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Did I just hear someone use a microaggression????????
Microaggression, it's a term. We all came to love, but what does it really mean?
Let's do a quick simple google search to find out. What is a microaggression? Wait...
What is a microinsult... A microaggression is the..? What is a microassault?
What is a microinvalidation?
Macroagression?! Microagression...
Macroassault! Microregression...
Macro discrimination!!
My god, okay, all right we're gonna have to take a step back. Micro aggression is a term coined in 1970,
But recently, Got popularized, thanks to this wonderful man. Let's see how he describes it.
Good day everyone my name is Derald Wing-Sue
Why does this feel like a comedy sketch? It feels like I'm watching Adult Swim.
To share with you some of the harmful impact that micro aggressions have on...
The music is so uplifting!
...marginalized groups in our society.
Is it a good thing? I can't tell.
Well, micro aggressions are the everyday slights, indignities, put downs and
insults that people of color, women
LGBT populations, or those who are marginalized
experience in their day to day interactions
with people. In this scene, Jenny has finished a late night at the office and awaits the elevator
I can tell it's a very late night based on the darkness.
The door opens,
She takes one step forward, sees a black male rider, hesitates
And immediately clutches her purse and places her hand over her necklace.
African-americans are prone to crime, will break the law, are up to no good and will steal. Okay
I have taken a couple classes in
Microaggressions and basically here we go, Micro aggression it can be divided into three groups
based on if it's a
intentional microaggression or an unconscious microaggression if it's an
Microaggression, then it's called a micro invalidation whatever the heck that is and then if it's intentional
it's a micro assault and
if it's somewhere in between you will find a
Micropenis just kidding, a Mic.. it's a micro insult in the middle if you're not okay
These jokes are so fucking bad my god
now you might think that micro aggression is not that big a deal. Not, people don't use it seriously come on Felix
Recent TV went to a campus to do some research
Occidental College in California is considering instituting a system for students to report so-called
Microaggressions, oh wow, I believe the most qualified person should get the job
Qualifications aren't really the only the only things you consider when hiring someone. How can you say that?
how can you even hesitate on that, qualifications aren't really the only the only things you consider when hiring someone, what else is there if
You're running a business you want the most qualified person for the job
Right Wrong
did I just hear someone use a microaggression. I understand not wanting to hire the same type of people
Because then you're just gonna get the same type of opinion
But the quo... most qualified person
Surely if you have if you get a job you should get it knowing "I was the most qualified for
this job"
Qualifications aren't really the only
The only things you consider when hiring someone. I am so confused. If you're saying that the most qualified person is someone who is
Not a minority you're not a religion you believe and then yes, I'd be a microaggression
But that's not what they were saying . Saying "god bless you" after somebody sneezes
oh that would be a microaggression because
Different religions, yeah, it could be a microaggression to someone who doesn't believe in God
I think that the harm. There is relatively minimal
So there's still some harm though. Definitely harm. I feel my whole.. my soul is burning my soul is on fire
I truly feel what it's like to be marginalized
Could be a microaggression to someone who doesn't believe in God
It could be a microaggression to someone who doesn't believe in God it reminds me the other week when?
Mr.. Wil Wheaton who has me blocked on Twitter for being toxic?
tweeted right after the church shooting in Texas that the murdered victims
Would still be alive if prayers did anything that seems like the good time as any to?
Criticize prayers after a church shooting thing is I don't believe in religion
I am what yeah agnostic atheist
But I don't feel the need to criticize other people if people want to say thoughts and prayers to something bad happening
I know they have a good intention in mind even though
I don't believe in what that good intention is I don't feel the need
To go against that and the same thing with God bless you you know someone means something well
Why would I personally turn I would be the one responsible for turning it into something negative
and that's the thing with
microaggression is that it's a game that anyone can play but no one wins I have an accent like a like a
Swedish accent oh
Did you just assume my accent?
Never have I been so shook. I'm shook. I'm shooooook
Swedish accent excuse me just cuz I had this fake blonde hair. does not mean I'm Swedish, like a Swedish accent
Not everyone in Sweden is blonde. Okay!
what Microaggressions are the everyday slights indignities put downs for those who are marginalized?
experienced in their day-to-day
Interactions with people I'm not ignoring that these are
Could be hurtful for a lot of people. I I fully understand that I'm not trying to take that away from people
They have the right to feel whatever the way they want to feel but I found it really interesting
In this video when they talk about free speech
What are your thoughts on the concept of free speech do you support free speech yes, I do support free speech
Everyone should be able to say
What they believe in what's on their mind Unless it's a microaggression then we need to report it for hate speech I support free speech
It doesn't work like that. We condemn freedom of speech that hurt other people's feelings. Why don't you suck my micropenis?
In Derald Wing Su's one of his books he points out that
micro aggression produce physical health problems and shorten life
expectency and the general consensus from research is that there's no evidence to back up that micro aggressions is actually harmful and
What is actually defined who does it actually affect?
Some say it could even be more harmful to use the term now
Now that we know about micro aggression we're gonna play a little game. It's called
Can you spot the micro aggression a McGill student was forced to apologise for?
Racial microaggression after emailing joke obama clip this was an unintentional micro aggression, which we now learn
It's a micro
Invalidation good job class you learned a lot here today. It was posted with the caption
Honestly midterms get out of here write down in the comments what the micro aggression was right now
It was based on the fact not that
Midterms are frustrating, then you need to get that anger out it was Blackman angry am I right micro aggression
We also have this clip from the diversity Council of
Australia (Inaudible) project that we're working on is actually looking at how we come on girls, let's get cracking
girls the micro aggression here is ofcourse
Little bit more subtle for their untrained eye, but me as an micro aggressing
Expert I can easily tell you that this micro aggression is based on the fact that
They all look like girls and
Could it be the Kraken get crackin come on girls. Let's get cracking like a cracker white stir it now
Moving on this is posted on BuzzFeed about micro
Examples no. You're white
Moving on so what do you guys speak in Japan Asian?
Micro aggression
Just because I'm Somali doesn't mean I know any pirates. This guy is clearly just taking a piss
I mean look at his face come on. Let me just play this micro violin
For all these poor people with the signs and my god. it must be tough I get it
You know actually it's it's smaller than that it's super micro. Yeah, actually. It's so tiny it's it's a nano aggression
All right, okay, all right. Okay. Let's get serious now, and this might be completely based on my Swedish cuckery
And I can't help it, but I always try to be somewhat sensible and around all these ideas
I'm not dismissing the fact that this is a problem, but calling it a
micro aggression implies that there's violence
Involved and that somehow you have the right to strike back against it
With violence as well
Which is the joke that South Park hold?
when hitting anyone in the game for making a microaggression
When in reality it's just an insult excuse me. Did you or did you not say that this man seemed tired yes?
He's my friend. I said Paulo. You look tired microagressions
Persons of Hispanic backgrounds have been stereotyped as being sleepy and saying they look tired ss a micro aggression that will not Stand
But I am tired
And it's not a matter of definition. I think it's a you can call it micro. Whatever
That's not really the issue
I think the issue is how you're approaching a problem if people want to remove micro aggression from campus
I don't really have a problem with that shouldn't that be done through educating
instead of trying to police because it isn't
Educating what you do at a campus any form of social study and social justice these days just seems to be
About policing and haha we got you shame rather than educating and trying to explain
Why something is bad now excuse me while I go and cry some micro tears?
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