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Good Evening. I'm Happy Maria...Gloria
*Pew News Intro plays*
meme rev- KEANU REEVES!
I LOVE Keanu Reeves!
*swedish accent* Sorry Marzia, the wedding is cancelled,
I'm saving myself for someone special.
A stranger has just arrived...
Someone who's challenging the corporate war...
Keanu: "Wake the f*** up, Samurai."
"We have a city to burn."
*crowd cheering*
But the bit that really stole everyone's heart
was the "breathtaking" bit.
Keanu: "...is really going to be breathtaking."
Crowd member: "You're breathtaking!"
"You're all breathtaking!"
Happy Gloria: We're all breathtaking?
Keanu I love you so much!!!
This of course led to
many, many, many beautiful, beautiful memes.
Thank you Keanu.
Keanu: "Wake the f*** up, Samurai."
"We have to burn."
*snap* Quieres?
Right I don't know about that one. *laughs*
Bart, bartend, okay.
Game, game end, okay?
Leg, what's that?
I love Keanu Reeves.
He's my favourite actor.
Okay let's see what Grandayy did.
*Cyberpunk Keanu meme*
*Happy Gloria laughs*
Keanu: "Check this out!"
Oh my god, how does everyone do perfect green screen now?
Jesus Christ dude.
Well done.
"We have a city to burn."
Gloria: "Oh hell yeah!"
*Gloria laughs*
*metal rendition of Megalovania*
*Swedish accent* The new Undertale looks amazing, wow.
I can't believe Keanu Reeves is sponsored by GFuel
and he's wearing (?) my cup - enter the code "pewdiepie" - too bad it's sold out, you scrubs.
You should've bought one in time.
*kid voice* Ohhhh the design is too minimalistic-
it glows in the dark, bitch.
You lost your chance.
*snap* Quieres?
Check this out!
Keanu Reeves should host meme review!
Dude, you're breathtaking!
Keanu Reeves: reverse card
He always has the perfect response to everything, doesn't he?
Not knowing why everyone is using the Keanu Reeves format-
finding out he's as lonely as you and upvoting all his memes.
That's right everyone, Keanu Reeves is lonely.
Someone do something, goddammit!
Wait, "I'm Lonely" Keanu Reeves Interview Has Turned Out To Be Fake?
Keanu Reeves isn't lonely after all?
*Swedish voice* But how am I supposed to protect him?
How the media portrays Pewds- Oh great.
Pewds in real life- You're breathtaking! *laughs*
Yeah, that's what so great about Keanu, he always plays this badass when he's such a soft, wonderful guy
that just likes to smell the flowers, or at least that's how I like to perceive him.
When everyone is talking about Keanu Reeves and you're the first one to use a format from The Matrix.
No one's ever done this!
That's why it's gonna work.
I love The Matrix, it's my favorite film.