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Bleeba, bleeba, bleep, bleee!
Before this video begins, Origin PC has an exciting announcement!
Thats right,
they've announced their brand new thin laptops.
So thin...
They're thin, They're light,
But they're also equipped with real time,
ray tracing, technology
If you dont know what that means
Don't worry I didn't either
It basically makes the games looks very Epic
The lights look good in the game
It looks actually pretty impressive. I am not gonna lie
So check out their EVO 16S
It has a new narrow bezel design which makes a 16.1 inch display
possible on a 15 inch laptop body
That's pretty cool
Featuring up to RTX 2080
with MAX-Q graphics card inside
DAMN boy!
It's not thick, it's THIN!
That's right, this laptop is thin baby
but it still has that thick power
DAMN that's... BIG...
the same real-time ray-tracing GPU now if you want even more performance to
watch memes there eon 17x is their desktop replacement laptop and can now
be customized with ray tracing as well you want this you know you do with an
off to desktop class RTX 2080 graphics card and an Intel Core i nine ninth
generation desktop processor damn boy check out Origin PC link is in the
description you can also learn more about our TX graphics on Origin PC
YouTube Thank You Susan very epic of you January it's always great to have
sponsors this video is sponsored by the way hope you guys are having a great
month I'm having it it's a great month I'm having a great time okay I get more
viewers than ever but the subreddit now is at nine hundred and twenty thousand
subscribers Wow almost at a million can we become the greatest subreddit of all
time high submission what a great name I'm really glad I'm picked that name
very proud of that one it's on it's cool the real one without a million all right
first mean I just hate when I see people judge me off an insanely bias article or
even a made-up one discouraged face first time I know how you feel ninja
it's okay it's only happened to me every time it's okay I get it
PewDiePie when you gain ten million subscribers so fast that your March
celebrating 70 million gets outdated in a month
Peter pie suffering from success if you guys could stop subscribing so quickly
that would be great because the campaign hasn't even ended yet that's great
that's great can we hit 80 million subscribers before nine days listen okay
they're like Pokemon sleeves March okay if you're not owning them all don't come
complaining to me afterwards 80 million KUB coming soon everyone I mean it looks
pretty slick anyway that's how mafia really works
level one Kruk level hundred mafia boss I'm gonna make you pump like that
copyrighted music remember when you could add music into videos anyway the
entire fanbase when they see pewds with the cat the ears on again guys I know
you're all word for me I know the content is getting a little bit more
edgy there's nothing to worry about these are different colored see it's
fine looks even they even blend into the TV how epic is
that huh that's pretty cool nothing to fear my friends me meeting pues back in
2015 at his book signing I was 11 oh I think I remember him actually he
like cut the line or something I was in the best part of the experience was that
my mom best friend worked for the grow and I got special access there you go
I do remember you you spoiled little brat I'm just kidding thank you for
coming and supporting my book it's a very nice book
I still get royalty so you guys want to buy it I mean I'm not complaining please
appreciate the fact that Peter Pye dress more formally for the meme Awards than
their New Year's party hey man it's all about priorities what can I say
I actually wore the shirt but they never own no one else were a short shirt so
I'm like it's kind of cold anyway that's right I got bullied into it I don't only
get bullied online people I also get bullied offline what can I say
Bowser Bowser sent Fred Fred date I mean it's kind of scary how similar they look
I want them to collaborate oh my god I had eaten two Bluto on there for over 20
years and I just noted there's a hidden animal in the mountain oh my god Jesus
Christ junga junga junga has it been there all
along how could we have been so blind when you post subscribe to PewDiePie on
our PewDiePie submission subscribe to feed it bye
when you tell that's like if I say subscribe to Peter pie isn't it does it
make a difference please subscribe using any other meme for me using this new
brand format so that he can achieve his dream no get out of here Brian no one
cares about you getting Jaden animations to host meme review getting Jaden to
animate me review yes cuz that takes no effort at all ok Jaden all appreciate if
you can get it done by tomorrow thank you
if I reach 80 million subscribers I'm brick no I did not say that
there's no way I said that I can't tell at this point what have I said god
dammit well I guess it's time for the later to
return petition to add a timer on the TV so we can see how much bride won and
brides who have to cut from the shows video you guys want to know
everything don't you Jesus Christ admitting you did something wrong other
youtubers did it I really appreciate rice comes apology
video because it literally did everything I would parody about an
apology video just deflect to other people and not take any personal
responsibility 10 out of 10 apology rice come I really appreciate it supposed to
be me what does that look like a version version of me who is that person why
there's so many goddamn look-alikes please hose me review actually wish it's
happening wait what there's so many fake memes out there I can't tell anymore
well I guess it's setting stone a little much
hosting meme review finally hit me up in the DMS let's make this happen
very epic I am so proud of this community Hey look at that bitch lasagna
finally now I can officially say I didn't peek five years ago thank you it
that's awesome very proud PewDiePie calls me out for
mystery unbox what is he talking about PD PolyJet said nothing I just saw a
Papa Gloria the ultimate fusion newscaster guys ride scum gave away
Amazon giftcards okay I don't know how you can stay mad at things
did you not see the part where he so generously gave away Amazon gift cards
you know what nothing says taking responsibility after you get to then
just give away like a couple dollars here you go now we're even
PewDiePie $1500 PC watching me yeah you have a problem with a level 1 crook
level 399 month we are boss damn guys for only 399 you can be a mafia boss as
well you can be just as epic guys I think PewDiePie is a fan of unions now
I'm not supposed to have my own opinion but yes yes I am a fan what can I say I
buy all the merch pewds doesn't pay Brad Brad steel speed
speaker pewds
what a mean man Jesus Christ I found pretty pie chair on the beach it does
this and it's authentic Italian plastic oh yeah
oh this is heavy Italian design and leather I don't think so only zero damn
that's impressive guys I'm not subscribed to PewDiePie yet
because I'm waiting for t-series to get close to say his subscriber count so I
can be an emergency subscribers when he really needs it
Wow thank you so much I'm glad we have at least some people that think ahead
what are you some Normie subscriber that just subscribes shake my hand
yeah here it is what is this first the market now this so long you can't hide
from the nine-year-olds Felix imagine just taking a pic of your girlfriend and
Santa and seeing that Pierce is walking in the back
imagine having a girlfriend I don't like this stop when you're the best meme of
2018 but you don't even get a feature in the meme Awards excuse me if Pierce
killed Hitler and Hitler killed himself next main petition to make the TV screen
green so we can meme it on the subreddit okay that should be easy
perfect poor Brad has to work two jobs
all these look-alikes goddamn nine year olds during NEMA Wars meme review me
review option six well it turns out me if you want anyway so stop thinking
you're cool and edgy for picking option six option six will never be anything
ears of evil ears of purity that's right this is our the Christian ears that's
why you can't see them they're too holy Christian channel thank you level one
crook $5,000 milk oh wow is this the one where he grows bigger I'm gonna make you
pump like that
level 35 bars damn Jesus Christ oh god stop god stop please God stop just stop
just no more no more no more Obama's please
tsunami T is silent honest the H is silent island the S is silent q the U is
silent Pierce raise two hundred and forty six thousand dollars for kids in
India the media his it's like that bird box mean I've been living in Japan and
you know how everyone has been talking about the photo every article uses for
Puetz yeah well this is the one Japan chose Wow Thank You Japan arigatou
gozaimasu ooh a very good think this is great I actually don't want to get
recognized in Japan so if Japan uses this photo that would actually help me
out part of the reason I like it your pet is the Lions because I never get
recognized please don't ruin Japan for me please this guy made a beauty pie
themed ring with an NFC chip so it subscribes you to PewDiePie
when you touch it to your phones what you mean I can bro these people phones
and they'd actually subscribes to beautify that is epic
patrika dare design found my engagement ring if Pierce has no legs and Vox
bullies him then that means box foolish disabled people well I clearly can't
read so I would say that's fairly accurate thank you that's how mafia
works wait so someone stole a pose any guts
26,000 outputs that's how much yeah perfect in case you weren't sure that is
how mafia works
What Swedish youtuber PewDiePie has gained millions of
subscribers by uploading frequent commentary about what cooking oh my god
please did she actually answer that plea she answered cooking oh it's this show
there no audio frequent commentary about what yeah
video guy good gig PewDiePie very bad
thinking pause and cooking
oh I see you're a dumbass correct on Suri's oh then look at that
nine-year-old in there look at that nine-year-old right there
he was like I knew that I knew that shit look at that guy is that guy five I can
do that Glaus yeah bye hey before I end this video there's one thing I need to
do which is something that I never thought I would do that's right
2019 who knows what's gonna happen next because ah I'm a maverick now that's
right and I'm not afraid to say it anymore I am a frickin maverick and
there's nothing you can do about it now Logan asked me to wear no actually he
didn't ask he demanded that I would wear this shirt and yes technically I didn't
have to do it I never agreed to do anything but at the same time he I did
ask for help he did reach out he took it he took it and I appreciate it you know
I think it's safe to say that I didn't like Logan Paul before it was cool but I
think it goes to a point where he just becomes a dead meme and I was starting
to feel bad for him and you can tell he is genuinely changing and we all make
mistakes listen I'm not trying to make it an apology video for you all I'm
saying is that someone that's personally made a lot of mistakes that will
definitely haunt me for the rest of my life I think the kid deserves a break I
do genuinely hope that with me showing my epic support it doesn't let me down
and I hope that how do way it's so hard to be nice why is it so fucking hard you
know I'm seeing patterns to show that Logan Paul actually is bettering himself
and you know I want to encourage that I hope I'm not like down at least either
way it doesn't matter here we go everyone that's why
I'm a maverick everyone this is so weird now excuse me I'm gonna jump into a
burning lava pit and that's it for me for now see you guys next time
okay so
at the end of this I wanted to give a shout out to the last two winners of the
PewDiePie uber simulator competitions so you guys can see that the game is not dead
we had North Pole and the winner of this
theme was best / Onew so creative so cool
second place went to Lady Fantasma 2 4 9 is that sponsor eagle really dope
submissions and then the next submission the competition was it's real and the
winner was CommandingOfficer I'm legit impressed by you guys I feel like the
fan base of this game has just taken on its own which is really dope but I would
love to see some more people get into this we have all kinds of submissions to
2018 like contagion by X Ruby game or won this one it's really fun to see
download the game in description and yeah let's do some cool stuff