck up. Hehahaha! That's kinda creepy. Hey that kind uhhh- NO! No! Oh shit, Jesus! Uhh that kind of proves my point So, he set us up to lose now BUT since we saw the VHS tape.. we could win with cheating! That's kinda cool, I like that. Hey balloons, how you doin everybady? I can just see him blowing up all these balloons. Loser.. Looo seher. Ah fuck sake. Urmm Loos- ser. Hey! It's almost like we've done this before! How about that Good Game, GG man. Now we have the valve.. This way, uhh the oil won't run out and fucken burn us to death (in a horrible way) Although, I'm not sure how he set up the fuckin valve to break, when you use it once. Creepy. Happy Birthday! Yeah! It's gonna blow up. We knew that, why don't we take cover? What the fuck?! Oh god, uhh URHHHH.. URRRHH SHIT PUT IT IN DUDE Baaa! I would get away from the oil if I were you. Oh well. Motherfucka! Okay, I can only play a little bit more, I'm runnin out of time unfortunately. This is really cool. Oh we got it! Fuck yeah! EXcellent! Dude you look good. Excellent. Oh no, it's Mia. Oh no. Hurray! God damn, I hate him. Erherr, dick. Hahahaha! And I don- SAVE TEETEETETETEEPEDEE I guess it would be a good place to end it here. Just really kinda wanna play a little bit more. Hehe. I know I'm not supposed to- hey we have a map! I'm REALLY sorry for cutting this one a little bit short but, uh it's all I can do for you today I hope you enjoyed it regardless, and I'll see you tomorrow with anothe- a-a longer episode I PROMISE. Thank you for watching, it means a lot. Stay awesome bros!
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 陷阱 子彈 伊森 手槍 箱子 生化危機7--第六部--這傢伙發出的響聲... ... (Resident Evil 7 - Part 6 - THE CRINGE FROM THIS GUY..) 20 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字