字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 If there's one type of channel that I enjoy more than BuzzFeed.... 如果有一種我更喜愛的頻道 比BuzzFeed更愛的 BuzzFeed Clones. BuzzFeed近一點 I have found it right here. The only thing better than Buzzfeed... 我在這裡找到了 唯一比Buzzfeed更好的東西 BBC Three 英國廣播公司第三台(BBC Three) Lewis! Pause the online game! 嘿 讓我們暫停線上遊戲 Hey Guys! Let's grab a bunch of people with a colorful background! 嘿 大夥們 我們來看一些有多姿多采經歷的人吧 That's POPULAR right? We can do that too!! 這很受歡迎對吧 我們也辦的到的 no. 不~ NO. 不~ NO!!!! 不~如果你不太熟悉英國廣播公司第三台 If you're not familiar with BBC Three the most popular series they have is things not to say to 他有一個很熱門的系列叫"不該說的話" basically 基本上就是不要對有殘疾的人說的話 It's the things not to say to people with disabilities. 我認為這是一個好主意 Which I think it's a good idea because you generally want to be respectful to these people and a lot of times 因為你一般會想要去尊重這些人 I'm like I don't know. I don't know what to say to you 像是很多時候 I had a boy about same age as me turn to me and say 我很像是 我不清楚 我不知道該怎麼跟你們說 Ew..What happened to your face 我有一次遇到個年齡相仿的男生 and I looked him dead in the eye and I said 他轉向我 然後對我說 Umm I got a horrible disease that you'll catch if i breath on you. and then i went 矮額 你的臉怎麼了 *breathing* 我死死的盯著他 接著我說 : And he ran off screaming 我得到恐怖的疾病 so it starts off by that which is you know EHEH a good thing. 如果我對你吐氣 你也會得到 somewhere along their line they ran out of ideas which BBC three if you're watching I can relate ok I understand your suffering 然後我就 呼~~~~~~ Finally finally a video of things that I'm tired of hearing as a gamer all the time 他一邊尖叫一邊逃跑 oh, It's so hard being a gamer people don't understand the suffering maybe you can relate to this as well. Let's watch it 所以他用這個開始 Let's watch it together. 你知道這是個好東西 Yeah you play video games, but you don't play proper video games (because you're a whamen). 在某個時候他們沿著自己的路線 Whamen can't play video games. What are you... well I bet you play... 然後就沒有點子了 I bet you play Sims! Bitches love sims am I right ehrhhr? (NO you aren't...) 英國廣播公司第三台 如果你正在看 *Pleasure.Png* 我能認同 我懂你的感受 I don't know what it is with girls 終於 終於啊 They want to prove to themselves so badly that they're *gamers*, but it's like no one cares. Like no one cares. 一部身為遊戲愛好者每次聽到不想再聽的事的影片 Aren't you too old for that? 當一名遊戲愛好者是這麼的難 That is what I hear all the time. No. I only just got good. Girls can't get good at games. 別人不懂那感受的 或許你和我也懂 那就來看看吧 This has been scientifically proven because they have whamen brains which is inferior to male brains. 今天就來看吧 I'm joking! I'm joking... 你打電動 但你不玩適當的 i'm joking :/ 因為你是女人 (it's scientific fact tho) 女人不會打電動 你算哪根蔥 我打賭你玩... You may as well just say then again like TV shows are for kids, movies are for kids 我賭你玩《模擬市民》婊子愛這味 我對了嗎 RRR In other words books and films are for filthy casuals WOWOWOWOW filthy casuals man 我不懂這些打電動的女生 OH 她們超想證明自己是名電玩玩家 I made a 4chan meme in real life, what up? What up dawg? 但其實沒人在乎的 games are for pros 沒人在乎的好嗎 Games are for (drumroll) epic people... like myself. (XD 說好的尊重女生啦) I am an EPIC.. I am a.. why do I keep doing that :( 這麼老還打電動 ? Such a waste of money! 這是我總是聽到的 Oh, whatever. 不 林祖母打得很好 Have you not heard of piracy? 女生不擅長遊戲。 Heyyyy listen. You can't steal what in you're copying. 這已被科學證明 因為他們有女人的大腦且不如男性大腦 I like her response. Oh, whatEVER, I'm on welfare anyway. 我在開玩笑 我在開玩笑... That is not true. It is a far more effective way to spend your money 我在開玩笑... No. I... I can 100% agree because like I've definitely (不過這是科學事實) finished all of these games I.. 你也可以再說一遍 I... played them from start to finish 就像電視節目是給孩子看的 電影是給孩子看的 And I really got my money's worth on all these all these titles because I spent time playing through all of them 換句話說 書和電影是為了下流的休閒娛樂 It's a really really money... money well spent! 齷齪的娛樂 If you're into music you spend so much money on an amp or a guitar or drums set or something like that 噢 And it's just like everyone's got a thing. 我在現實生活做了一個4Chan的梗圖 怎麼了老兄 (dawg非裔姓氏) if you're a gamer you have to buy a computer, 遊戲是給專業的 display, a keyboard. Like what is your argument here? I don't understand. 遊戲是給像我這樣屌的人玩哦 gaming encourages violenceee 我超屌 我超..... 我為什麼一直這樣做 This statement is actually true. Just like uh 超浪費錢 gaming encourages sexism, which has both been proven at many several 喔 隨便 occasions can we move on with this argument, please? 你沒聽過盜版 ?(XD) one of the most annoying things 嘿嘿嘿 聽好 你不能偷你在拷貝的東西 Look how ticked off they are 我喜歡她的回答 喔 所以呢 look how angry.. you see just see how furious they get when they get this statement? (Pewds OS : 林北勁有錢啦) It's because they are so extremely violent 那不是真的 這是一種更有效的花錢方式 Look how violent they are.. 不 我可以100%的同意 因為我一定是 Again, completely but you know when I come off I don't start murdering innocents. 完成所有這些遊戲 我... If you are a violent person you're a violent person and video games (推你入Steam坑) are not going to make you no more violent. 我...把它們從頭玩到尾 I only just met you, but I know this one's going to wind you up. 在這些遊戲跟稱號中我真的得到我花那錢的價值 Oh god, okay. 因為我時間把它們一一玩過 Did your boyfriend get you into gaming? 這真的真的很花錢 I think that's a yes. 如果你投入音樂 你會花費太多的錢在擴音器 *screech of frustration* 擴音器 吉他 或是 鼓 類似的東西 Why can't just women just be into games by their self. 這就像每個人都有一件喜歡的事情 No, you just can't. 如果你是一個電玩家 你必須買一台電腦 *giggles* 螢幕 一個鍵盤 像你這邊的論點是 ? 我不懂 (幹話XD) I'm joking by the way, it's a joke!!! It's just I don't get why they get so ticked off 電玩促進暴力 That's why it's funny to me okay? I'm provoking. That's the joke okay calm down, but Jesus Christ. I don't get it! 這個說法其實是對的 就像 ㄜ...... Just like stop caring and no one's going to be all like "you belong to the kitchen." 遊戲導致性別歧視(就你啊XD) They're like, oh you play gaMES. Oh, you must be really crap. 這已經被多次證明了 Because she's a whamen and whamen are inferior to video games. 我們可以繼續這個論點嗎 ? I played Candy crush, but I'm not a gamer. Now, that is not true. That is a lie that is a paradox. You are a gamer. 一件最煩人的事情 Why does that tick people off? Are you serious? You are? It's like even the people that are like I've got pokemon go but like 他們被惹惱了 I'm not a gamer like yeah, you are, really. If you can't accept you're a gamer 看他們多生氣 你看 你就看當他們聽到那些說法有多憤怒 there is something wrong with you, sir. 這是因為他們非常暴力(反諷) Well. I guess there's something wrong with me. 看這有多暴力(持續反諷中XD) *more violently* Well I guess there's something wrong with me! 又來 根本就... 但你知道當我沒玩遊戲後 我不會去謀殺無辜的人啊 I don't understand why do you think there's something wrong with me? 如果你是一個暴力的人 你本來就 是一個暴力的人 I don't understand why you have to define yourself by the fact that you play video games. To me 遊戲不會讓你更加暴力 that's just fucking pathetic. If you watch movies you wouldn't go "I'm a movie viewer, I'm a mover!" 你的男友會讓你進入遊戲玩嗎 ? Yeah, mover (dawg)! 雖然我才剛見到你 但我知道這會惹毛妳 What up? I love movies. Pff, have you seen a short film? You're a mover. 天啊 好吧 Do you watch Youtube? You're a movie watcher. What the fuck do you mean? 你的男友會讓你進來遊戲玩嗎 ? Can't you just play Candy Crush without having to define yourself as a fucking gamer? 我認為答案是會的(Pewds是好男友當然會) Can I not just play 為什麼女生不能自己進到遊戲中玩 ? *banging* Candy Crush iN MY SPARE TIME WITHOut being defined as a goddamn gamer? 不 妳就是不行 What's the best thing about gaming? 我是在開玩笑啦 這是個玩笑 Ohhhh, that question, really. 這就說明了我不明白為什麼他們會被惹火 Ooh. 這就是為什麼對我這麼有趣 我在挑釁 那是笑話 Oh, I hate when people ask me that question 冷靜 但是Jesus Christ 我不懂 nahhhh 這就很像停止關心 然後沒有人鳥你了 你就在廚房發博客 It's almost when people ask me what's wrong with my face. Ohhh! 噢 你一定很廢 How dare THEY!! 因為她是女人 女人玩電玩遊戲是較差的 Look at the smile on her face? *squeal* 我玩Candy Crush 但我不是電玩玩家 What isn't the best thing about gaming? Everything, everything. 那不是真的 那是謊話 Quality, quality content. 那自相矛盾 Moving ON everybody! 為什麼這可以惹毛人啊 ? 你們認真的 ? As a whamon on the internet, it's tough. It's tough out there. It's a tough... 你是啊 It's a tough world to live in. You know I try to be on the forefront of respecting whamen. 這就像我說我已經有玩寶可夢 I am part of the ambassador program 還說我不是玩家 靠你就是啊 for respecting whamen dot org slash 如果你不能接受你是一個電玩玩家的話 respect 先生,你有事嗎? People don't understand what it's like, 我想我有問題 好 是的 我有事 so thank god for BBC 3 because now we are going to learn what it's like to be a (pewds本來就很有事XD) *noise* on the *noise* on the internet 我不知道你為什麼會認為我有問題? Things you'll know it you're a women. 我不明白為什麼你必須透過你對我玩視頻遊戲的事實來定義自己 Facebook requests. I get these all the time to the point that it's like 對我來說 那他媽的實在太可憐了 I just sort of glance at it, and I just like switch off. 如果你看了部電影 你不會去強調自己是觀影者 That never happens to me. 林北看完了 Never ever have I gotten a random Facebook request and if you're a male watching this as well 耶 我是觀影者 I'm sure you can agree with random Facebook request just doesn't happen to us males. 安抓 ? 我愛電影啦 你已經看完一部微電影了嗎 ? 你是個觀影者 We are so privileged and so lucky to be here and 你看YouTube嗎 ? 你是個觀影者 你他媽是甚麼意思啦 (我也不懂XD) just 難道你就不能單純只是玩Candy Crush not having to get a bunch of friend requests from people that you don't know. 而不必去強調自己是個他媽的玩家好嗎 ? And you might think uh well you're Pewdiepie. 當我定義為自己是他媽的一名電玩玩家 That's why you're going to get it. I got them before ok I got I've always gotten them 我就不能在閒暇之餘玩個Candy Crush嗎 ? It's because I am half whamen damn it 電玩最棒的是什麼 ? dick pics 那問題真的 (很腦殘XD) Whamen get dick pics. Who takes dick pics? Why would you take a dick pic? (手抖LOL) I don't understand the concept of dick pic like you 我討厭別人問我這個問題 I wouldn't spread my ass and take a picture of my butthole even though it's a 不 ~*beautiful*~ butthole by the way, it's absolutely beautiful. 這幾乎就是當別人問我你的臉是發生甚麼事了一樣 噢 Impeccable perfect symmetric, but I wouldn't take a picture of it yet alone send it to someone. (你的臉一直都很有事XD) See I'm concerned cause I'm like oh dick pic 他們怎敢問 !!! Does girls like dick pic? 看他臉上的笑容 Am I missing out on something here because I thought, girls didn't like dick pics? (pewds gets excited) 電玩不就是最棒的東西了嗎 ? 電玩 = 生活、一切 MARZIA!! *High Pitch Voice* 他說的是每天高質量 高質量內容(還自己講哩) Never think to myself "You know what I could really do with tonight." A dick. 繼續吧各位 I wouldn't really want a picture of someone's vagina. 在網路上身為一個女人 這裡是很競爭且艱難的 Does that make me gay? 在這裡生存是很艱辛的 Hell no! 你知道我試圖走在尊重婦女的前端 Maybe a little bit. 我是尊重婦女大使計劃的一部分 I don't know why I'm talking about this. :( respectingwomen.org/respect In a coffee queue, and then you're just like bombarded with this like phallic monstrosity on your phone that you just don't want (真的有這個網站有興趣請自行搜尋) *giggle* 人們不懂它是什麼樣的東西 What did she just say? 所以感謝老天有 BBC 3 ~Phallic monstrosity~ 因為現在我們要來學習 I hate.. I hate just being in line for coffee and then you get bombarded with *spitting* dick pics 在網路上身為一名女人是什麼樣的概念 Speak to a dick pic connoisseur and be like bruh (沙文主義基因作祟中) But you don't get a dick pic and be like I'd really like to have amazing consensual sex with you 如果你是女人你會在網路上知道的事 Did her phone become a dick like I don't get it. 臉書交友邀請 I don't want the dicks just stop sending me the dicks >:( 常常莫名其妙收到一推邀請 然後我只是看了一眼然後就把它關掉了 Finally a wha.. that gets it. 那從沒發生在我身上 Dating apps! 我從來沒有收到一個隨機的臉書交友邀請 如果正在觀看而且你也是一名男性 There is a lot of I think fetishisation of like particularly women of color on dating apps. 我確信你可以同意隨機的交友請求是不會發生在我們男性身上的 Yes, this is my perfect opportunity like to catch a black woman. Like, I'm not a pokemon. 我們非常榮幸能幸運地來到這裡 are you kidding? are you serious? 不會收到一些你不認識的人的朋友請求 你可能會以為我會把你加入好友 I swear she was Hitmonlee. No, wait... 這就是為什麼你會得到它 我以前收到一堆邀請 是的 我直到現在仍有許多邀請 Now I'm just confused. 這是因為我是半個女人 該死的 Is that the same as when you're walking down the street and someone's like hey, baby and if you don't say anything they're like 屌照 "Fuck off bitch!!!" 女人會收到屌照 ? 誰在拍屌照啊 ? 為什麼要拍屌照啊 ? (???) To be fair. Yeah, no guys really have an ego problem with rejection, and I understand this one. Stop being so fucking pathetic 我不懂拍屌照的概念是三小 Okay guys on the internet if she's not interested that means you're ugly just deal with it 就像我不會擴展我的屁股 然後拍一張屁眼的照片 Targeted advertising. I don't know where to start with this. This make me so angry, I start shaking. 對了 就算它是一個漂亮的肛門 它絕對是美麗的 It makes me angry too when I get targeted ads 絕對無可挑剔的完美對稱 但我還是不會去拍 接著寄給某人 towards myself. If I get an ad for for the latest video game, I'm just like oh....fucking.... 你看一下 我很憂慮 因為其實我還蠻喜歡的 Ah, it makes me angry. Because I'm a man it doesn't mean I like games!!! 這些女孩喜歡屌照 ? I always get the advertisement for like lose your belly fat. 我是不是錯過了什麼東西 ? 我看到一個似乎喜歡屌照的女生 That's because you're fat Marzia~~~(XD我真的笑慘了) *dododododododo* 我是沒看過 不過 你知道的 我想要的是能今晚就來的 you're fa-fa-fa-fat 一根老二 Sorry you can't body shame. I forgot about that I forgot. 我現在真的想要一張某人鮑鮑的照片 How about this. Maybe it's because you're fat. 這讓我變得像基佬嗎 ? 他媽才沒有 或許有一點點 ? BBC is a tax paid channel, the BBC is run by the government of UK. If you have a TV licence, you're obligated to pay for it. 我不知道我到底在公三小 Now, I don't have a TV licence. The first thing I fucking unsigned up when I move to UK and they keep sending me like 在排隊買咖啡時 are you suuuuuure? 然後你突然被你手機上的那些陽具怪物轟炸了 Are you sure about this TV? Like fuck off. 你根本不想看到 No, no, you wi- I would not support this shit. To be fair some of these videos ("豪"貼切的形容 謝謝這位女士XD) I thought were good. Some of them flat-out cancer. 他剛才在說三小XD But that pretty much sums up Buzzfeed type of content anyway and my content for that matter. "陽具怪物" This has been Pewdiepie remember to respect whamen and leave a like - for every like you respect one whamen 我討厭只是為了喝咖啡而排隊 然後你就被屌照給轟了 I'm sure there's going to be some montage about all the whamen joke I made at some point in the future, but until then 跟一名屌照鑑賞家說的話 他們還會一臉不屑 Stay awesome Bros. 但若沒有得到一張屌照 我就會想要和你來場令人驚豔且必要的性愛 ahh, Sister Fister, sorry Sister Fister 她的手機變成像老二了 ? 我不懂 *Yay The Brofist is back :D 我不想要老二 別再寄屌照了
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 遊戲 電玩 女人 收到 男生 永遠不要對一個玩家說這個! (NEVER SAY THIS TO A GAMER!) 13 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字