字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Welcome everyone, today we have a very very special video and we're here with Thomas Brush. 歡迎大家,今天我們有一個非常特別的視頻,我們在這裡與Thomas Brush。 Hello. Hello. Thomas, what have you been up to the last two weeks? 你好。你好。托馬斯,過去兩週你做了什麼? Um, well, you kind of forced me to make a game for you. What?! 嗯,好吧,你有點強迫我為你製作遊戲。什麼?! Yeah. 是啊。 So you forced, yeah dude, you forced me to make a game for you. 所以你強迫,是的伙計,你強迫我為你製作遊戲。 So, I didn't eat or sleep for 14 days. You have not left the dungeon. Haven't left the dungeon, um dude 所以,我14天沒有吃飯或睡覺。你沒有離開地牢。沒有離開地牢,伙計 It's weird cuz like, me and my wife are sort of displaced. We're building a house right now 這很奇怪,因為我和我的妻子有點流離失所。我們現在正在建房子 So I actually work in my parents basement. Oh, there you go. I'm literally right now at 7:00 a.m 所以我實際上在我父母的地下室工作。哦,你去吧。我現在就在上午7點 at least my time, in my parents basement and this is where I've been working for 14 days because you 至少我的時間,在我的父母地下室,這是我已經工作了14天,因為你 Uh, you made me make a game for you. So it's all your fault 呃,你讓我為你做了一場比賽。所以這都是你的錯 Okay, I feel like you're putting a little bit too much of me there, ok 好吧,我覺得你在那裡放了太多的東西,好吧 So, for those who you don't know. Maybe you should explain so I dared PewDiePie to dare me to 所以,對於那些你不認識的人。也許你應該解釋一下,我敢說PewDiePie敢於我 Make a game in 14 days for him 為他做14天的比賽 Um, and so he said yes in the latest LWIAY? 嗯,所以他在最新的LWIAY中說是的? I did say yes, that's right. (I think that's when you said yes...) 我確實說是的,那是對的。 (我想那是你說的時候......) And uh, then I was like, oh crap. I actually have to do this 呃,那我就像,哦,廢話。我實際上必須這樣做 (Pew laugh) So, we did it. I'm really looking forward to play this (well thanks, man) should we jump into it? (皮尤笑)所以,我們做到了。我真的很期待玩這個(謝謝,伙計)我們應該跳進去嗎? Yeah, whenever you're ready. A game by Thomas Brush- that's you! That's me, that's me. 是的,每當你準備好的時候。托馬斯布什的一場比賽 - 那就是你!那就是我,就是我。 Sponsored by gamers for good. My name is Thomas Brush, I am the creator of this game 由遊戲玩家贊助。我叫Thomas Brush,我是這個遊戲的創造者 I actually made this game in about 14 days and this is working 我實際上在大約14天內做了這個遊戲,這是有效的 Subscribe to either one if they're already subscribed subscribe to me. We've linked everybody 訂閱任何一個,如果他們已經訂閱訂閱我。我們把每個人聯繫起來 I like this 像這樣 This is so cool. By the way. Thank you. I mean it was the best 這太酷了。順便說說。謝謝。我的意思是這是最好的 It was literally probably the best idea for the game. They wanted to see you doing that the little tv meme 這實際上可能是遊戲的最佳選擇。他們希望看到你做那個小電視的意思 :O 和 i didn't get it, of coursee! 好的,抱歉 oh, that's great! 是的,我們走了。我準備好了。這很瘋狂。這是否同意?它叫我。哦,我做了配音 Alright, should i start it? 那就對了。你做到了 Yeah, let's go. I'm ready. It's crazy you did this in 2 weeks. Oh, I did voice acting! 只是個男人 That's right. You did 所以我的意思是我認為10分中的10分。哦,當然。我喜歡它 it doesn't matter 至少我有我的視力 So I mean the voice acting is 10 out of 10. Oh for sure. I love it 這就是我在壁櫥裡,這很棒 At least I have my wife 哦,不,那不是很多訂閱者 And it's me in the closet, that's great 是的,所以這就是天啟Felix,這就是天啟的樣子 Oh, no, that's not a lot of subscribers 過場動畫藝術品是由遊戲玩家完成的。這就是為什麼他們是讚助商 Yeah, so this is this is the apocalypse Felix, this is what the apocalypse looks like 它實際上是一個前暴雪概念藝術家正在運行,所以他實際上是他的創作流 The cutscene artwork was done by gamers for good. That's why they're the sponsor TV Pewds:REEEEEEEEE It's actually a former Blizzard concept artist is running that and so he he actually livestream the creation 哦,該死的 Oh 這太瘋狂了。哦,看看這就是我開始播放視頻的方式 Dad 老兄,我贏了皮尤新聞標誌那麼病了。是啊。這本書愛你。哦,有點彼得森參考 This is crazy. Oh look at this is just how I started my videos 我看到了正確的好抓。我想知道你是否會看到這一點 Dude I won that punitive sign that's so sick. Yeah. This book loves you. Oh, I love Petersons reference 讓我們看看這個起源設置。我的美麗起源參議院自2009年以來沒有涉及這些事情 I see right good catch. I was wondering if you would see that 檢查子間隙哈哈哈 Let's say this origin set up. My beautiful origin Senate haven't touched these things since 2019 這非常準確 Examine the sub dad ha ha ha 這正好像病了 This is very accurate 這種風格很酷。我很感激你得到這些。是啊。哦地獄。是啊 Exactly this is sick like 所以我認為這實際上是我添加的唯一一件你應該收集的東西 The style is so cool. I appreciate it. you get this.. Yeah. Oh hell. Yeah 是啊。不,我的意思是當你第一天出現在聊天中的直播聊天時 So I think this is actually the only thing I added which was like you should collect 你真是太寬慰了 Yeah. No, I mean dude when you showed up in the chat the live stream chat on the first day 因為我不知道你甚至不關心這個項目就像呃 It was such a relief and you 你只是說是的,確實讓遊戲變得如此酷。 Cuz每個人都喜歡 Because I didn't know with you even cared about the project to be like eh 聊天中的“HoLy crAp PeWDiEpIeS hEre” You just said yeah sure make a game in like it was so cool. Cuz everyone was like 野獸先生在裡面!是啊。不,我很高興,因為我很高興你這樣做了兩個星期。是啊。行 Holy crap pewdiepie is right here in the chat 看,我想先扮演Mr.Beast Mr. Beast is in it. yeah. No, I'm totally glad like I'm just happy you did this like spent two weeks. Yeah. All right 等等,你有沒有先生。做線條的野獸還是我?不,好的 Look, I want to play that. Mr. Beast wondering when you would show up. Yeah 我不知道你是否知道這是什麼,呃,但實際上,當他向你捐贈時 - So wait, did you get Mr. Beast to do the lines or is it me? No, okay. Oh 好的,所以聽Felix的廣告牌和超級碗廣告不起作用。自2019年的子機器人起義以來發生了很多變化 Hey we made dad happy 我們都被惡魔化了。哦,不,複製打擊。九歲的孩子被送到了rancH I don't know if you know where that's from, but that's actually when he donated to you 哦,這是有道理的...每個模因都死了 oh you took it from a video! yea ok ok 聽菲利克斯。不要嚇壞了。我嚇壞了我為什麼不...但是你的朋友Marzia他們也被帶到了牧場 AHHHAHAH 哦NO XD oh, no ; 叉刀仍然是一件事,我喜歡這個uhhum,這是最糟糕的消息。哦,它非常活躍 Oh that makes sense and every meme is dead 我很抱歉菲利克斯。前往史詩店,你的朋友有你的秘密武器 I am freaking out. why wouldn't 'I? 它將幫助您完成旅程。 oh, no! :0 皮爾茲:托馬斯的秘密武器是什麼? Is fornite still a thing?, I like this. 托馬斯:你必須找出答案 What could my secret weapon be Thomas? You have to find out 皮爾茲:所以你會怎麼推薦比賽,有點跳空間? So how would you recommend playing like with jumping on space is kinda uhh 托馬斯:恩......你是什麼意思。 um.. What? what do you mean? Pewds:與布萊頓英國選手一起擊球。沒關係XD With punching or whatever. Brighton UK. Never mind, okay 皮爾茲:我可以雙跳嗎?我怎麼得到這座塔? *在這個lmao之後我無法弄清楚他說了什麼 Can I double jump? How do I get this Thomas? you got to-This is why I'm really glad you're on- 我需要幫助玩視頻遊戲XD I need help playing video games. How about you just play the game like a normal person. 托馬斯:怎麼樣,你只是像普通人一樣玩電子遊戲? Like the T reference on that. yeah, damn * OOOhH GET擁有FELIX * It's tight, man. okay. I'm going to I'm going for the 皮爾茲:我喜歡背面的T-Gay參考,是的,該死的 The brofist symbol it has to be mine. Alright, let's read this 皮爾茲:這是個緊張的人,好吧。我要去找我了 aww ;3 它必須是我的佛教符號。好的,讓我們讀一下這位先生,Stefan Carl :0 Stefansson ......在Stefan Carl Stefansson的紀念碑中,值得尊敬的真正頭號將是榮譽。哦 That's nice tho. yeah, that was that was your audience dude they just in the livestream they just like we're OOOoohHH sort of talking about how they wanted to include him and give him that Ruby of honor. you know 皮爾茲:那太好了 that's dope 托馬斯:是的,那就是你的觀眾老兄,他們只是在他們就像我們一樣的直播中 Okay, so how am I doing so far? dude, you're amazing. 談論他們想要包括如何包括給他榮耀的紅寶石,你知道 but I'm not surprised. oh, thank you. when you're playing as urself Pewds:Aw很好,就是這樣。 (他從未完成那句話lmao) *hes mumbling :c* 皮爾茲:好的,那我到目前為止怎麼樣? You're playing as yourself, so I expect you're gonna be good 托馬斯:伙計,你太棒了,但我並不感到驚訝皮爾茲:我知道,謝謝你 Okay, thank you. well it would be embarrassing if I was bad yet. 我想要 Are you kidding me?? 托馬斯:你是在扮演自己,所以我希望你會好起來的 nevermind, you kinda suck. 皮爾茲:好的,謝謝。如果我還不好,那隻會令人尷尬。你在跟我開玩笑嗎? ThIS GaMe SucK! okay :[ 托馬斯:是的,你有點傻 That's so cool. Oh that's AI epic I Awwwh Did not expect Ben Shapiro in this game. Oh, hey Felix, I want to buy back your super awesome chair 皮爾茲:awwHWHHhww托馬斯:XD so why am I buying my chair from Ben Shapiro you 呵呵 Wouldn't happen to have three ninety-nine month I station coins on you. Oh, so that's why I collected those. That's smart 這太酷了。 Okay, let me go find some coins 啊,這很熱;) Why'd you steal my chairman Shapiro? Pewds:Epic ..店哦天啊 Did he say this yet in your meme review? Oh *死了*什麼地獄 He did of course. Yeah. Oh my god. I'm so out of it. Well, it was so hard to find something that was relevant Pewds:我沒想到Ben Shapiro在這場比賽中。 No, I was perfect 本:哦,嘿菲利克斯,我想買回你超級棒的椅子?! (僅399) But obviously I does need some money to buy a life insurance policy 皮爾茲:為什麼我要從本夏皮羅那裡買我的椅子.. xd For when I plotz tombs at the NIEM cemetery are kind of pricey 不會碰巧有三個九十九個monitistation硬幣在你身上。哦,這就是我收集這些的原因。這很聰明 Thanks Ben Shapiro. Give me back my chair. I want it 好的,讓我去找一些硬幣 All right what we got here check one cabinet. Oh 你為什麼要偷我的董事長夏皮羅? This is so fun, I appreciate it dude, I love this. I was hoping you'd like it I harvest what is this 他是否在你的模因評論中說過這個?哦 How could you oh, okay. That's fine I get monetization from that. Yeah. That's all that matters. Okay 他當然做了。是啊。哦,我的上帝。我太過分了。好吧,很難找到相關的東西 Arrest the signpost read to meme cemetery. All right, we know where we going 不,我很完美 I'm really glad I didn't cheat and like look too much. I didn't know what to get you sitting like I did already 但顯然我確實需要一些錢購買人壽保險 No, of course, I'm I want to save it 因為當我在NIEM墓地上繪製墓葬時有點貴 Yeah, but like I am familiar with your work obviously and yeah, I know that quality you put into it. So I 謝謝Ben Shapiro。把我的椅子還給我。我要它 Expected it to be kids, but I didn't expect it to be this College like 10 weeks. Well, thanks. Thanks. There we go 好吧,我們在這裡檢查一個櫃子。哦 Here's the 3:19 chair perform an epic 399 smash attack. Just hold down while jumping and attacking 這太有趣了,我很感激老兄,我喜歡這個。我希望你喜歡它我收穫的是什麼 Who knows might help you get you the meme cemetery? So what what side what is a hold poke down while I go? 你怎麼能哦,好吧。那很好我從中獲利。是啊。這一切都很重要。好的 Oh, yeah 逮捕路標讀到meme墓地。好的,我們知道我們要去哪裡 Yeah 我很高興我沒有作弊,也不喜歡看太多。我不知道該怎麼讓你像我一樣坐著 That's awesome. We know of course of Coriana you do that your spirits up. Yeah, this is our 不,當然,我想要保存它 I had no idea what I was talking 是的,但就像我明顯熟悉你的工作一樣,是的,我知道你投入的質量。所以我 This is a great voice reverberating that's our word that I use in my mind actually not strong 期待它成為孩子,但我沒想到這個學院就像10週一樣。非常感謝。謝謝。我們走了 They took a step 這是3:19的椅子進行史詩般的399粉碎攻擊。只要在跳躍和攻擊時按住 Into the meme cemetery. Oh 誰知道可能會幫助你找到meme墓地?那麼當我走的時候,什麼是持有的東西呢? God, oh god, Thomas 哦耶 No, you like it dark, but this is just too much 是啊 Okay things you got to start getting intense Felix, oh oh 棒極了。我們當然知道Coriana,你做的就是你的精神。是的,這是我們的 Oh 我不知道我在說什麼 Don't you worry about it? I figured the barrels were a good place to be in like in the meme cemetery 這是一個偉大的聲音迴響,這是我在腦海中使用的話語實際上並不強烈 Of course and you got a nut goes where he belongs? 他們邁出了一步 yeah, so it was really tough figuring out which needs to include in the mean cemetery because I mean there's like 進入模因墓地。哦 hundreds of thousands and so 天啊,天啊,托馬斯 We sort of everyone in that I raised. Yeah, they want everything 不,你喜歡黑暗,但這太多了 We they sort of voted on them on the subreddit now, of course nice. Oh 好的,你必須開始變得激烈的菲利克斯哦,哦 It's so it's such a bizarre experience playing a game like based on you, but it's so sure 哦 You're gonna knuckles a tombstone 你不擔心嗎?我認為桶是在meme墓地中的好地方 You got a knuckles for January 2018 died July 2018 cause of death unknown 當然,你有一個堅果去他所屬的地方? Okay, sure. Hahaha. Oh god, they're flying now 是的,所以要弄清楚哪些需要包含在平均墓地中真的很難,因為我的意思就是這樣 Rest in peace you've gotten enough goals 成千上萬 Oh God, it is getting intense you're not joking hey 我提出了各種各樣的人。是的,他們想要一切 Is there another button to punish instead of miles 我們現在他們在subreddit上對他們進行了投票,當然很好。哦 no, and I've had requests for that, but I figured I 這是一個如此奇怪的經歷,玩基於你的遊戲,但它是如此確定 Think maybe you'll get used to it 你會指責墓碑 Okay, I feel like but okay, but by the way, you see you jump in space for you some loot 你得到2018年1月的指關節死於2018年7月死因不明 Yeah, okay. You got it you jump with space and maybe I need to change it. Yeah, I'll do whatever you want me to 好的,當然。哈哈哈。天哪,他們現在飛了 You did this in two weeks, I think it's all right, I 安息吧,你已經有了足夠的目標 Can't blame my bad skills on you sleepy no 天哪,它變得越來越強烈你不是在開玩笑嘿 Let's see what he has to say a tombstone would sleep me. It's trying to save something. Hey buddy. I miss you so much 是否有另一個按鈕來懲罰而不是英里 I doubt it 不,我已經有了要求,但我想我 I was in it was he credible glowing alongside you in your career, though 想想也許你會習慣它 The thick and through the significance said I was and I am there for you 好吧,我覺得還好,但是順便說一下,你看到你在空間里為你跳了一些戰利品 Dude 好的。你得到它你跳空間,也許我需要改變它。是的,我會做你想要我做的任何事 My feels well, will you find your love and bring it to me sometimes? 你在兩週內做到了這一點,我認為沒關係,我 I wonder if you've forgotten about your love for me. Never 不能把我的壞技能歸咎於你困 I'll never forget about you. Say I like here. You have it Felix 讓我們看看他有什麼話要說墓碑會讓我睡不著。它試圖保存一些東西。嗨朋友。我非常想念你 I'll remember you saying that always now go find your love and bring it back to me who always my love 我對此表示懷疑 It's got to be 然而,我在你的職業生涯中,他可信的和你一起發光 monetization and not Mars 厚重的,通過意義說我是,我在你身邊 Poor vessel at risk on very nice a beloved Borba 多德 So 600 to 500 BC for June 2018 Dino destroyed 18 cause of death 我感覺很好,你會找到你的愛並有時帶給我嗎? because boring 我想知道你是否忘記了對我的愛。決不 Yeah, again all these means were straight up from neurotic good mean yeah, oh really yeah, dude I didn't I wouldn't know ah 我永遠不會忘記你。說我喜歡這裡。菲利克斯,你有它 Really lucky you're utilizing glitch. What do you mean lucky? You're cute Eliza glitches to your advantage snow glitch. Well, that's 我會記得你說現在總是找到你的愛並把它帶回給我永遠愛我的人 It's the developer put it in there. Oh 它必須是 This is the worst game I have ever played come here, buddy 貨幣化而不是火星 Nice hell, yeah 可憐的船隻在非常好的心愛的Borba上冒險 I've got Oh God 因此,2018年6月公元前600至500年,迪諾摧毀了18個死因 We'll get him. They're ready. I think you're figuring it out. Oh, I 因為無聊 Love this attack. It feels so good 是的,再次所有這些手段都是從神經質好直接起來的意思是啊,哦真的是啊,老兄,我不知道我不會知道啊 G-Fuel!! oh, oh 真的很幸運,你正在利用故障。你什麼意思幸運?你是可愛的伊麗莎故障你的優勢雪故障。嗯,就是這樣 no,you're good you're good 這是開發人員把它放在那裡。哦 This is intense man. there is a checkpoint and I think there's like 2 G-fuels coming up. So just be careful 伙計,這是我玩過的最糟糕的比賽 Yeah, I don't wanna mess up now 好天啊,是的 There's the G-fuel go. I'm gonna deal with this guy first. Oh, there's a lot of G-fuel 我有天啊 You got one health left there you go. Yeah you don't worry 我們會得到他的。他們準備好了。我想你已經搞清楚了。哦,我 Easy? Oh god. I got one health left again. Oh, thank god 喜歡這種攻擊。感覺很好 Okay 太太哦,哦 Okay, no checkpoint. I like that. It's a bit challenging then. How do I play with three hands spared? What the hell? 這是強烈的馬特,有一個檢查站,我認為有2g燃料即將到來。所以要小心 Why did you put it over? Are you not playing with three hands? I'm playing with three hands 是的,我現在不想搞砸了 Okay 有一個便宜的燃料去。我要為你處理這個人。哦,有很多吉普車 Where's my G-fuel? Oh it's not Oh God. Yeah, you're screwed. I like this Thomas 你有一個健康狀況。是的,你不擔心 Yeah, I like this. That's Big Chungus! Maybe let's just end the stream here and just pretend that you're you're amazing. Yeah 簡單?天啊。我又恢復了一次健康。哦,謝天謝地 We don't need to pretend just watch this 好的 DAMMIT! >:0 好的,沒有檢查站。我喜歡。這有點挑戰。我怎麼用三隻手保齡球?我勒個去? Anytime you see a missile Felix you can do that chair attack and it won't hurt you. So it's kind of cheat but uhh 你為什麼把它翻過來?你不玩三隻手嗎?我正在玩三隻手 All right, or I can do that you can do that oh 好的 Thank god that last one had G-fuel nice 我的全科醫生在哪裡?哦,不是天啊。是的,你被搞砸了。我喜歡這個湯姆 That is hot. born April 2018 died October 2018 cause of death deep fried out of existence 是的,我喜歡這個。那是中國的大寶貝。讓我們結束這裡的流,只是假裝你真是太棒了。是啊 Thomas I just realized I haven't been playing with wasd I've been playing with the air. Oh, please so that's why you suck I 我們不需要假裝只是看這個 Was like, why would you put three having three hands to play this game? That's what I was wondering like what? 任何時候你看到導彈菲利克斯,你都可以進行空襲,它不會傷害你。所以哦有點便宜 Three hands, you have to realize hey, this is why I should stress test games because I play like all the idiots. I 好吧,或者我可以做到你可以做到哦 Don't know why I used to have maybe 感謝上帝,最後一個人的皮膚很好 Is that standard? i don't- oh, this is so much better. Well, I'm actually surprised you did so well 那是炎熱的誕生於2018年10月18日18月18日死因深深地炸毀了 like jumping from the keyboard to the space 托馬斯我剛剛意識到我沒有和我一起玩過,我一直在玩空氣。哦,拜託,這就是你吸我的原因 Okay, so you guys- oh, I have an extra live now? No you got Slippy's heart. 就像,你為什麼要三隻三隻手玩這個遊戲?那就是我想知道的是什麼? you got- well you found your love and now that was an idea of one of your uhh- he said 三隻手,你必須意識到嘿,這就是為什麼我應該強調測試遊戲,因為我像所有的白痴一樣玩。一世 Just give slippy a gemstone heart and I thought that that was the most beautiful thing you can give to slippy 不知道為什麼我以前也許 Here you go slippy may you rest in peace Oh Felix you found your love for me please place it in my hand 是那個標準哦,這是好多了。嗯,我真的很驚訝你做得很好 So I can hold it forever because of your love. I will always show up 謝謝 Okay, well now I know how to actually play the games I think I'll be all right 你的手指 I'm not sure told you that I just so this is a Donkey Kong Country reference. I mean 好的,所以你們哦,我有一個額外的活人。哦,你們看起來很難 It's really a you reference cause you like barrel 你被欺負了,你發現了你的愛,現在這是你的想法 But it does kind of look like Donkey Kong 只要給寶石心臟滑動,我認為那是你給它帶來的最美麗的東西 You know like the spinning barrel, so you jump into it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you can actually punch it 在這裡,你可以保持平靜哦,菲利克斯,你發現你對我的愛,請把它放在我的手中 So, oh I see why I was confused about the controls because I was clicking out of the game 所以我可以永遠擁抱它,因為你的愛。我會一直出現 i can't move. I'm still- that's why I thought I had to use- dude. I'm so surprised. You got this far 好吧,現在我知道如何真正玩遊戲,我想我會沒事的 Oh sLIPPYY!! 我不確定告訴你,我只是這樣,這是一個大金剛國家的參考。我的意思是 Felix I love you so much. I told you I'd show up 這真的是你的參考因為你喜歡桶 when u need me. bounce on my head now to enjoy life to fly high. thank you slippy. 但它確實有點像大金剛 :O 你知道像旋轉桶,所以你跳進去。是啊。是啊。是的,但你可以真的打它 Hell yeah 所以,哦,我明白為什麼我對控件感到困惑,因為我點擊了遊戲 thanks sleepy and by the way Felix, you can't break that that barrel of 一世 Get that I want it. Okay, but you have to kind of get on that roof. Oh 不能動我還在說那就是為什麼我以為我不得不對你這個老兄。我很驚訝。你到目前為止哦 Hell yeah, oh 哦 All the monetization points. You deserve Felix. Ah 菲利克斯我非常愛你。我告訴過你我會出現 Thanks, man 你現在想讓我跳起來享受Ursula生活嗎?嗨,謝謝你。哦 Big chunga's for December 2018 died February 2019 cuz of death murdered by Karen, Chungas 見鬼,是的 That's f-ing Karen. Goose Wayne is in the game! look at that. Okay a tombstone 感謝困倦和菲利克斯的方式,你不能打破那桶 okay why 得到我想要的。好的,但是你必須要那個屋頂。哦 oh shi- Goose! you forgot your mask! 天啊,哦 That's great that's so fun. I can't believe you made this in two weeks 所有的貨幣化點。你值得菲利克斯。啊 Well fourteen days and I cheated a little bit I threw in a couple extra days 謝啦 well, regardless, 2018年12月的大chunga在2019年2月去世,死於Karen,Chagas被殺害 Oh You got Phill!! well- you got Phill man! wow, thanks, man! Oh, that's awesome 這已經被大師Swain帶入了遊戲中。墓碑 Thank you. Thank you. Dr. Phill. 因為好吧為什麼 I stole his lines from YouTube videos 永遠不會死。哦,好,你忘了你的男人。哦 You know 那真是太好玩了。我不敢相信你在兩週內做到了這一點 Thanks, dr. Bill. Thank you so much 好了十四天,我又騙了一點,我又扔了幾天 Would you like to go or get the treatment Oh to go get the treatment 好吧,不管,哦 So I just it's just a quick trip on this rocket your long lent it to me Wow Ilan 你必須感覺良好,你有仙境哇,謝謝,伙計。哦,太棒了 Thank you for such an occasion. It's reusable and runs on CBD oil Wow 謝謝。謝謝。貝爾博士。一世 We've got a brand new state-of-the-art 為YouTube視頻偷了他的台詞 Rancho Mirage, it'd be helpful. Where youtuber suffering from PTSD after the sub but uprising 你懂 Oh, and it's also been particularly helpful 謝謝,博士。法案。非常感謝 to their subscribers as well ages nine and 你想去或得到治療哦去接受治療 So what do you say Felix come get treatment at the ranch? 所以我只是在這個火箭上快速旅行你長期借給我的Wow Ilan It only costs 600 monetization points now get in that rocket at a crisis arranger. Oh 謝謝你這樣的場合。它是可重複使用的並且在CBD油哇上運行 Yeah, I like how are you in the rocket is silently already I was lonely now 我們擁有全新的先進技術 300 days aboard that cold and grant rocket Rancho Mirage,它會很有幫助。在你的分支但起義之後你患有創傷後應激障礙的地方 Felt like a lifetime 哦,它也特別有幫助 Supply for running there. I was scared. I was very sad. I would hungry I 他們的訂閱者以及9歲和9歲 Was even tempted to eat one of my leg 那麼你怎麼說菲利克斯在牧場得到治療? Whoa, I love it beware 現在只有600個貨幣化點才能在危機編制者的火箭中獲得。哦 psychotics psychotic nine-year-olds memory loyalty to fugitive peopie has led to psychosis and 是的,我喜歡你在火箭中是如何默默擁有的我現在已經很孤獨了 self-mutilation of the legs 在寒冷和授權火箭上300天 Wait a minute 感覺就像一輩子 My god the nine-year-old they don't have legs 供應在那裡運行。我被嚇到了。我很傷心。我會餓我的 What do you think oh 甚至想吃我的一條腿 My god are those cows 哇,我喜歡它 What is happening back there? Tell us what is happening right there? 精神病患者精神病九歲的記憶忠誠於逃亡的人,導致了精神病和精神病 So part of the reason dude why the nine year olds don't have legs 腿部自殘 I mean obviously it's a story telling it but the main reason is because I was running really low on time, hahaha 等一下 And so animating legs is like one of the hardest things to do. Oh, really? 我的上帝九歲,他們沒有腿 For me at least like your character. Well, it took forever to animate. It looks like the running say nice 你覺得怎麼樣哦 but I didn't want to have to do it for the 9 year olds like 我的上帝是那些奶牛 It is 那裡發生了什麼?告訴我們那裡發生了什麼? it's 所以部分原因是為什麼九歲的孩子沒有腿 So should I go to the right first or should I go up here? ,我的意思是,這是一個故事,但主要原因是因為我的運行時間非常低,哈哈哈 Did you talk to the rover? No, I'll do that then go talk. Yeah, go talk to the robot 因此,動畫腿是最困難的事情之一。真的嗎? can can you please get me my 對我來說,至少喜歡你的角色。嗯,它需要永遠的動畫。看起來跑步說得好聽 Bleep bleep. Oh 但我不想為9歲的孩子做這樣的事情 battery's 它是 About this yeah, what was cool about this is I I had no idea what I wanted to do 它的 I just knew I needed to block the player from getting to the right of the screen 我應該首先去右邊還是應該去這裡? Ah, so you're on your audience said hey put the Mars rover and then right next to it to block it put the Tesla. Oh 你跟流浪者說話了嗎?不,我會這樣做,然後去談談。是的,去和機器人談談吧 oh, yeah, and so it crash-landed into Mars because it's that whatever Oh 你可以請我幫我 The Roadster, yeah, that's great. How do I get up there? So they bake there we go 嗶嗶聲。哦 Occupy Mars is that Elon? ELON!!!, hi felix 電池 Have you seen this 關於這個是的,這很酷的是我不知道我想做什麼 Is he looking at meme? it's a dead dolphin 我只知道我需要阻止播放器進入屏幕右側 Anyways, would you buy my flamethrower for just one month this Asian coin? 啊,所以你在觀眾面前說嘿把火星探測器然後就在它旁邊阻擋它放特斯拉。哦 Well, actually it's not really a flamethrower if it was it would cost 1 million monetization points 哦,是的,所以它墜入了火星,因為無論如何哦 So I'm giving you a steal. Okay, I'll take it now 跑車,是的,這很棒。我怎麼去那裡?所以他們在那裡烤我們去 Should have a so why he lives there damn it 佔據火星是真主阿拉,我是費城 Well the way the reason is dr. Phil man, he just stranded him there and stole his rocket 你見過這個嗎 But you right you right click Felix shoot the flamethrower 如果你在看我,這是一個TED演講 I'll be careful you go run out. Sorry 無論如何,你會用這個亞洲硬幣購買我的火焰噴射器一個月嗎? This is a deer. Yeah, dude. It's the dolphin. I mean a dolphin of course. Oh 嗯,實際上它不是真正的火焰噴射器,如果它將花費100萬貨幣化點 Wait, so I need the battery. I got the batteries 所以我給你一塊鋼鐵。好的,我現在就接受 Yep. Oh, I see. It is definitely the Tesla I like that 應該有一個為什麼他住在那裡該死的 Thank you. That feels better. Wait. I think you put them in wrong 好吧,原因是博士。菲爾,他只是把他困在那裡並偷走了他的火箭 I 但你右鍵點擊Felix射擊火焰噴射器 Could hear their this. Okay good you get saved. Now you're doing good. Yeah 我會小心你跑出去的。抱歉 Yeah, dude, I didn't expect the reasons long. Should I use the flamethrower these? 這是一隻鹿。是啊老兄。這是海豚。我當然是指海豚。哦 Yeah, I mean fuck it's what everyone let's just talk to Edgar when you can. All right, let's talk tiger. It's okay Oh 等等,所以我需要電池。我拿到了電池 Rarely tells me the sub bus locked me in here 是的。原來如此。絕對是我喜歡的特斯拉 They sent my ransom for one thousand monetization coins 謝謝。感覺好多了。等待。我認為你把它們弄錯了 Okay, Edgar, haha 一世 Enjoy your time in there and yeah, you're gonna stay there. Oh, 可以聽到他們的這個。好的,你得救了。現在你做得很好。是啊 God, it's the last stand buddy. God. Damn. You went all out of it Oh 是的,伙計,我沒想到原因很長。我應該使用這些火焰噴射器嗎? triple kill, baby 是的,我的意思是他媽的這就是每個人只要和埃德加談談的話。好吧,讓我們談談老虎吧。沒關係哦 Nice 很少告訴我子公共汽車把我鎖在這裡 Okay, I'm gonna have five hundred wait sigh I mean a lot more 他們把我的贖金送給了一千個貨幣硬幣 You'll find him I I added some really big ones that you can select okay, you'll be good by nine-year-old 好的,埃德加,哈哈 Those nine year olds a bite you in the butt 在那裡享受你的時間,是的,你會留在那裡。哦, in the back 上帝,這是最後一個夥伴。神。該死的。你全力以赴哦 Well goddamn look at this 三重殺,寶貝 Dude seriously before this fall I literally made a bill that's delete like makes the boss like half is easy 尼斯 Oh just in case just in case 好吧,我會有五百個等待的嘆息,我的意思是更多 You can't you can't beat it and we'll play that- come on Thomas 你會發現他添加了一些非常大的你可以選擇好的,9歲時你會很好 What are you thinking me? There? It is a thousand Edgar. Ah 那些九歲的孩子咬你的屁股 You fell for it. What? 在後面 Give me those going ever since he got so famous. You never gave me attention 那該死的看著這個 so I made sure your little friends Jack Mark and 老兄在今年秋天之前認真地做了一個法案,這個刪除就像老闆一樣容易 Marcia and Brad came with me and now we're gonna make sure everyone pays 哦,萬一以防萬一 Edgar hey Alex I got 你不能不能擊敗它,我們會在湯姆上播放它 No 你在想我什麼?那裡?這是一千埃德加。啊 Fun facts here shilling. Yes. That's my boy. I was just about to ask. That's great 你墮落了。什麼? Edgar okay 自從他如此出名以來,給我那些去過的東西。你從來沒有給我注意 Get down here 所以我確保你的小朋友傑克馬克和 Okay 瑪西婭和布拉德跟我來了,現在我們要確保每個人付錢 All right. What do I do Thomas? 埃德加嘿亞歷克斯我得到了 It beeped. Well, you just configure what which what do you think Edgar would do trying people EPIRBs somewhere? Oh 沒有 My god stop it, I got bad dog. What does he do? 有趣的事實在這裡先令。是。這是我的男孩。我正要問。那很棒 Oh, I see Oh God 埃德加好的 Come on oh 來到這裡 Yeah, I say it was that that was Jack oh, okay. Sorry I Jack you're gonna have to stay there for a while 好的 And 行。托馬斯怎麼辦? That was my voice as well really I'm trying to be Marcia that was beautiful 它好起來了。好吧,你只需配置一下你認為Edgar會在某處嘗試人們的EPIRB會怎麼樣?哦 Okay, so alive 我的上帝阻止它,我得到了壞狗。他做什麼的? You're doing good. Just two more. I like how they're just they're dangling 哦,我明白了哦 Showing up their legs 來吧哦 I'm surprised 是的,我說那是傑克哦,好的。對不起,傑克你要在那兒待一會兒 And I think that's smart 和 So what about yes gone up 那是我的聲音,我真的想成為美麗的瑪西婭 And the G-fuel I'll take it, i'll take it 好的,活著 You can't come up- OHH THEY CAN!! AHAHHA 你做得很好。還有兩個。我喜歡他們只是在晃來晃去 you got this 抬起他們的腿 oh god I should go for the- 我很驚訝 oh dude, Holy crap. you gonna beat it on ur first try! 而且我覺得這很聰明 FIRST TRY BABYY!! 那麼是什麼呢? HOLY SHI- 和便宜的交易我會接受哦,哦 HELL YEAA 你不能再來了。哈哈 you just beat it on your first try 哦 AACK 上帝,我應該去那 oh. *just realise it's just edgar* 我很抱歉造成了大災難 EDGAR!! 我嫉妒,我是一隻壞狗。不,你不是一個壞狗 that's so cute uwu 警察會給我這可能是一個可怕的說法,但這個核武器即將建立 felix aww 你能幫我離開這兒嗎? I'm so sorry for causing an apocalypse 感謝上帝,火箭已經足夠你了,我正在為我的朋友們表演。哦,太好了 No you weren't a bad dog 至於我,我很高興我最後一次見到他們哦很高興我能說再見 Please forgive me this might be a terrible segue... but... this nuke is about to blow... 它怎麼樣?他們9歲的孩子常常打電話給我。是啊,沒錯 Can you help me get out of here? 可愛派。我叫PewDiePie Oh, wow. great acting 托馬斯你殺了他們很棒的工作 As for me, I'm just glad I could see them one last time Oh glad I could say goodbye 他們當然是男人,不是他們讓他們做了這件事他們做得很好 How was it? The nine-year-olds used to call me. Yeah, that's right 我將鏈接到遊戲。你們可以下載它。看看並支持托馬斯 PEWDIEpie. 是的,如果您想支持,可以在HIO頁面上留言。這是一款免費遊戲 my name 所以隨意免費下載 is PewDiePie 如果你想訂閱PewDiePie的頻道,我會愛你玩它 (>w 請注意,如果您已經訂閱了PewDiePie訂閱我的頻道,我每天都會直播 Thomas you killed it. amazing job. 謝謝你們觀看。猜猜是的 They have of course by man, no they made they made this thing and they did a good job 再見。好的。多謝你們。再見 I'll link to the game. You guys can download it. Check it out and support Thomas Yeah, if you want to support you can leave a tip on the HIO page. It's a free game So feel free to download it for free I'd love you to play it and if you want to subscribe to PewDiePie's channel Please do and if you already have subscribed to PewDiePie subscribe to my channel, I do live streaming every day Thanks guys for watching. Guess that's a Bye, bye. Alright. Thanks guys. Bye
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 托馬斯 菲利克斯 遊戲 墓地 上帝 零死神,Pewdiepie遊戲! (Zero Death, Pewdiepie game!) 13 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字