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Surprised you, didn't I?
That's right, Pewdiepie here full of surprises every single day what is he gonna upload next that's right pewdiepie here full of surprises every single day what is he gonna upload next
that's right pewdiepie here full of surprises every single day what is he gonna upload next
a LWIAY? What?
a You Laugh You Lose? What? A Meme Review? What? This man just keeps delivering
surprises! That's right, LWIAY.
Last week I asked you
when pewdiepie is becoming Gloria Borger and Gloria Borger is becoming pewdiepie
HaH wait who's that
That's not Gloria Borger
i would know Gloria Borger if i saw Gloria Borger and Gloria Borger does not look like Gloria Borger,
don't make me laugh (heh); is this a pigeon ?
Is this a RETARD?
well this meme is still kicking it apparently, you know what this place needs some more effing glowing
triangles, that's what
You think you're clever
yes it is
Foodn't hhahahahaha
foodn't yeah this meme is definitely gonna keep coming forever, when you are fresh ripe meme and you hear clapping in the distance
i'm in danger
well i'm coming for this
This meme i already had some same
gon't gont (RASIST MEME) oh no we can't show that pepsi tastes like soap what kind of effing soap do you use
Hmm i never tried pepsi soap that sounds good your hands will smell like pepsi instead of my anus
No Nope
yopen't, f(yes) raised to
-1? is that inverted i don't remember man
jacksepticeye shows pewdiepie how it's done
Ahhh Excuse me this is how you handshake everyone knows that okay
This is wrong
This is right gEt iT riGhT pLEAse i'm not doing it wrong everyone else is
Thank you
"suspect is fleeing on foot" hey look it's grande reposted by someone else
"suspect is acting extremely erratic,"
"fuck you" *fuck u man
"Do you have any idea (EheHE) how fast i am?"
i'm fast as fuck Boiiii
I should have seen that coming the tides have changed ?
Oh my god that is Sso creative you never know what memes are gonna go next, who exactly is
poodiepie and why is he copying me?
I'm calling you out gloria fake borger that's right that's what you are a faker, a faker daker
argh (ROAR) don't make me angry i will diss track you i will fight you in the arena
Women to women let's battle, when somebody says old pewdiepie videos are the same
Gloria borger she works extremely hArD guys i can't believe the discrimination just because sHe's a
sorry i'm very invested in the social politic issue of sexism, can we copy strike pewdiepie for our LWIAY submissions
srhsrh eHe
what, no, no you can't this is my original content please
If yOu cOpYStRikE me
Gloria Borger is noT GoNnA be HaPPy
AnD yOU dOnt wAnT ThAT do you ?
if this image gets two likes i would literally drink water absolute
MAD LAD (R.I.P ears)
you can't just drink whater a bot running agh goddamn it
A bot running around aimlessly in PUBG Mobile
Is this a real player? (hmMmM?)
excuse me this is because i upload the pubg mobile video game and i was killing it everyone was super impressed
eh, BUt YoU noT, yOu jUSt pLAYing aGAins bOT
NO, THEY'RE NOT they're legitimate players i am just, so good
sToP HaTiNg I lOvE eVerYboDy!
A Man in florida woke with a headache only to discover his wife had shot him while he slept
He survived
restoration hundred wow your move youtube *youtube demonetized *pewds this is A sponsored video
And it's come to this i just have to play online sex games for revenue these days you know it could be worse actually
i'm living the dream
TuT tuTUT tuT TU tu TU tut *read it like the what it sound like (BhhWhAhAhAhaT?)
*he's dead
tutuTutet TU tu tEeEeneNet
tUn tE nUT tEN tUN ten tunuuUuT TeNTenTEN *he's dead2.0
awh,, that's great
I just wanted to mac chicken man why is gloria borger
acting like she's the one who got copystriked?
that's weird that's really strange, he must be thinking about other whamen, will poodiepie ever stream PUBG again
WEll (BuRP)
Finally i have decent internet now, look i can actually stream now, so maybe i will, i posted my
internet speed on twitter there everyone is like
vlibitahavlibitahavlibitsketalivinvlebet aniblackhole *it keep repeating
That's what you sound like that's what i hear that's all i ge.. heh heh
gloria borgers wikipedia page she also appears on pew news network occasionally
diversifying your content gloria borger did it right what the squad fam loves
That's right i don't
understand how anyone could possibly think to call Allinity a twitch thot, it really makes me AangRieee
I'm glad you guys are so respectful in the comments as well, really nice
To see a wonderful whanderful community that treats whamen with respect
Let's copy strike all of the LWIAY for our submissions if pewdiepie doesn't give us bonus NO!
You can't do that i will copy strike you back seriously don't i'm
serious i'm currently in uganda and just found this painted on the wall of a school he finally found da wae
*claps claps *meme review
wonderful congratulations knuckles, this is so happy, can we copystrike peewwtheephaaaii
Yeah, yeah it's not like i haven't seen this meme a million times, hard to swallow pills
bonus meme is dead because we turned bonus meme into a meme
wELl, whELL, WEll, WHELL you've finally figured it out
but Pewdiepie didn't review it *hmm maybe i will, don't test me
So brad #1, you said if we hit six hundred thousand likes, bonus meme would be back
yes, this is true but the video got copy striked
Copystriked *echoes
So it got completely
Nullified i am
So sorry we are now entering the last page of the memes where the goodest of the goods
are hiding pew news
Introduces the meme that will become the victim, YLYL going to have fun with a meme until satisfied, LWIAY
Fans Will use the meme for enslavery
Meme Review meme execution
wow you think you're so woke huh you finally figured it out huh
*what about the #5?
it doesn't change anything i'm gonna keep making this forever i finally figured out the youtube formula
*what about the #5? 2.0
with, no effort
Pewds got class what can i say
i'm a man of culture *ah, i see you're a man of culture as well
mHmHhH EHeHhe
I didn't even know there was a real gloria borger, there is one real gloria borger, and no one else
stop getting confused it's not that hard, the bridge where bad things happen
well now i can technically stream PUBG again everyone just thought i got banned i just couldn't be bothered
So who knows ''The Return Of Salad ass''
Make a meme so people can see it, make a meme so poodiepie can see it, make a meme to get into LWIAY,
Make a meme to get into LWIAY so later you can copy strike the video for all their
Revenue, i mean it's not a terrible business plan it's basically what collab is doing anyway
collab drm are just sitting there like - GHuyS WE NeED a GOod MeMe
How can we infiltrate the system, upvote if you want pewds to tell us why he's in another room
sometimes i like to record in the closet, there's nothing wrong with that, stop discriminate! being swedish!, being swedish speaking english!
being swedish, speaking english, visiting japan!
being swedish,speaking english, visiting japan, marrying italian!
being swedish,speaking english, visiting japan, marrying italian, selling russian merch
check it out everybody link in wedon'tsellthemanymore.com i got new ones coming though and they look
hella lliitt Guys
my daughter loves to sleep with her butt in the air and it's the cutest thing, i thought she was in a microwave
i've seen this pathetic
when peuwds is playing PUBG and he heads
towards the bridge bad things happen around bridges
*oh wait
is this a meme
I Love this fan art really cool, skulldino i don't know if he's the one that posted it, got investigate oh it is
super dope thank you very much, and the last one is an animation all right that's cool
is that my closet? RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE......
*retard alert
"meme review"
what you couldn't just sample me saying it
we need to fight back right now,
what do you got, "i will" OH NO!
your dick is now a noodle
damn it my only weakness,
this meme is a
oH nO
I feel like any time I rate a meme zero it gets popular anyway
amazing, to be continued wow
Where is this story gonna go next who knows mmm
An amazing episode of LWIAY thank you guys for i mean you're welcome for being able to
sp- ah
support yourself by submitting memes you are welcome that's right leave a like if you have a pulse
*press pause, there's a secret message next
thank you guys for watching as always