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Kevin Hussey: I am a technical group supervisor,
which is the lowest form of management at JPL.
And I am proud of it.
My joy this evening<br /> is to introduce a young man,
that I have a privilege of hiring,
after being assigned<br /> a very ambitious project called,
"Eyes on the Solar System".
It's a project to allow you<br /> to explore the solar system
using your web browser.
But I needed somebody.
So I asked another one<br /> of our young engineers,
"Hey, do you know anybody<br /> that can program well?"
He said, "Sure,
you should talk to my friend Jon."
So I spoke with Jon, I hired him,
and assigned him this project
just to bide this time<br /> while the other programmers finished,
"The Eyes on the Earth".
But in the short time that<br /> Jon was given this project,
he worked so hard and so well<br /> that he established himself,
as the team lead,
and went on to design and be<br /> the chief developer of a piece of software
that he is going to demonstrate to you shortly.
So without further delay,<br /> I would like to introduce Jon Nguyen.
Jon Nguyen: Hi everyone.
As mentioned, I am Jon Nguyen.
I have been working for JPL for about a year now.
And to be honest,
I am actually working at the organization<br /> that I've dreamed of working for.
When I tell young students<br /> like yourselves advice,
advice for school,
I always try to tell them,<br /> "Join a student group,
join a student group."
And there's two good reasons for that.
One is you learn a lot in your classes.
You learn a lot in your classes.
And until you actually apply that knowledge that you've learned,
you haven't really learn it yet.
And thiese students groups are great
because they give you a means
to apply what you learned in students projects.
So the group that I joined,
well, we made a plane,
we did aerospace engineering<br /> and we made a plane.
That was our project.
All the student groups, they made rockets.
And when they actually applied that knowledge,
they knew it spot on.
The second reason <br />why student groups are great is
the people you meet,<br /> the friends you meet ,
the connections you make.
And you've got to realize something:
the connections you make<br /> generate opportunities down the line.
And I have two personal examples about that.
So when I was a student at UCLA,
JPL was looking for<br /> an academic part-time hire.
Well, they contacted<br /> a student group organizer at UCLA,
who forwarded to a student group leader,
who forwarded to another student group leader,
who happened to be my friend in AIAA.
He forwarded the email to me,
and immediately when I saw JPL on there,
I sent my resume off.
Because, I want to work for JPL,<br /> that's what I want to do.
And luckily they accepted me,
and I did active part-time internship at UCLA,
sorry, at JPL.
And I did that for nine months as a systems engineer
on the Mars science laboratory.
And think about this,
I was a young student<br /> and I got to do systems engineering
on the Mars science laboratory,
that was that big six-wheel rover that Jim Adam showed,
I got to work on that and it was incredible.
Now, that only lasted nine months,
because I had to go back to UCLA<br /> and finish my education,
I wanted to graduate, of course!
And I graduated June 2009,
and the problem is June 2009,
that's in a global recession.
And JPL couldn't guarantee me<br /> a job after I graduated.
A lot of us, a lot of my friends,<br /> we were anxious,
we weren't sure<br /> if we were going to have a job.
Well, I was actually lucky enough,
to have a job offer when I graduated.
But the thing was, it wasn't for JPL.
It was for another engineering firm,
and it wasn't in aerospace, but I love aerospace.
And so I took a gamble,
I told myself, you know what,
this passion means so much to me,
that I actually turned down that job offer.
Luckily, I have pretty supportive parents,
but my friends, they thought I was crazy,
because, you know,<br /> it was really hard to get a job,
they told me, "You should taken that."
Well, I was unemployed, obviously,
and I was unemployed for about six months,
but I want to go back to<br /> why connections are so important.
Six months into my unemployment,<br /> a friend called me,
just as Kevin mentioned,
my friend Anton,<br /> he's an old high school friend.
He called me and he said,
"You know what,
our group is looking for a new programmer,
do you think you can do it?
I jumped right on,
it was at JPL,<br /> it was in programming which I love,
and it had to do with space.
Of course, I got to jump on that.
And so I got the job, as Kevin mentioned,
and we have been working for the past
about a year,
working on<br /> The Eyes on the Solar System program.
And so now I have kind of come full circle,
because as a kid,
I was inspired to be a space enthusiast
because of those pretty pictures.
Well, now I am in a position to inspire a whole new generation
of space enthusiasts, hopefully you guys are here,
because I'm working on Eyes on the Solar System.
And I hope that after seeing the solar system for yourselves,
you'll be inspired as I was when I was a kid.
Thank you.