字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Have you guys seen all the Twitter drama lately? 你們有看到最近推特上那些人在灣家嗎? ALL the diss tracks, HE SAID WHAT IN THAT SONG??? 一堆diss track,他在歌裡說了甚麼??? OH MAH GODDDDDD 窩der天RRRRRR Wow.. 哇!!! so.. INTERESTING! 有夠精彩 he is reacting 他還回應... to the reaction of that diss track 別人對他的diss track的回應 and that diss track- that diss track, I didn't like that diss track as much as the other one 還有這...這個diss track也沒好到哪去 OOHHHHHHH 喔喔喔喔喔喔喔 SkydoesMinecraft did what SkydoesMinecraft也有 When did your bar drop, lower than my sub count (爛歌) "When did you dar drop lower than my sub count" 喔,有夠嗆 That was hella tight' man. Hell, Yeah. diss track *some type of unidentified species sounds* 我以為不會再有這些狗屎爛蛋diss track 了,我還說不夠嗎? 難道我沒說過這些嗎? diss track 你耳朵沒打開吧? 你就是硬要再做一個diss track I thought we were done with these fuckin' shitty diss track videos, didn't I tell you ? Didn't I fuckin tell you about the diss tracks? 一堆Youtube毒瘤,我已經想不到 You didn't listen. Did you? Ooooh, you just HAD to make another diss track 比這些讓人尷尬症發作的毒瘤更爛的,還一副 Fucking cancer of YouTube, I can't think of anything worse "我能讓兩個句子押韻" Than these fucking cringy ass fucking youtubers being all like "欸,我...我發誓我屌超大" "Oh I can rhyme 2 words together" "真的很大...你小屌但我的屌比你大一百倍" "Look at me, my dick is big. I s- I swear guys" "喔?你要單飛?從我們在Youtube上的小團體單飛?"而且根本沒人在乎,這是甚麼洨??? "It's really big ... you have a small penis, but my penis is a lot bigger. I swear" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 這些到底是三小?不要 不要再搞這鳥了,我不在乎 "Oh you left our team ? our artificial team on YouTube ? ooOoOh... that no one cares about anyway?" What the fuck is this shit? 啊... What the fuck is all this shit, stop it. stop it. I don't care... 總之,今天呢... *sighs* 我們要來看Reddit的Pewdiepie版 Anyway, today 上禮拜我要你們在上面po你們想po的,然後我會來看 We're going to react to some of the reddit ... 真的...真的很開心,來開始吧 the Pewdiepie subreddit. Last week, I asked you guys to post literally anything you want, I am going to check it out 一開始就來個尊重"旅人"哏,這個... And it's usually a good time, it's usually a good time. Let's have some fun; starting off with a respect women meme.. that's uhhhh 非常不好笑,謝謝 Incredibly unfunny thank you, all right. What do we got here? 好,下一個是? SleepyPie the ultimate respe- That's a pretty cool fan art SleepyPie十分尊重...這畫得還蠻酷的 I actually really like that. I don't know what the fuck I'm looking at but that's pretty cool 我真的蠻喜歡的,雖然我不知道這是三小但我覺得蠻酷的 Ay, we got another one of these incredible 喔!又有一張神人超仿真作品 "I did this with real life paint stuff." So cute, amazing talent. I love it. Thank you. 超可愛、超厲害的,我很喜歡 謝謝 And as always... 一如往常地... Sister fister, I don't get it. Is that his sister? he's oh 姊妹拳(fist在英文也含有性意味) Is that game of thrones? That's a great show, I need to watch it (common pewds) 我不懂,那是他姊姊嗎? 原來 I kept joking about me making a book, called "How to Respect Women" 那是冰與火之歌嗎? 聽說很好看,我該來看看了 I guess someone already did it. 我一直開玩笑說我在寫一本"如何尊重旅人"的書 "A pure 我看已經有人寫了 Masterpiece" 曠世巨作 Said by no one! No one said that. But I'd still buy it you know you would buy that shit don't fucking lie to me 一個無名氏說的但我還是買單,你一定會買這本書的老實告訴我 "Dream Tube a YouTube dating simulator" Youtube夢中情人模擬器 I want this game, please. Oh my God, 我想玩這遊戲,拜託 have you seen the size of Jack's hands? My God. I am into big hands, so I'm into this game 天啊,你看Jack的手大成那鬼樣子 Look at Mark's hand, Goddamn giant hands. I love it 我超喜歡手大的人,這遊戲我要定了 You can do some sister fisting with those hands if you know what I mean, you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 你看Mark的大手,愛死了 You dirty little bitch. Hey, where are you? You know what I mean, okay? 你可以用那種手對你的姐姐做一些"姊妹拳"你懂我意思嗎?你應該知道我在說甚麼吧 You know what I mean 你這齷齪的小婊子,你跑哪了 你知道我在說什麼吧 Thank you for putting the "Felix" text there just to clarify this meme in case you're fucking 你聽得懂吧? RETARDED! 謝謝你為了表達清楚在那裡多加個Felix,除非你是個 Legit you can make these from going to websites okay? I know this took zero effort. So- jus- get out of here 智障!!!!!!!!!!!! "Netflix plan to spend seven billion on original content in 2018. Your move Felix" 你完全可以在有些網站上做這個,我知道這完全不費功力,滾吧 Well, I know they're borrowing money to do it, right? "Netflix預計2018年將在原創內容上花費80億" They're- the- they're spending a bunch of mon- no one cares, basically. Yes Felix,該你了 I could probably ask them to make me a show, but no fuck that 我知道他們是用貸款來做這些事,對吧? SCARE PEWDIEPIE REST IN PEACE *dabdabdab* 他們花了一堆ㄑ...沒人在乎 "when you gotta make a youtube video at 8 but you also go to protest." *Pewds realises* Ok ok ok? 我大可請他們幫我開節目,但別想 Listen, I don't want to see this discriminatory racist memes anymore ok? I'm sweet cut 64 now Scare Pewdiepie R.I.P That's my real name and this is how I roll 當你早上8點要拍影片但又要參加納粹遊行的時候...好...好... this... shit is disgusting *spits* 注意,我不想再看到這些種族歧視哏了好嗎 That's a brand new display. I don't know why that's... it's still disgusting 我現在是swed_cock_64(瑞典老二64)了 I don't want to see these filthy memes on my page ok, DELETE THEM 這就是我的真名,和我做人的態度 DELETE THEM , thank you. Hey, it's a Nick Crompton "England is my City" meme 這東西...令人反胃*吐口水* these are definitely not getting old these are definitely still really fresh. 這螢幕是新的,我不知道我這樣做幹嘛 "Happy Anniversary Melix" aww that's so cute 還是很噁心!!! Thank you. That's very nice. I saw this. Me and Marizia both saw this. 我不想再看到這種下流哏出現在我的版上,給我刪掉!!!! Very cute. We had our six-year anniversary 給我刪掉!!!!!!!! dabbing on- 嘿,又是那個Nick Crompton的"英格蘭是我的城市"哏 for each year. 這哏絕對還沒過7,還是依然的新鮮 There you go, you're welcome Marzia. Oh yeah by the way squad fam. Oh, "oh you stole squad fam from 周年快樂,Melix!!! 超可愛的 Jacksepticeye cuz he has it on his shirt!" listen. This ? stole it from me, okay 謝謝你,真的非常窩心 I have my lawyer send a cease-and-desist to this bitch, and this was his face afterwards 我有看到,我和Marzia都有看到 That's right. Hey *laughing* 超可愛,我們剛過完6周年紀念 These are good these are fucking good the Min Yoonh one is 一年 impeccable. the fact that people aren't paying-commissioning me to do artworks for millions and billions. It's disgusting.. DISAPPOINTING dab一下 Pewdiepie knight... okay 就這樣,不要客氣Marz- That's pretty cool. That's pretty fucking epic that looks legit 喔對了,squad fam you're so talented, you guys are so talented. "Pewdiepie Channel 20-" ah 猴~你從Jacksepticeye,因為他衣服上有寫這個 You're just so mean you guys are so mean you know that? 欸,這小鬼才偷我的哏好嗎? *Laughs* 我已經請我的律師發給他禁止令了,這是他看到之後的表情 "Guys, I saw jackspedicy." Wait a minute, enhance on that photo enhance. Oh my God. 對,沒錯 "What up squad fam"? Hey, it's Endigo again. I know I am saint. 嘿嘿嘿 (He knows he is a saint) 這超讚的,這些真的很猛 I know I am perfect 那個Min Yoonh (He knows he is perfect) 真的是無可挑剔 I know these things already 沒人花大錢請我作畫真的是沒有道理 (He knows these things already) 太失望了 Squad fam let's begin( Squad fam let's begin) Pewdiepie騎士 好... Next week squad fam. I challenge you bros I mean squad fam squad fam 還蠻酷的,看起來很屌,很酷炫 I challenge you squad fam 你們都超厲害的,真的很厲害 Next week squad fam to do anything literally do whatever the fuck reddit.com/r/pewdiepiesubmissions 2017的Pewdiepie That was really dope. Thank you Endigo and Day by day, you guys always impress me with your talent. This is so good! 你們真的很壞,壞透了你們知道嗎 "When you have to explain your joke" what the fuck is this image, where do you find all this shit? 嘿,我遇到Jackspedicey(Jacksepticeye)喔!!! "He looks like a wamen in that picture" 等等,把那照片放大,放大 Thank you. He said whatever you want. So I turned him into a wheel. Thank you. That's awesome. Thank you 天啊... Thank you so much. Is this gimmick getting old? this is legit the fourth time I see this 你們好, squad fam Step up your memes this is garbage 喔!又是Endigo做的 Dissapointed! 這真的很屌,感謝Endigo和Day By Dave,你們每次都能驚艷到我,潮蚌der!!!!! "Besides that, do you respect women? Sometimes." *gasp* oh my God!! 當你還要跟別人解釋你的笑話的時候 I have this very sub Pewdiepie meme going on right now. Okay. It's based on a video that 這圖是三小,你到底哪裡找來的? I had to delete because it got er, it got copyrighted, but basically it's me laughing at 他這張看起來超像"旅人" Japanese anime, I know I know no no don't don't click away yet, basically me 穴穴尼 Reacting to japanese anime where they try to speak English, and it's the funniest shit 他說什麼都可以,所以我把它變成一個方向盤 I don't know why it's so funny, but lo- look at this 謝謝,超棒的,謝謝你 Oh My God, and then there's of course this one 這哏甚麼時候才會膩啊!!!!! Hello, everyone! 這已經是我第4次看到這張圖了 (Hallå everynyan!) 來點新哏好嗎,這已經爛了 harro! evenynne onea 太失望了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (How ae you? wae, tsank you.) (Oh my gaah!) "除了這個" OH MY GOD. OH MY GOOOOOOOD 你尊重"旅人"嗎 OK pewdiepie 2017. My name is JEFF! you laf*laugh* 偶爾 Respect wahmen. sister fis- okay, whatever what about the squad fam? Huh? I think you mean squad fam.squad fam. OH MY GAH We do the praying emoJi 我又多了一個新哏,是在我一個被刪掉的影片裡 Squad fam. *claps* "Do you respect wamen?sleep it is edible painting on cookies" wait? You made it slippy cookie? 因為...因為版權問題 That's amazing. Slippy! 大致上就是我在笑日本動漫 Slippy would you like it to see this? 我知道,別別別別先走掉 Is it too hot in there for you? 基本上就是我在看日本動漫一個他們說英文的橋段 He loves it! portrait of Marzia. okay, I said you can do whatever you want, but it needs to be related to me 真的是很好笑 Okay? I'm the important one here pay at- don't- I am the one that matters. 我不知道為甚麼好笑,看...看這個 This is very cute by the way 歐麥.....尬!!! I will make sure she sees it but no! "Hey Pewds, check out the art for your next line of merch hit up ya boi" 然後還有這個 "zero deaths." that's actually pretty cool, but no. 大家豪~~ "Pewdiepie and the Quest for good content" what do you mean? Wha do you mean are you not enjoying this video? ?????????? Oh, that's right. Be sure to leave a like by the way ;) 歐麥尬~~ What is up with my hair J- Jesus Christ. Whoa? That's actually fucking good. That's really good 歐 What do you mean you tried some? all these humble ass artists 麥 "Oh, it looks like crap" the mona Lisa. *Whiny noises* "It looks terrible man" 尬!!!!!!!!! come on this is good. You know this is good. Don't lie to me. 2017 Pewdiepie合集 Explain this poods. He was a Harry Potter fan all along 偶素Jeff!! *Laughs* 你笑了... Well, you got me 尊重旅人,姊妹... JK Rowling, if you're watching this. Yeah, yeah. I hope you're happy. Okay. Because I'm not a Harry Potter fan anymore 好啦,隨便 Because you're mean, you're so mean, you're a mean salty ass bitch! 那squad fam呢?我猜你指的是squad fam Consider yourself not a fan. I mean myself Squad fam Whatever shut up, shut up, JK. "One of these are not like the others Jake-" *laugh* 還要比祈禱手式 You snuck that one in there good job. Good meme appreciate it. This beard has turned my manliness and Squad fam strength plus ten at least 你尊重"旅人"嗎?Slippy一向如此 "Remember Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars? This is him-" *giggle* 可以吃的畫畫餅乾 A lot of people don't know this but it was me. I didn't want to admit it because everyone hates Jar jar 你做了一個Slippy的餅乾? I guess to be fair, I am technically like the Jar Jar of YouTube anyway... 太厲害了,太... So, have you bought my merch yet? "all hail captain sweet" Slippy你要看嗎? Yes, look at those muscles! Hell yeah! 箱子裡面太熱了嗎? *animal noise* That was another one of the reddit Pewdiepie Submissions 他喜歡! and in the spirit of all the cancer on YouTube make a diss track on me Marzia的肖像畫 That's your next job is to submit your diss track on me 我雖然說你們po任何東西,但是是要和我有關的 Okay 好嗎?我才是這裡最重要的,注..我才是重點 Bring it on suckers! because I will dab left an' right ain't nothing you can say about me. 順帶一提,這還蠻可愛的 Diss track me for the next one make a diss track you have seven days 我會給她看的 Make it happen Fam squad Jiu-Jitsu. Thank you for watching this video. Make sure you *clap* 但還是不行!!! Jiu-Jitsu and I'll see you bros in the next- *Stuttering* I'll see fam squad in the next video *clap* 看看這個為你下一系列商品設計的圖案,記得聯繫我
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 旅人 刪掉 影片 厲害 羅琳 DISS TRACK ME (DISS TRACK ME) 6 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字