字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 PewDiePie: Ahhhh! 那個...我已經病了好幾天...其實我還在生病... Okay, so I've been sick for a couple days. 看一下我不在的的時候發生了什麽事... I'm still sick. 你要看看傑克.保羅的MV,他嗆爆你了! Let's see what has happened while I was gone. 傑克.保羅嗆爆你了... [reads on-screen] "U need to see jake paul's music video, he dissed u" 天啊傑克.保羅嗆爆pewds了! [Continues to read tweets aloud] Jake Paul dissed you~! 這MV好~~ "Holy sh!t Jake Paul roasting Pewdiepie" 狂~~~~ "Thats soooo lit (emojis)" 啊~!!!! [PewDiePie Screams] 你最好小心點team10來找你了! "U better watch out, team 10 is coming for you~ (emoji)" 不! PewDiePie: NOO! 不可能...不會是傑保...究竟有多糟糕? [shaky breathing] 他..他說了甚麼,他在MV説了甚麼!? Not JP, not JP. *拎北在YouTube六個月~打敗其他YouTuber~ 下個就是pewdiepie~* How bad is it? 不~~~~ (゚Д゚) HOW? 我還在生病耶這太讓我生氣了,冷靜Felix,我賭是這狗娘養的......是他毒害我的! What did he say? 肯定是那狡猾的保傑一直向我下毒... 狗娘養的! (゚Д゚) WHAT DID HE SAY IN HIS VIDEO? 呃...我們還未看完... JP: "5 Mil on YouTube in six months 我們必須把整個MV看完.... 首先...保傑是他媽的誰? Never done before 傑克保羅是哪根葱?我完全不知道! 他很開心、經常吃東西.. Passed all the competition, man, PewDiePie is next!" 也飾演迪士尼頻道中的Dirk...哦所以他是個迪士尼演員 PewDiePie: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 那不就好棒棒 [lightly hits wall] 應該不會廢到哪去吧...那就去看看吧... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *牙* AGHHHH, this makes me so angry! 雖然完全沒有意義, 但他開頭 “牙” 的真的很好聽..(笑) I'm still sick, calm down Felix, ah that son of a bich. (Christia 我盡量不會...每過半秒就停頓一次 I bet he's the one that poisoned me. *牙* Oh, I bet it was JP all along. ...但那的確是一個好的 “牙” 我們是要懂得欣賞的... That sleek son of a bich! 那是一個好聽的的 “牙”... [grunts] *我不知道接下來會發生什麼寶貝 這是team10* We haven't watched this whole thing yet! *在洛杉磯的加利(福尼亞)男孩 * We have to see the whole thing. *可是我是從俄亥俄州來的 白人男孩* (協力譯者:到底在公三小) First of all who the f*ck is JP? ...等等那是浮水印嗎? 他們沒買版權嗎? Who the f*ck Is Jake Paul? 你們應該知道有網站可以播放這些饒舌音樂吧? I don't know. ...是免費的哦 I ha- he has fun, okay. *audiojungle* He eats food. 還能聽出有版權的聲音耶 He's Dirk from Disney Channel! *audiojungle* Okay so he's a Disney Channel... *每天我都有迪斯尼頻道的流量* One of these Disney Channel actors, that's cool. 其實...我很高興我們終於把整個他媽的 迪士尼頻道都趕走了... Can't be that bad. 你可能不知道我在迪斯尼頻道... 要怎麽說你們才會明白呢.. Let's listen. 每天都有迪士尼頻道的流量~! JP: Ya. *拎北在YouTube六個月, 有5百萬訂閲~打敗其他YouTuber~下個就是pewdiepie~* PewDiePie: Always appreciate a good "ya" at the beginning of a song, uh, for no reason. 他表示我不是他的對手 [chuckles] 因爲他打敗了所有其他的競爭對手, 所以他基本上把我無視了?..等一下... I'm going to- going to try not to pause every- every millisecond of this song, but... 他好像沒有無視我耶.. 我真的很困惑, 其實JP你需要那個 重重重... JP: Ya. ...重重 重申一下你自己 @_@ PewDiePie: That is a good "ya." We have to appreciate that- *打敗其他YouTuber~下個就是pewdiepie~* [stuttering] that's- that's a good-- that's a good "ya." 媽的,我的手又開始抖了...該死的 [music plays again] JP你這狗娘養的.. [indistinguishable audio watermark] 你怎麼敢?! PewDiePie: Is it the watermark? They didn't buy that loop? 你怎麼敢用我的名字放到你的影片裡?! PewDiePie: Like, you play some rap music right, that's free... 你怎麼敢~?! [different track] *拎北爽賺支票領不完,有一隻全新的勞力士, 我們一起上了藍寶堅尼,還跟其他成員集合。* [audio watermark]: "AudioJungle" *我們是team10,婊子誰會有空理睬你們。* See? AudioJungle. * 如果我的成員沒有料,我會把他們踢出去,沒錯我就在説你。* What the f*ck is it? *你就在乞求著關注* (譯者:幹這首歌好北爛,pewds 也受不了了) [indistinguishable audio watermark] 這首歌聽起來... [Laughing] 聽起來好像完全沒有節奏... 可能聽起來很可惡..... [AUDIOJUNGLE] 但其實JP做的是說唱的一種新形式: 他是故意把這首歌唱的跟狗屎沒兩樣的 :^ ) PewDiePie: I'm glad, I'm glad we got the whole Disney Channel thing out of the way from the first fucking line. * 如果我的成員沒有料,我會把他們踢出去,沒錯我就在説你。* [Laughing] *你就在乞求著關注* "Hey guys, in case you don't know, 沒-錯-我-就-在-説-你... "I'm on Disney Channel. 你-就-在-乞-求-著-關-注---原來這就是唱饒舌音樂的技巧?我只需要說一堆詞... "How can I say that in a way that make sense-- (只求押韻) 聼起來要很怪...我絕沒在吸毒...嗯...我就喜歡拍... "Uh, everyday bro, Disney Channel 拍那個屁股...沒-錯-我-就-在-説-你... FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!" ...這真的難以置信 PewDiePie: He's saying... that I'm not his competition because he said he 這種饒舌技巧需要非凡的技巧, 你必須要有超人的智慧、 passed all his competition which basically puts me- 你必須要天生慧根、 你要用多年去磨練、多年的訓練、 Where does that put me, actually? 你必須要在推特上亂吠、還需要各式各樣的狗屎技巧 PewDiePie: I'm really confused. J-- JP, you're gonna have to 而JP就是這方面的專家了 [Stuttering] re- re- re- re-it- iter- re-eter- itter -itur- ate? 因為他平常就是食這些狗屎的... (XD) REITERATE *我們是team10,婊子誰會有空理睬你們。如果我的成員沒有料,我會把他們踢出去,沒錯我就在説你。* it- [shakes hands aroound] *你就在乞求著關注,在推特亂吠* F*ck, I got the shakes again. * 但你昨晚在 4:52 打給我,我還有你的短訊證明* Goddamnit! 我完全不明白這歌詞在表達什麽... 是在説他的前女友嗎? J.P. You son of a b*tch! 那個...過去的就不要再提了好嗎... How DARE YOU?! 他簡直是天才, 所以這首歌是在嗆他前女友的嗎? How DARE you use my name in the video! 這就是本來是要嗆我的MV嗎? 因爲歌詞好像是他跟他女友吵架哦? HOW DARE YOU?!? *你那晚在 4:52打給我,我還有你的短訊證明, 還有錄音證明~* PewDiePie: That- it may sound here like that *別逼我告訴他們真相。* his flow is all off, hey, it may s- (笑) it may sound completely terrible. But really here, what 天啊,他...他 JP is doing is a new form of rapping, it's meant to sound like shit. 如果她跟JP分手,他一定會發瘋哦! 還有那些“錄音證明”~ >w< 那些歌詞... PewDiePie: [tries to wrap like JP] ...那些歌詞一定會對她造成心理創傷的... 每個詞語、每一句句子、 "Yeah I'm talking about you, you begging 、他每個面部表情都具有意義, 它們講述了一個令人難以置信的故事 for attention, is this how you rap, you just say a bunch of words, and this *你那晚在 4:52 打給我,我還有你的短訊證明, 還有錄音證明,別逼我告訴他們真相。* sounds totally wack, and, uh-- I swear I'm not on crack and I-- I just like to smack that *拎北的新商品售賣的像“教堂”一樣* booty back, yeah and I'm talking about you." “喂,順帶一提我也在賣些新貨哦!” 哈,他剛才在歌詞抱怨他女友... PewDiePie: It's absolutely incredible, ...他突然又在自我推銷... “我在賣新商品哦!現在賣的很“教堂”啊!” this sort of rapping takes incredible skills; it takes intellect, it takes 什麽是“教堂”?...呃...就是那個宗教的會堂啊~ talent, it takes years of grinding, years of training, years of preparation, it “...你是智障嗎? “教堂”也沒聽過哦?” takes talking sh!t on Twitter, it takes all kinds of sh- it takes so much shit- “我的商品賣的很“教堂”?” 他們很明顯已經對歌詞沒有頭緒了。 [Pause] “喂,那個,我們新推出新商品哦。” and- and- and- Jake Paul will know because he eats food. “它們賣的很...等一下...有什麽跟“商品”押韻? ...有了!“教堂”!他們賣的很“教堂”!” PewDiePie: I don't understand what the f*ck is happening here, is he talking about his ex or some * 拎北的新商品售賣的像“教堂”一樣* sh*t like that? Please- please let that- okay, I mean, it's- *我們來自俄亥俄州,就像口香糖那麽有趣...* it's genius! That's what it is, it's really-- did he make this just for this, is this ...我現在有點想死 why I'm reacting to this? Because he argues with his girlfriend? 我不是開玩笑的哦我希望我的病快點了結我...我選擇死亡。我不想了解這破事。 [Chuckles] 我真的不想再聼下去了... PewDiePie: Damn, damn, he goes-- J-- if JP breaks up *我們在開槍,還去了紋身因爲很有趣。* with you, he goes hard- "And all the recordings too!" It is-- that is lyrical-- 那個在他大腿的紋身該不會是屌吧? mind blast. There's meaning behind every syllable, every line... *想來點樂趣就紋得身,我跑的像博爾特那麽快* (Short pause) *試試抓住我啊,我是無法被超越的。第一是我JAKE PAUL的* ...Every facial expression tells an incredible story! *老兄這就是我的日常(VLOG)(x3)* PewDiePie: [Chuckle] "Oh, and by the way I just *我說這就是老子的日腸!!!* dropped some new merch!!!" 啊啊啊~ [Sad pause] 那個是什麽? Oh, he b*tches about his girlfriend for like-- for a couple 那那那個是什麽?! lines and then, "Oh, by the way, got new merch, it's selling like a 'god Church.'" 那是什麽東西!? PewDiePie: What is a god Church? 他真的很完美 Uhhhhh, it's the church with the God in it, what do you think? 我這一生沒看過那麽漂亮的男人 Oh, what are you stupid? A "god Church," you never heard one of those? *沒錯,我能會饒舌, 但我不是黑人貧民區來的~* (註: 美國有一堆黑人饒舌歌手) It's selling like a "god Church." *英國是我的城市(?)* I love how they clearly got stuck here. wwwwwwwww "Hey, hey, okay, alright we got-- I dropped some new merch, 那~那啊~啊~ how it's selling like a-- what rhymes with merch? 英國~英國~ Uhhhh, church, it's selling like a CHURCH!!" *崩潰中* PewDiePie: Legit like I wish that illness killed me now, I- I'm not 嗯~哦~英國是你的城市哦~ joking at all, I want to die, I want to I want to be dead now, I don't want to-- 噢~不~ I don't want to, no, no-- I don't want it anymore. 哦我知道了!你是弱智! PewDiePie: Did he get a tattoo of a d*ck on his leg? 嗯~我最愛的城市是地球哦! PewDiePie: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! *我不是黑人貧民區來的~ 英國是我的城市~* WHAT IS THAT?! *懶得翻譯的無意義歌詞* 注: 假如我沒有在TEAM10的話 那老美就會亂糟糟 *small pause* *下一段就交給嗆司 因為你知道我們超屌* (不慌,協力譯者來了) WHAT IS--?! 我注意到 那個胖子的體積真的很龐大 W H A T I S T H A T ? ! 夾克都快要被他弄破了...它只剩下一絲氣息了... ???? ?? ???? ??????!! *老兄這就是我的日常(VLOG)(x3)* PewDiePie: ..He's absolutely perfect *老子的日腸!!!!!!!!!!!** I've never seen a more beautiful man in my entire life.~ *喲,我是Tessa Brooks,這場競爭已經開始,我已經釣到他們了~* ENGLAND IS MY CITY! (???) * 讓我教育你一下* [About to enter a fit of laugher] 好的,她將會教育我們 PewDiePie: Nooooo.....oooo * 我不是用教科書的哦~* England... 任何這樣說話的人 我真的不想讓他來教育我......XD ENGLAND “讓我教育你~” [Moan] “我不是用教科書!!!!的哦~~” Ohhhhh! England is your city... 其實我最愛JP的原因... O H N O 我最愛JP的原因,是他成功了仍然很謙虛。 Oh no- oh-- you're retarded. *對,他們全都抄襲了我,但他們都是山寨的垃圾。* [groan] Ughhhhhhh! *瞧我都穿設計師品牌 大家問我賺多少 我回答10再加六個0。* Err-- my cit- ci- city is the whole planet-- *我們明天再見,因爲這是我的日腸啊~再見。* england is my city 我認爲此歌已經扼殺了我, 我從來沒有像現在這麼渴望死亡。 PewDiePie: I like how he, uh, he's so fat that he straight-up 請不要叫救護車,我不會再歸來了,這結束了... destroyed this jacket. Like, look how it's hanging by literally its last thread. 那個...感謝大家一直以來支持我... PewDiePie: Okay, she's gonna educate us. 一起看看其他人對此MV的看法吧... PewDiePie: Well, anyone that talks like that- *路人甲*: 他歌詞都有打在影片上,真不錯 I don't want *pewds*: 對啊,他們完全不需要加字幕啊 *路人乙*: 那些歌詞全都吻合........ Them to educate me *pewds*: 供三小? *路人乙*: 那些歌詞全都吻合了........ *pewds*: 吻合了什麽???@_@ [Laughs] 你不能突然這樣説的,你弄到我很好奇啊...説話啊! *路人乙*: 那些歌詞全都吻合了........0_0 PewDiePie: "Let me educate ya *路人乙*: @_@ *你白癡哦?* *pewds*: 我覺得大家能從這取得一些靈感... and we ain't talking 失陪一下,我先去自殺了...額... ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *牙* What I love most of all about JP is that-- is besides 小時候我媽跟我說: “那個小子只會霸凌別人,將來一定沒有出息。” 照片中沒出息的就是小時候霸凌過我的那個人,沒有在唬爛的。“ all his success, he remains humble. Jake Paul: Yes they all copy me, but that's some shitty clones PewDiePie: *burps* I think this song has killed me. (me too.) I wanna die more than I've ever died before. Someone please- DON'T call an ambulance Let me just- -Never return. This is it guys, I'm- I- it's been great, it's been great. Let's see what some other people thought about JP's wonderful song-- [Random British boy #1] I like how the lyrics are on screen, man. PewDiePie: oh, ah-oh tha-that's always a plus in a rap song. [Random British boy #2] The lyrics just match like.... PewDiePie: The what? [#2] The lyrics just match like... [Then his brain stopped]