字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 [Plays MATT OX - Overwhelming (Prod. OogieMane)] The fuck is this gay shit? NO NO! Ahhh! Ohhh! HELL YEAH!!!! *Hitmarker* AHHHHHH! I almost DIEEEEEEED Alright So We sold out all the hoodies (Good) But (Nani!?) I know you guys like Fidget Spinners So now you can buy your Official Purderpie Fidget Spinners You ain't spun, until you spun this shit boi Right Okay let's get started with this video Uh- Lemme just- hah *Jogs over to pink chair gracefully* Wa-Was that cool? *Shouts* Was that cool?!?! I don't know if you can hear me!!!! (Oh we can hear you alright Felix) CONTEXT! DOESN'T MATTER! Everyone knows this! It's been proven! Many times! That context doesn't have any effect what-so-ever! I know what you're thinking "Phh! Pewdiepie, context matters a great deal! Otherwise... *Burps* (Ten outta ten) Everyone is just, eh, can be whatever- THEY WANNA BE!!! Context matters Poodiepie Because otherwise, you can twist anyone's narrative to make them look however you like!" I know! But this is a false statement I'll prove it to you Just look at anime *Reading* "Everyone, Satan just called" Don't need to know the context of this What I do want to know is why her eyes are so *laughs* fucked up And what anime this is Because it seems like, an excellent anime Is it Dragon- Its Dragon Ball! I- I do remember that one time where Satan called! *Soundboard effect* "DISAPPOINTEEEEEDDDD" Well that was fitting And more anime examples of where that context doesn't matter *Reading* "I'm not giving up, no matter how big it is" (That's what she Said) I don't see a- I don't see a problem with that W-What's weird ABOUT THAT? NEVER GIVE UP! There's some more examples of anime *Misreads* "I'll put it out when it matters" *Mumbles* I'll put it- I'll pull- I'll PULL It out when it matters! *laughs* (Goddamnit Pewds) *In a deep voice* Now that's some gay shit my man What the fuck is that? *laughs* I knew Fullmetal Alchemist was some gay ass anime but- (that's not FA that's Charlotte) *Deep voice* This is some weird shit man what the fuck? There's also context in- for streamers You know you- you're spending all day talking There's no way anything that you say can be taken out of context Let me prove it to you! *MissBaffy on stream* "Literally a four year old I was babysitting I was like- I was like fucking his ass but then I felt bad" MOVING ON! OKAAAAAY *Reads thread title* "Anyone else try the Hal- Marlboro edge yet? They just came out- here." Ok. Nothing wrong with that, uh, one of the comments says *reads comment* "I read online that they were going to be slims and I was super excited about them... Now that's a little gay, *reads the rest* I was extremely disappointed both that they weren't slim Uh- "and that they have the same weird, dirty taste that all other Black's have" *Making "well that aint good" noices* We all know about that DIRTY TASTE! Another- another uh- typical Reddit racism *reads comment* "I had an HP laser (printer) at home that cost me about $400... ...I went through a grand total of 3 toner cartridges before we lost the printer In a house fire In 2016" "Meanwhile, a cheap black Brother is like $75 now" RA-SIS-M That is extremely RA-SIS-M I'm disgusted by this! *reads screen again* "a cheap black Brother" *To himself* Shit Fuck What do I do Jävla helvete (Fucking hell) Oops You see here? Context. Doesn't. Matter. *laughs* I keep telling you guys *hits desk* context *hits desk again* doesn't MaaAATtEeRRr Lets- Lets see some more examples Here's a random shot of a couch (Thanks Felix. Just what we wanted) *reads screen* "Cleaning up while your kids are awake is like wiping your ass...while there is still shit coming out" *reads screen again* "There's a thin layer of toddler covering every surface of m- OKAAAAYY!!! OKAAAYYY! *claps* OKAAYY Context...still doesn't matter I have discovered underwater rats Eeh it still doesn't matter *reads video title* "The best of Mr. Wizard" Mr. Wizard was my- my favorite Nickelodeon show Ehh, there's nothing you can take out of context from that beautiful man- Boy: "That's a big hole!" Mr. Wizard: "Yeah! Certainly big enough to put around you" *Pauses video and rethinks life for a second* No NOOOO!!!! Mr. Wizard: "Now watch the size of this hole! Will you come with me please?" *laughs & chuckles* Yes! Mr. Wizard: "would you like to blow?" Boy: "Nope! You can do it heh" Oh my god! What the hell is this show?! What the hell? What the fuck is wrong with it?!? Mr. Wizard: Here- Boy: "Oh it's getting bigger!" Mr. Wizard: "Yes!" Mr. Wizard: "Run this up and down ten times, and what do you think you're doing with this?" *Boy starts rubbing it* 1, 2, 3- What the fuck is this show?! What the fuck is this show?!? What the fu- *chuckle* -ck *Smacks table* Cartoons were way better back in the day! I've been missing out man! Hell yeah! *Boy continues* "Uh, 6, 7-" What the fu- what the fuck is this? What the fuck is this?? What the faurhahagrch Boy: "7, 8, 9, 10!" No one? No one saw a problem with- with the 9 tips? 7, 8- no one saw the problem that? No one behind the scenes were like- - "Gee- hey maybe we shouldn't make the kids do this?" Fuckin hell Respect! I respect you producer! Mr. Wizard: "One thing is that you get a piece of wood that just slips inside just like that" What the fuck? Why, what the he- everything! everything! No, no no no no no no no no no no. Mr. Wizard: I'll show you. Kid: help! AHHhHh what the hell is this how come you can't suck it up when you do it slowly? I don't know. okay well I'm through with you you'll be sorry you said what you said then when we've exhausted you and you can't suck anymore, down it comes here you want to play with us? Sure! all yours (damn he naughty) Do you mind if I do the acid? No. Felix: This man has no context does not exist in this man's universe god bless you Mr. Wizard god bless yourself cuz god damn [That's how much I have to blow?] okay alright I always wondered how much do I have to blow. See that little bead of surface tension up there? YEEEEEAAAHHHH-HA-HA-HA-He... It broke. (No shit Sherlock) yeah, great tease, over and ouuuut! *Some sexy music* God bless you mr. wizard. God bless your soul a-a-and I keep- I keep telling you guys context doesn't matTER!!! AH it's so obvious! Have you opened your ass yet? hey Edgar does context matters? - SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT!(Edgar's first words!!! awwww...) Anyways so let's gooo and move on. Context happens to everyone. Even Youtubers, your favorite one like Jackseptis- (How did you know!) Jack: I normally don't make videos. I'm making this video to ride a bandwagon, because anti-semitism *Cute chuckle* See I told you. It doesn't matTER! Out of context. I know Felix like very well in my personal life and I know for a fact that he's an anti-semitic person. I'm just trying to like for the people who are asking is he a Nazi or not I'm trying to say I'm monetizing this video (lol) *Felix busts into laughter* hows to the Wall Street Journal who broke this story, I don't think they're wrong to actually break the story and I agree with them, so I don't even know how to end this video... Ummmmmm... I normally don't make videos. (I lost all faith in Jack :( thanks Felix.) *Weird ass chuckle* I told you guys context doesn't matter it doesn't matter. cause clearly this is how is video was. Now I asked you guys to prove as well that context doesn't matter so let's see what you guys sent me. Seven and a half seven inches. (a penis can't get that long, sorry to burst your bubble.) Eight or nine inches long. (I JUST SAID IT CAN'T GET THAT LONG!) Ten centimeters about four inches. (Now he knows what he wants.) *Who chuckles like that?* Oh beautiful. No! Fu- god damn it guys, god damn it. See that's what I'm talking about. The Turtles I knew Michele Angelou was my favorite turtle and I knew I picked a good man of a turtle. Hell yeah. This is just fucking weird I'm out of context. I can't. Hey you still have that tattoo by the way man? (do you?) *Pewds laughing like an idiot.* Heell yeah. *More Laughter* I've been watching the wrong anime man! This is my top number one anime. Strange stuffs happens when things are taken out of context. (What the hell? XD) Ironic that this is that both Disney...(Stfu before Disney finds out you said that) okay moving on They just keep coming and coming and we don't even know what they are. We don't know anything. That's okay. WAT. They-they-they know what they were doing with this one, okay. Tentacles semen coming uuuuuuhh, I need to start watching Stevan universe Now, we had a great time talking about context here today isn't that right mr. Edgar-san? Hey! Wake the fuck up! Wake up! Come on I need I need a comment. I can't be taken out of context. (oh really?) I am literally uncontestable that's the word right now I just trade marked it. I'm un-uncontestable look at my videos for example. Jelly on my Sword. You Jelly? You Jelly? No! NO! My controller stopped working! Wait! Wait! I hope you die. What. You came in my mouth! (wtf XD) Like I said uncontestable! Impossible there's no way you ain't got nothing on me! They got him jack and everyone else can't on context horizon me man. I love this picture like what the fuck is happening I don't even remember This this is sad. This is normal okay everyone does this. Every youtuber ever does this. Ain't nothing out of context about it. Ain't nothing out of context. *Weird ass laugh, like wtf man* good job good job. What else do you guys not all you got let me see that I think there's going to be a lot of eyes on me during this video so I'm going to address this as if anti-semitic but- Da for fuck sake! damnit. You may have gone in my old videos but there there's nothing you got on my older stuff okay (that makes no sense) ain't nothing that you can find a my old stuff! Older pewdiepie. Haw's it goin bro's?!?! No nO NO!! play please please stop it stop it everyone just stop. Alright this video was singing from @PDPIdeas it's a Twitter account just dedicated to give me ideas because I am NOT out of ideas that is why. Stop thanking me! You're disgusting! It that a- it that a transgender? *Laughs at himself, egotistic much* Okay ah. I really appreciate your guys help. Making these videos when the times are tough not just in the monetization but, the creativity and the overall talent. I'm just go to go to the nether realm and I'll see you bros in the next video!!!! (Holy shit, where you going!!! I want to come too!)