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What is happening?
What's up gamers, it's me
Poppy Mary Ham Gaming Time
A new show that I'm launching
where we play a game from start to finish
Smash like, subscribe, if you are a gamer
Today we are playing "Kids"
that's right, I thought it would fit you nine-year-olds
There's an another game by the same creator
called "Plug n play"
I played it a few years ago and it was like
going on a trip
So let's just do that, let's go gamers
Let's go on a gaming journey
What in the world is happening?
That's a hole
Don't jump
Whatever you do, do NOT jump down the-
God dammit!
Okay, I click and they fall, that's fantastic
there you go
You will ALL go!
Everyone has to go, except Jorgan
c'mon Jorgan, you're staying
We cool, right, we go to Chuckie Cheese, right
Jorgan don't do it
Jorgan I know it looks grim, but don't do it
God Damn it
I clicked on it, it was me, hehe, oh-
Can I save them, uh, I saved you Jorgan *choir fades in*
You're with me
We go- oh nevermind
aaaaaaaaaaah * Pewds harmonizing with the choir*
do you like it
look at them go
little babies, naked babies
oh wait I can't say that
Youtube algorithm I didn't say anything, I swear
I said happy real estate
I'm looking at houses right now
that's right
I don't know what the point of this is but
I enjoy it
*thud* aaaaaaah
*chuckles and inhale**
are you alive?
he's fine, look he's fine
don't worry about it
Alright, this is the tough choice.
"Hi" or "Hello"
I'm a simple kind of guy
I made the wrong choice.
God Damn-- God Damn kids!
Alright, let's see... "This Way"
Alright, we're going down the hole again.
Because why not?
Everyone knows the Golden Rule of holes:
"You gotta enter 'em"
THIS WAY! *Laughs*
Alright, let's do a nice 'lil jump.
That's it. Ah, almost synchronized.
Oh God...
Why's it pulsing?
Ugh, ew
Oh God, it's a pooper.
Augh, we're getting pooped out!
It's fine, this happens to everyone.
Everyone has to get pooped
We've all done this.
We've all experienced this
Let's not pretend that this isn't natural
*Whispers* Oh God damn, that's disgusting
This is how it looks like every time you poop.
Just so you know.
Just so you're aware of that.
Oh God, I gotta go out too
Hey, no no no, stop. You're going back.
This guy is going back. He doesn't want-- GOD DAMN IT, can't go back.
Let's just break the barrier.
Let's just break the-- oh god, oh god.
Just, just get it over with, oh god.
Yeah! *Laughs*
It's a nipple!
This is how nipples are born
This is an educational video now, look.
Oh God, no go back in.
*Laughing* Ewww
Oh my God...
Me and The Boys after we...
Become living nipples.
Alright get going, boys.
Alright, you were supposed to go together but fine. Alright.
Just GO!
Oh god, they're so fast
Oh God, there's SO MANY OF YOU!
They've been busy
Pooping out boys.
Excuse me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Like you've never done it.
Jesus Christ, dude, there's just more and more!
It's oddly visually pleasing, this game.
Watch it in 1080p
60 frames
It's epic. Alright
That's it
That's what I want
There's no more pooping, that's all I ask
This way
Come on guys
Jesus CHRIST, get along, please!
Uh, okay, alright
Do you even know what you're saying?
Alright, so
This way
Agreed. You made a compelling argument
Yes, that's the...
Uh-huh, uh-huh *To the tune of That's the Way I Like It by KC and the Sunshine Band*
Ope! Jack paid me, okay? I'm sorry
What are they doing now?
I don't know why I'm surprised, of course he jumps in.
Everyone. *Higher pitch* Everyone!*
Oh Jesus Christ!
That's right.
No more holes.
We don't do that anymore.
What is this? Yeah join them.
That's right.
Together we are strong.
We run away from holes.
Out path has changed.
Oh my God, stop!
There you go.
I think I have to.
It's kind of fun, I wanna do it.
Not bad, right?
Hey look, I'm swimming boy in space boy
This is epic.
I kinda look like a bunny with a clown nose or something like that.
Alright-- Oh GOD DAMN IT, not this again.
Just go through quick.
Poop it out. This makes me wanna poop.
Oh God, what is this now?
Oh they connect?
Just go. Just go. Just go. Just go.
Thank you.
The sounds too.
I don't LIKE IT!
Can I mute this?
At least you can mute the video, Jesus Christ.
It sounds just like when I have too much spicy food, seriously.
Oh God, not the nipple
Alright, thank F***
Oh GOD the nipple!
Oh God, there's so many nipples.
Go back.
Go back. I don't... we're not doing this.
We're not doing this anymore.
Wake up, Jorgan
I'm telling you, it's so visually pleasing.
Very epic.
Alright, what are we doing?
Boom boom.
It doesn't work, I wanted to do the
*knock knock clap*
*knock knock clap*
We can do Meme Review, clap clap
They ARE nine-year-olds! I knew it
Meme Review!
Oh I can charge it.
Alright, alright, alright
Imagine like if you do it at home, like how many million people are gonna clap at the same time.
Okay? Three, two, one
Meme Review!
Alright, that didn't... it didn't really w--
What happened?
Oh my... You do it.
Do what?
"No u," really? *Laughs*
"No U: The Game," everyone
Then who should do it?
Oh, okay *Laughs*
I like it.
I'll, I'll do it.
I'll cross the bridge.
Someone's gotta do it.
Keep swimming, bunny
Weirdly it-- co-- come on, it looks like a bunny, don't lie to me.
We're going against the grain, boys
Why are they running away from me, what's wrong?
Okay fine, I swim this way then.
I don't care.
It's whatever.
I don't even care.
God damn, there's so many of them.
Where am I supposed to go, sideways?
Okay, this is epic.
This is the thing with these games, you never know what's going to happen.
Oh my God, that's so hypnotizing for my eyes,
Okay, we made it. Amazing.
Now what?
Oh God, upside down nipple!
*Angelic singing*
Oh, now...
If your kids ever ask you
how kids are born
just show them this video.
I think that's the only way to explain properly
Beautiful. 10/10 performance
OH! Jesus!
What is this? I'm so weirded out.
Okay, alright everybody, on three everyone is going to clap Meme Review
It's gonna be epic.
Yeah, you too.
Meme Review.
What on Earth is thi-- Woah!
All nipples, m--
must go back to where they came from.
Swim against the grain.
Doesn't seem to do it, okay fine.
How do they even do this?
It's such a weird... It's such a weird game.
Such a strange game about kids in ho-- wooh! Kids in holes.
Down they go.
It's like a metaphor for life and like, how holes are
Oh God damn it, not the pooping.
God damn it I don't like this.
It's gonna be like a...
An en-- the ending will just make you go like "Oh, okay so THAT'S why this went through the poop hole.
Oh, that makes so much sense now. I feel bad for judging the game now.
This has brought a whole new perspective."
I-- I assume everyone's gonna be thrilled that I'm playing games again.
And this is the *Laughs* kind of games
Now there's like a three-way butthole
Oh God, that makes sense.
Oh God, don't think about it.
Just pulse through the puhper.
Just pulse through the pooper. Just like life, we all gotta do it.
It's a dirty job.
GOD DAMN IT where are-- why are you late? Come on.
There you go.
Ugh, God.
Ugh, God.
Hi guys, what's up?
It's me.
Jorgan, the nipple man.
Hey, what? I thought we were friends.
Come on, guys.
Aw, come on.
Why are they chasing me?
Please! Someone give me a hug, I swear I don't have Ligma, please!
Come on guys!
What is happening!?!
Oh! We made it.
Screw you guys, I don't like you anyway.
We've been through this many times before.
Just go in. Oh come on dude!
I need-- ope! *Laughs*
I'm sorry!
Oh, that's funny. Oh God, we're doing the clap again.
Alright, here we go guys.
Clap time.
Meme Review.
This is nine-year-olds watching Meme Review.
That's the metaphor.
The creator of this game was a nine-year-old.
And back it goes.
Aaaaand back to the center.
Ope! Back to the other side. We're doing the wave.
Okay, alright, okay, okay, alright. We get everyone?
Oh, another one.
Such coordination.
Absolutely incredible.
Thought I could send it away or something.
I don't know, I was trying ideas.
Oh God not this again.
Dat way!
Yes, that way.
Cool, I'm glad we agree.
Ah, come on!
Alright then.
Oh God, what have I done?
Oh God, oh there's so many.
This is like a metaphor for herd mentality.
Never follow what other people say, do what you want to do.
There is no individualism
Your life is meaningless, you're just like everyone else as much as you like to pretend you are different.
And as much as people tell you you are unique, you are really just a nine-year-old, and there's nothing wrong with that.
They look like banana peels running.
No? Alright.
Click on the...
Stop saying-- I need to stop using sexual... *Laughs* objects for everything, Jesus Christ.
Is it gonna get filled up now?
It's kinda creepy.
I'm sure top comment on this video will know exactly what this is all about.
Someone figured out it. They're like "Oh yeah, of course."
"The meaning behind it is... bunnies and banana peels. And that's--"
I love you.
Sorry, nine-year-olds.
But we must all jump down
Keep jumping.
That's what I thought.
That's what I frickin thought.
Come on, get in! Jesus Christ.
Oh yeah.
It's getting smaller!
It's gonna get filled up. No one's gonna be able to jump in after a while.
No? Just me?
Get in!
Right side! Top side! Bottom side!
Can we get everyone here? Yeah?
It's like shaving a chest Why did I say that?
And there we go.
Oh! I did it!
"Kids," everyone!
Go down, my child... ren. That's plural for kids.
My child ren!
You did it! I'm so proud of you, my nine-year-olds!
I expect this to get on Trending.
I expect this to get billions of views.
At least 20 million.
This has been Poppy Gloria Gaming, and I am about to Game Off.
Because... the game is done, I think. I'm not sure. Maybe.
Ohhh, see this is when you-- why you need to drink G-Fuel
I already had one today, I don't wanna over-do.
You are welcome.
Thank you for watching, smash like, subscribe, and remember: keep gaming.
My name is Poppy Gloria, gamer... gay.
Oh God damn it.